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Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team

Volunteers at work in the community.

An OSM/VISTA Initiative


In 2002, the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) and AmeriCorps*VISTA created the Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team, an innovative partnership designed to bring environmental and economic improvement to communities. State by state, watershed by watershed, partnership by partnership, volunteer watershed groups are building on a deep tradition of hard work and close ties to community, to their land, and to a place, a watershed, they call home.


These are the new stewards of one of America's most ravaged and perhaps its most challenging environmental frontier. A region with a vast ecosystem of people, land, and water, all ready to be reclaimed and returned to both environmental and economic health. These watershed groups and their OSM/VISTA volunteers are pioneering in a land of hardy mountain pioneers. Their approach is grassroots at its strongest. This growing partnership is quietly bringing new strength and new hope to coal country.


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Office of Surface Mining, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20240   (202) 208-2719