Abandoned Mine Land Program

Information about OSM's AML Program

 AML Program

Overview, pertinent parts of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 and the Code of Federal Regulations, and list of the Washington DC AML Team


OSM’s AML Inventory/Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System (AMLIS)


An inventory of AML problems eligible for funding by the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund created by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 

AML Fee reauthorization

An index to information about the extension of the abandoned mine land fee.



People Potentially at Risk

People Potentially at Risk From Priority 1 & 2 AML Hazards, White Paper

Current Status of AML Fund

Abandoned Mine Land Fund Status



Clean Streams Inititative

A broad-based citizen/industry/government program working to eliminate acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines.

Participating States & Indian Tribes

List and map showing who manages the AML program by State and Indian Tribe



 OSM's 2005 Annual Report

Contains information about OSM’s AML reclamation program.

State/Tribe Summaries

Summaries of Coal Mining Related Human Health & Safety (Priority 1 & 2) Problems by selected State or Indian Tribe




Office of Surface Mining financial grant information


AML Program Accomplishments


Reclamation Awards

Gives public recognition to those responsible for the nation's most outstanding land reclamation and to encourage the exchange and transfer of successful reclamation technology.

Remaining Problems

What still must be reclaimed





National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs

States and Indian Tribes have joined together to accomplish common goals and objectives related to the reclamation of abandoned mine lands.

Other AML Information

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