NOAA 2001-R402
Contact: Connie Barclay


The U.S. Commerce Department today announced the members of the new Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Council and issued a call for more applications for all alternate positions.

Last month, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Reserve was designated to conserve one of the country's most precious coral reef areas. As part of the reserve establishment, the secretary of commerce was directed to establish a Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Council, in accordance with the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

The role of the Council will be to provide advice to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an agency of the Department of Commerce, on the Reserve Operations Plan and the designation and management of the proposed Northwestern Hawaiian Island National Marine Sanctuary. The Council will play an important role in helping shape these initiatives, which will provide lasting protection to the marine resources of the reserve and sanctuary.

The newly appointed representatives to the council include individuals from a broad range of interest groups and backgrounds. Ensuring the diversity of the council and the interests the members represent was paramount in the selection process.

The council will operate under a charter developed by NOAA, which prescribes the frequency of meetings, objectives and roles, and operation of the council. All travel costs to meeting locations for council members will be paid by NOAA. Council meetings will be open to the public.

In addition, the National Marine Sanctuary System is accepting applications from interested individuals for alternates for the following positions on the council: Native Hawaiian (3 positions, including one elder); research (3 positions); conservation (3 positions); commercial fishing; recreational fishing; ocean-related tourism; education; and citizen-at-large. All individuals who have previously applied do not need to reapply and remain in the competitive pool for the alternates. Applications may be obtained online at and must be received by March 2.

For additional information contact Elizabeth Moore at (301) 713-3125 Ext. 170 or write to 1305 East-West Highway/11th floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910. You may also request information by e-mail:

The new NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Advisory Council's voting representatives include the following:

Native Hawaiian:
Edward Ayau
Louis Agard (elder)
Guy Kaululukui
Alan Friedlander
Bill Gilmartin
Don Schug
Dave Raney
Paul Achitoff
Laura Thompson
Commercial Fishing: Bob Gomes
Recreational Fishing: Rick Gaffney
Ocean-Related Tourism: Linda Bail
Education: Cynthia Hunter
Citizen-At-Large: Isaac Harp
State of Hawaii:
Timothy E. Johns

And non-voting representatives from the following agencies:
Department of Defense
Department of the Interior
Department of State
Marine Mammal Commission
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Science Foundation
U.S. Coast Guard
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary