12/21/01 NOAA Assumes Operational Control of New Weather
Satellite 12/14/01 Santa Asks NOAA: Who Will Have a White Christmas? 12/13/01 Winter Weather Patterns Begin to Take Shape 12/13/10 NOAA to Aid NORAD in Tracking Santa Claus 12/11/01 NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown Returns to Charleston after Year of Global Climate and Other Research 12/11/01 NOAA Wins First Prosecution Using Satellite-based Vessel Monitoring System 12/10/01 Conrad Lautenbacher Is the New NOAA Administrator 12/10/01 2nd Annual National Severe Weather Workshop to Be Held March 1 & 2 12/6/01 NOAA Places Interactive Snowfall Maps and Data Online 12/5/01 Commerce Deputy Secretary Bodman Announces $34 Million Funding for Coral Reef Conservation 12/4/01 Commerce Department Awards Silver Medal to Grants Pass, Oregon Native 12/4/01 Research Season a Success' for NOAA Hurricane Scientists, Colleagues 12/1/01 NOAA Renames Tsunami Center in Memory of Hawaii Weather Official 11/30/01 Conrad Lautenbacher to Take Helm at NOAA 11/29/01 2001 Atlantic Hurricane Season Continues Trend For Heightened Storm Activity 11/29/01 Donald R. Johnson Named NOAA Special Project Scientist 11/28/01 U.S. Opposes Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Overfishing Annual ICCAT Meeting Ends Without Approval Of Key Measures 11/27/01 NOAA Fisheries Extends Deadline for Public Comments about Proposed TEDs Modifications 11/26/01 NOAA Fisheries Launches Pacific Albacore Tuna Tagging Program 11/20/01 NOAA and Other Agencies Team up to Haul in More than 60 Tons of Marine Debris 11/20/01 October 2001 Global Temperature Warmest on Record, U.s. Temperature Slightly above Average 11/16/01 New Iceberg "Calves" in the Amundsen Sea in Antarctica, National Ice Center Reports 11/16/01 New Weather Product Helps Pilots Avoid Dangerous Storms 11/15/01 New Weather Station on Lake St. Clair Lighthouse Gives Forecasters, Mariners Crucial Data 11/15/01 NOAA, Ocean Trust and National Fisheries Institute Announce Three-year Plans for Habitat Restoration 1/15/01 NOAA Provides $250,000 to the Gulf of Mexico Foundation 11/13/01 NOAA Fisheries Awards $4 Million Contract to Austin Firm 11/9/01 Administration Initiates New Salmon Restoration Efforts 11/7/01 NOAA Fisheries and American Sportfishing Association Provide $1 Million to Restore Fish Habitat 11/7/01 NOAA Provides $100,000 for Chesapeake Bay Habitat Restoration to the National Aquarium in Baltimore 11/6/01 NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Impacts to Steller Sea Lions 11/5/01 NOAA Fisheries to Use Modified Techniques in next Year's Shark Stock Assessment 11/2/01 NOAA's David Kennedy Awarded Meritorious Executive Award 11/2/01 Flood Outlook Product Declared Operational by National Weather Service 11/1/01 NOAA's National Weather Service Rolls Out New Wind Chill Temperature Index 11/1/01 NOAA Radar Hotline Celebrates 10 Years of Worldwide Assistance 10/29/01 Noted National Weather Service Official Dies in Honolulu 10/29/01 NOAA's Mary Glackin Receives 2001 Presidential Rank Award 10/29/01 NOAA and the National Space Club Seek Nominations for Prestigious NOAA-David Johnson Award 10/29/01 James Purdom, Formerly of NOAA, Receives 2001 Presidential Rank Award 10/25/01 NOAA, Trout Unlimited Join Forces for Coastal Habitat Restoration 10/24/01 NOAA Announces New "Environomics" Program That Links Weather, Climate to Economy 10/23/01 New $15 Million NOAA Education Initiative for Minority-serving Institutions Detailed by Commerce Deputy Secretary Bodman 10/23/01 NOAA Fisheries Appoints National Seabird Coordinator 10/22/01 NOAA Science Advisory Board Seeks Public Input on Western Water Issues 10/19/01 NOAA Awards $2.5 Million to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 10/19/01 Teacher Chris Brothers of Falmouth Gets Hands-On Research Experience Aboard NOAA Ship 10/18/01 NOAA Fisheries Announces Public Hearings to Discuss Proposed Turtle Excluder Device Regulations 10/18/01 NOAA Reports U.S. to Face Another Cool Winter 10/17/01 NOAA Awards $2.5 Million to University of Maryland Eastern Shore 10/17/01 NOAA Makes New Tree Ring Data Available 10/17/01 Two Miami Ocean Specialists Named NOAA Research Employees of the Year 10/17/01 Lake City Researcher Named NOAA Research Employee of the Year 10/16/01 NOAA, NASA Report 2001 Ozone Hole Similar in Size to Holes of past Three Years 10/4/01 NOAA'S National Weather Service Launches Campaign to Warn Against Severe Alaska Winter Weather 10/2/01 NOAA Fisheries Seeks TEDS Modifications 10/1/01 NOAA Celebrates Ocean Exploration Missions; Honors Senator Hollings During Charleston Waterfront Event 10/1/01 NOAA's Satellites Reveal Drought Conditions in 20 Percent of the World 9/28/01 NOAA's National Climatic Data Center Celebrates 50 Years of Service 9/26/01 National Estuaries Day Celebration Focuses on Education 9/26/01 Summer 2001 Fifth Warmest on Record for U.S. Conditions Dry in the Northwest, Wet in Southern Gulf 9/25/01 Solar Storm Approaching Earth: Northern Lights Possible 9/24/01 Workshop Addresses Pacific Northwest Weather Outlook and Energy Resources 9/24/01 NOAA Provides Search and Rescue, Navigation Assistance to Volvo Ocean Race 9/24/01 NOAA Awards $15 Million Educational Package to Minority Serving Institutions 9/20/01 NOAA Awards $8.7 Million Doppler Radar Contract to Enterprise Electronics Corporation 9/20/01 NOAA to Provide New Doppler Radar Unit for Evansville, Ind., Area 9/20/01 Entangled Right Whale Feared Dead 9/17/01 Federal Agencies Seek Information and Comment on Salmon Recovery 9/17/01 NOAA Fisheries Special Agents Assist in Disaster Investigation 9/17/01 NOAA AND NASA Keeping Close Watch on Ozone Hole over Antarctica 9/12/01 NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Impacts on Marine Mammals During Repairs to Carpinteria Oil and Gas Processing Facility 9/10/01 NOAA Fisheries Wants Input on New Research Plan 9/6/01 NOAA Updates What Defines Normal Temperature 9/4/01 100 Scientists Join NOAA/NSF Led Climate Study Cruise 8/31/01 Teacher Jennifer Richards of Poway, Calif., to Get Hands-On Research Experience Aboard NOAA Ship 8/30/01 NOAA Explores Deep Sea Areas of Gulf Stream and South Atlantic 8/30/01 Goldbutte Resident to Receive National Award for 59 Years of Continuous Weather Data Collection 8/27/01 NOAA Fisheries Collects Recreational Fish Data in Hawaii 8/23/01 NOAA Fisheries Approves Program to Make West Coast Sablefish Harvest Safer, More Efficient 8/22/01 NOAA Unveils Proposed Salmon Rule 8/21/01 Unraveling the Mystery of Underwater Volcanoes 8/17/01 NOAA Fisheries Biologist to Lead American Fisheries Society 8/17/01 NOAA's New Environmental Satellite Snaps First Image 8/17/01 NOAA Delivers Life-saving Disaster-preparedness Infrastructure and Systems to Central America 8/17/01 NOAA Honors Students with the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Award 8/16/01 Scientific Study Tracks Giant Bluefin Tunas Across Atlantic 8/13/01 NOAA'S Newest Environmental Satellite Reaches Orbit 8/10/01 NOAA Hurricane Scientists Test New Forecast Devices During Tropical Storm Barry 8/9/01 NOAA Ups Hurricane Forecast a Notch as Peak Season Begins 8/9/01 NOAA Weather Radio Gets New Voice 8/9/01 NOAA Partnership with Jackson State University Brings $2.3 Million in Research Funding 8/7/01 NOAA Fisheries to Review Declines in Northwest Orca Population 8/6/01 NOAA to Participate in Tsunami Review, International Symposium 8/3/01 New Bedford and Dutch Harbor-unalaska Share Nation's Top Fishing Port for 2000 8/1/01 Draft Ship Strike Report Urges Restrictions on Ships to Protect Endangered Right Whales 7/31/01 New "Meteorologist in Charge" Joins National Weather Service Forecast Office in Fort Worth 7/26/01 "Women of Color" Technology Conference Honors NOAA Women National Weather Service Women Receive Technology All-star Awards 7/26/01 Americans Ate More Seafood in 2000 7/25/01 NOAA Provides Central America Life Saving Satellite Weather