OSM Seal Lands Unsuitable for Mining
Petitions processed
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Congress recognized that certain coal deposits cannot be mined without permanent damage to unique cultural or natural resources. As a result, the Surface Mining Law protects these resources in two ways: Following is a summary of decisions for Unsuitability Petitions submitted to the Office of Surface Mining from 1977 - present.

Petition Number Location Decision and Date
1Southern Utah (Alton)Interior Secretary declared eastern portion of Alton coal field and areas by Bryce Canyon National Park as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1980)
2Tongue River, MontanaDirector declined to designate petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1981)
3Shavers Fork, West VirginiaDirector declined to designate any part of the petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1981)
4Camp Swift, TexasDirector declined to designate petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1982)
5Red Rim, WyomingDirector declined to designate all or any part of petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1986)
6Front Range Airport, ColoradoDesignated unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1984)
7Black Diamond, WashingtonLake 12 and Green River Gorge Conservation Area designated unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1988)
8Rock Creek Watershed, TennesseeOSM designated the Sewanee coal seam within the Rock Creek Watershed and the Hall, Middle, and Rock Creek gorges as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1987)
9North Chickamauga Creek, TennesseeOSM did not designate any part of the petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining (signed 1988)
10Deep River,
North Carolina
The petition was returned to the petitioners because the allegations lacked serious merit and they presumed inadequate or no regulation of surface coal mining operations pursuant to the North Carolina Federal Program (decision 1988)
11Flat Fork, TennesseeOSM designated the entire petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining but allowed the use of the existing haulage road through the petition area to access coal reserves outside the designated area (signed 1990)
12Fern Lake, TennesseeOSM designated the entire petition area as unsuitable for surface coal mining but allowed underground mining of coal reserves from outside of the designated area (signed 1996)
13Fall Creek Falls, TennesseeOSM designated (1) the Cane, Meadow, and Fall Creek watersheds as unsuitable for surface coal mining; (2) the Piney Creek watershed as unsuitable for surface coal mining, provided that surface coal mining operations be permitted only in the upper portions of the watershed if a portion of the proposed operation includes previously mined areas and the permit applicant demonstrates that water quality in receiving streams will not be degraded; and (3) the Dry Fork watershed as suitable for surface coal mining (signed 2000)

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Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240