Technology 7/23/01 Newest NOAA Environmental Satellite Launched to Detect Harmful Solar flares and Gather Weather Data 7/19/01 NOAA'S Models and Satellites Help Chesapeake Bay Swimmers Avoid Jellyfish 7/19/01 NOAA Scientists Say Active Hurricane Era Will Continue 7/16/01 Civil War Ironclad USS Monitor Steam Engine Recovered 7/13/01 NOAA Fisheries Announces Proposed Rule to Protect Sharks in Federal Waters 7/13/01 Federal Government Reaffirms Makah Indian Whaling Rights 7/13/01 NOAA Ocean Scientists Explore Depths of Oregon's Astoria Canyon 7/12/01 Commerce Department Report Finds Northeast Anglers Spent $4.5 Billion Fishing in 1998 7/11/01 NOAA Charges Suspects with Illegally Dumping Material to Create Lobster Habitat 7/10/01 NOAA, Oregon State Scientists Reveal Mysteries of Unexplored Astoria Canyon 7/10/01 NOAA, Coast Guard Gain Approval for Greater Ship Safety Along Olympic Coast 7/10/01 NOAA Receives Initial Green Light to Extend International Protection to the Florida Keys 7/7/01 NOAA Enters into Landmark Public-private Partnership to Protect Nation's Estuaries 7/2/01 First-ever Fish Count on Stellwagen Bank Seeks Biological Riches 7/1/01 Florida's Tortugas Becomes Nation's Largest Marine Reserve 6/29/01 NOAA Awards Contract to Support Satellite Search and Rescue, and Data Collection Systems 6/28/01 NOAA Fisheries Announces Emergency Rule in Virginia
Waters to Protect Sea Turtles 6/27/01 NOAA Develops New Internet Tracking of Permits for Endangered Salmon Species in Northwest 6/26/01 Commerce Secretary Evans Announces 2001 Ocean Fishery Council Appointments 6/21/01 NOAA, NASA to Launch New Environmental Satellite That Will Detect Solar Storms 6/21/01 NOAA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of First Flight of Noaa P-3 Hurricane Hunter Aircraft on June 27 6/21/01 NOAA Science Advisory Board Focuses on Fish 6/19/01 NOAA Hosts Renowned Explorer Robert Ballard During Visit to Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary/underwater Preserve 6/19/01 NOAA Joins Federal Partners at Industry Fair to Promote the Nation's Marine 6/19/01 Lightning Kills, Play it Safe; NOAA and PGA TOUR Alert Public 6/19/01 NOAA, NASA Officials to Hold Press Briefing on New Goes-m Satellite Launch 6/19/01 NOAA and PGA Tours' Rocco Mediate Spotlight Weather Killer Lightning 6/18/01 NOAA Fisheries Issues New Requirements for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Charter and Headboat Permits 6/15/01 Team Preps for Whale Rescue 6/14/01 NOAA'S National Weather Service Honors Idaho Communities for Earning "StormReady" Designation 6/14/01 Science Girls Go to the White House 6/14/01 NOAA Joins Federal Partners at Industry Fair to Promote the Nation's Marine Transportation System 6/14/01 Endangered United States Atlantic Salmon Gain Protections Through New International Agreement 6/12/01 Decline of Tiny Shrimp in Northern Lake Michigan May Hurt Fish and Lake Sport Fish, Says NOAA 6/12/01 NOAA Calculates Amount of Rainfall Needed to End Droughts Around the Country 6/8/01 Community-based Restoration Partnership Benefits Chesapeake Bay Wetlands 6/8/01 Discoverer of the Titanic Helps Map Michigan Shipwrecks in Thunder Bay Sanctuary 6/6/01 NOAA Fisheries and Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Join to Restore Black Bayou Fish Habitat 5/30/01 Report Says Recreational Losses from Chalk Point Oil Spill Valued at $453,500 5/29/01 Commerce Department Lists California White Abalone as Endangered 5/24/01 NOAA, U.S. Navy to Raise Engine of Civil War Ironclad USS Monitor from Ocean Floor 5/24/01 Florida Based National Hurricane Center Forecaster Receives National Weather Service's Highest Honor 5/23/01 Steller Sea Lion Research Projects Selected for Funding Grants Should Be Awarded in Time for Summer Season 5/23/01 NOAA Honors Sixteen for Supporting Noaa Weather Radio 5/22/01 President Bush Proclaims Hurricane Awareness Week 5/21/01 Hurricane Forecasters Expect Normal Atlantic Storm Activity in 2001 5/17/01 Summer 2001 Outlook Shows Little Relief for Drought, More Rain for Midwest 5/16/01 Florida Based National Hurricane Center Forecaster Receives National Weather Service's Highest Honor 5/16/01 NOAA Honors Tennessee Emergency Management Agency 5/16/01 NOAA Honors Jasper County, Miss., Teenager 5/16/01 NOAA Honors Beebe, Ark., Public School Superintendent 5/16/01 NOAA Buoy Keeps Eye On Coral Reefs; Warns of Bleaching 5/9/01 The Nation's Seventh Uniformed Service Reaches Milestone with Graduation of 100th Basic Officer Training Class 5/8/01 NOAA Scientists Receive Awards for Work on Galapagos Islands Oil Spill 5/8/01 NOAA'S GOES-2 Satellite Boosted out of Former Orbit to Make Room for New 5/7/01 NOAA Announces East Coast Hurricane Awareness Tour 5/4/01 New NOAA Web Site Provides One-Stop Shopping For Information on the Ozone Layer 5/3/01 Storm Prediction Center Director Hosts Web Chat with GLOBE Students 5/3/01 NOAA to Hold GOES Satellite Users' Conference 5/2/01 Public Meeting on Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) 5/2/01 Warren Hall Named Chief Financial Officer of NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 5/1/01 NOAA Biological Research Cruise Goes Digital: Data Now Available in Days, Not Months 4/30/01 Turning Environmental Data into Knowledge 4/26/01 NOAA's National Ocean Service to Send Almost $150 Million to Coastal Communities in Seven States 4/23/01 Commerce Department Seeks Advice on $10 Million Northeast Groundfish Permit Buyout 4/23/01 NOAA Hails Bolivar County Volunteers as "Environmental Heroes" 4/22/01 NOAA Honors Environmental Heroes; Applauds Reduction in Southeast Florida Drownings 4/20/01 NOAA Names Environmental Heroes 4/20/01 NOAA Celebrates Earth Day 2001 4/17/01 NOAA Fisheries Seeks Public Comment on Proposal to List Smalltooth Sawfish as Endangered 4/16/01 Independent Management Review Awards Weather Service All "A's" 4/16/01 Hurricane Awareness Tour Stresses Partnership, Preparation For 2001 Atlantic Hurricane Season 4/13/01 Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Michigan to Receive Funds for Shipwreck Inventory and Potential Visitor Center 4/13/01 Flower Garden Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Texas to Receive Funds for Resource Monitoring Program and Enhanced Education Outreach 4/13/01 Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Massachusetts to Receive Funds for Resource Survey and Visitor's Center 4/13/01 Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary in Washington to Receive Funds for Visitor Center, Monitoring and Resource Surveys 4/13/01 Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuaries in American Samoa to Receive Funds for Resource Monitoring Program and Education Activities 4/13/01 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuaries to Receive Funds for Resource Management and Education Center 4/13/01 Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary in Georgia to Receive Funds for Visitor Center and Resource Conservation 4/13/01 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to Receive Funds for Visitor Center, Enforcement and Resource Conservation 4/13/01 National Marine Sanctuaries in California to Receive Funds for Resource Monitoring Program and Education Activities 4/13/01 Monitor National Marine Sanctuary in Virginia to Receive Funds for Recovery Efforts and Resource Center 4/12/01 President's Budget Slates $6 Million for South Carolina Coastal Management Projects 4/12/01 President's Budget Slates $110 Million for Natural Resource Management and Weather Services Projects in Pacific Northwest and Alaska 4/12/01 President's Budget Slates $20 Million for New England Fisheries Projects 4/11/01 National Weather Service Declares Hurricane Awareness Week; Unveils New Hurricane Awareness Web Site 4/9/01 President's Budget Slates $110 Million for Natural Resource Management and Weather Services Projects in Pacific Northwest and Alaska 4/9/01 President's Budget Slates $20 Million for New England Fisheries Projects 4/9/01 President Proposes over $11 Million for Florida Conservation And Hurricane Prediction Projects 4/9/01 President's Budget for Commerce Department/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration FY 2002 4/4/01 NOAA Scientists Link Atlantic Ocean Temperatures To South Florida Long-term Flood/ Drought Cycles 4/4/01 NOAA Fisheries Has Longline Fishermen Continue Carrying Simple Tools to Untangle Sea Turtles 4/3/01 NOAA Seeking Research and Development Proposals for Projects to Strengthen and Improve the U.S. Fishing Industry 3/30/01 NOAA Scientist Receives Prestigious NOAA-David Johnson Award 3/30/01 Klamath Mountains Steelhead Among the Region's More AbundantFederal Protection Won't Be Needed, Fisheries Service Says 3/30/01 Lt. Cmdr. Michael Abbott, NOAA Corps, Assumes Command of NOAA Ship Albatross IV in Woods Hole 3/26/01 NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Analysis 3/26/01 NOAA's National Ocean Service Seeks Applications For New Scholarship Program 3/23/01 April Is Tsunami Awareness Month in Hawaii 3/21/01 NOAA-16 Replaces Older Environmental Satellite 3/20/01 NOAA, NSF and Partners Study Asian Air Particles 3/19/01 NOAA Seeks Comments on U.S. Navy's Proposal to Deploy its Low Frequency Active Sonar System Worldwide 3/16/01 Special NOAA Aircraft Gauges New England Snow Pack to Predict Possible Spring Floods 3/16/01 NOAA Ship Rainier to Do Emergency Post-Earthquake Surveys in Puget Sound to Assess Underwater Landslides 3/15/01 Spring Outlook Calls for Flood Potential, Continued Drought 3/13/01 NOAA Honors John W. Hill, Aircraft Operations Center, with its First-Ever Employee of the Month Award 3/13/01 NOAA Science Advisory Board Discusses Science, Research Programs 3/13/01 Winter 2001: Cooler than normal winter in much of the U.S.; Warmest Winter on Record in Alaska; Extremely dry conditions in much of the Southeast and Northwest 3/13/01 Pennsylvania Teacher Spends Sabbatical at Sea With NOAA Studying Climate 3/12/01 National Weather Service Releases Service Assessment Report for Northwest Wildfires of 2000 3/9/01 U.S. and Canada Invite Managers and Scientists to Satellite Symposium 3/7/01 Hurricane Awareness and Outreach Are Critical to Public Safety 3/2/01 Storm Prediction Center Helps Communities Better Prepare for Threats 3/2/01 Researchers Developing Radar of the Future 3/2/01 NOAA and National Weather Service Remind Americans To Be Prepared for Tornado Season 3/1/01 Texas Droughts Extreme for past 15 Years, NOAA Reports 2/28/01 NOAA Fisheries Releases a National Plan of Action to Protect Seabirds 2/24/01 Pacific Winter Storm Experiments a Success 2/22/01 New Report Examines Causes and Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms in U.S. Waters 2/21/01 NOAA Fisheries Enforces Marine Mammal Protection Act 2/15/01 NOAA Fisheries Releases a National Plan of Action to Conserve and Manage Sharks 2/15/01 Public Meetings to Discuss Alaska Groundfish SEIS 2/15/01 Gulf of Mexico Grouper Closure to Be Closely Monitored 2/15/01 National Severe Storms Laboratory Announces Reorganization 2/15/01 Satellites and Education Conference to Be Held March 7-9, NOAA Announces 2/14/01 NOAA's National Oceanographic Data Center Celebrates 40 Years of Service 2/13/01 NOAA Works To Improve Forecasts For Winter Storms 2/13/01 NOAA fisheries website offers research and literature about effects of fishing gear on fish habitat 2/9/01 NOAA/Louisiana DNR Award Three Contracts Totaling $632,000 to Plant Marsh and Dune Vegetation on Barrier Islands 2/9/01 Researchers Try to Unravel Mystery of Air Turbulence A Major Hazard to Aviation 2/9/01 Commerce Dept. Announces $8 Million for Habitat Projects, Calls for New National and Regional Restoration Partners 2/8/01 Red Snapper Poacher Ordered to Pay $18,000 2/8/01 Scientists Discover New Keys to Arctic Ozone Loss 2/7/01 State and Feds Improve Coordination of Alaska Coastal Zone 2/6/01 Staton Named CIO at National Weather Service 2/5/01 Is it Really Warmer Now than When You Were a Kid? Find Out on New NOAA Web Site 2/5/01 NOAA Fisheries Closes Area to Fishing for Horseshoe Crabs 2/2/01 Status of U.S. Fish Stocks Updated in NOAA Fisheries' Annual Report to Congress 2/1/01 Severe Drought Conditions/fire Danger Likely to Persist Throughout Central Florida 2/1/01 Cooperative Approach to Steller Sea Lion Research 1/31/01 Final Actions on Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Reserve Announced 1/30/01 NOAA Puts Groundhog to the Test 1/30/01 NOAA Places Desert Storm Satellite Images Online 1/30/01 NOAA Releases Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Fishery Management Plan for Coral Reef Ecosystems 1/30/01 NOAA Fisheries Seeks Public Comment on Proposed 2001 List of Fisheries 1/29/01 U.S. Commerce Department Announces Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Reserve Council 1/26/01 National Severe Weather Workshop Announced 1/26/01 NOAA Makes Splash With New Diving Manual 1/25/01 NOAA'S National Weather Service Sees the Return of La Niña Not Likely to Last 1/25/01 NOAA Fisheries Releases Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement 1/24/01 Rear Admiral Fields of NOAA Corps Honored by Dominion Virginia Power 1/23/01 NOAA Fisheries Looks at Long-term Solutions to Minimize Sea Turtle Strandings 1/23/01 NOAA Experiment Aims to Improve Winter Storm Forecasts along West Coast 1/19/01 NOAA Fisheries Announces Emergency Rule Establishing 2001 Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures and Groundfish Harvest Specifications 1/19/01 NOAA Panel Reviews Proposals to Build New Runways at San Francisco International Airport 1/19/01 Report Examines Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Areas and Marine Resources 1/18/01 Halter Marine of Gulfport, Miss., Awarded $38.3 Million Contract to Build New Fisheries Research Ship for NOAA 1/18/01 Moratorium Extended to Prohibit Hunting of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales 1/17/01 NOAA Scientist, Colleagues Honored By American Meteorological Society for Lake Forecast System 1/16/01 300 Years of Tree Ring Data Helps Colorado Water Managers Plan for Drought 1/16/01 Wealth of Environmental Data on Tap from the New England Weather Observation Network 1/16/01 21ST Century Ushers in New River Forecast Services 1/16/01 NOAA Retraces Inauguration Day Weather History 1/16/01 Robert L. Mairs Named Chief Information Officer of NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 1/16/01 National Weather Service Proposes Modernization of Cooperative Weather Observer Program 1/16/01 New System Gives Direct Access To Weather Radar Data 1/16/01 Supercomputer Upgrade Adds More Speed, Precision To NOAA's Weather Service Forecasts 1/16/01 National Weather Service Director Looks to Future 1/16/01 Cooperators Help Boost Growth in NOAA Weather Radio 1/15/01 Frost Days Decreasing across the United States Except in Southeast, NOAA Reports 1/15/01 NOAA Exploring Student Data for Climate Studies 1/12/01 Fisheries Service Issues Draft Environmental Assessment on Makah Gray Whale Hunt, Sets Public Hearing 1/12/01 Lee Dantzler Named Director of NOAA's National Oceanographic Data Center 1/12/01 Basta Named Director of the National Marine Sanctuary Program at NOAA's National Ocean Service 1/11/01 Secretary Mineta Announces Agreement on Whaling Workshop 1/10/01 Chance of Northeast Flooding Highest in Three Years 1/10/01 NOAA Scientist and Colleague Find Extreme Climate Event...Without Even Trying 1/9/01 National Weather Service Regional Director Honored by American Meteorological Society 1/9/01 NOAA's Weather Service Signs Agreement To Improve Vietnamese River, Flood Forecasts 1/8/01 NOAA's National Weather Service Southern Region Employees to Receive National Isaac Cline Awards 1/8/01 NOAA Fisheries Takes First Step in Developing Monitoring Plan for Short-tail Albatross 1/5/01 Record Cold Grips Much of the Nation in November and December |