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SAMHSA News - November/December 2006, Volume 14, Number 6

SAMHSA News In Print 2006
Index—Volume 14

Index N–R

This index includes entries for six issues of SAMHSA News for 2006. Each issue is numbered: January/February (1), March/April (2), May/June (3), July/August (4), September/October (5), and November/December (6). Specific pages follow. Entries in italics are publications.


narcotic pain reliever use (2) 8; (3) 6; (5) 10

National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (5) 19

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (1) 9; (2) 16; (3) 14; (4) 17; (5) 10, 11

National Alliance on Mental Illness (3) 14, 16

National Anti-Stigma Campaign (5) 8; (6) 7

National Association of Drug Court Professionals (2) 2

National Association of Social Workers (3) 16

National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (4) 11; (5) 2, 3

National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (1) 13; (2) 19; (4) 11

National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (1) 11; (3) 10, 13; (4) 14

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (4) 4, 5

National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day (3) 16

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (1) 11; (2) 15; (4) 13, 14, 15; (6) 6

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (1) 8, 14, 19; (2) 6; (3) 10, 14, 15; (4) 7, 16, 17; (5) 15, 17; (6) 8, 12, 13, 14

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (3) 14

National Consensus Statement on Mental Health Recovery (2) 5

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (2) 13

National Directory of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Programs 2006 (4) 6

National Guard (3) 7, 8, 9, 11

National Incident Management System (4) 11

National Inhalant Prevention Coalition (2) 16

National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week (2) 16

National Institute of Mental Health (1) 15; (3) 13; (4) 12

National Institute on Drug Abuse (2) 16; (5) 1-4, 17

National Mental Health Association (3) 14, 16

National Mental Health Information Center (1) 6; (2) 5, 9, 17; (3) 10, 14; (4) 6, 17; (5) 13, 14

National Outcome Measures (2) 3, 15

National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (2) 19

National Response Plan (4) 11

National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza (1) 7

National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (5) 19

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (3) 13; (5) 16

National Suicide Prevention Resource Center (5) 16

National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (5) 12

National Survey on Drug Use and Health (1) 3, 6, 19; (2) 8, 10, 16; (3) 6, 14; (4) 2, 4; (5) 10-12

nongovernmental organizations (1) 15, 16; (4) 8

nursing home screening (4) 17

Nye, Michael (1) 5

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Office of Applied Studies (1) 6; (2) 16; (3) 14, 19; (5) 12, 19; (6) 9, 11

Office of National Drug Control Policy (1) 14; (2) 14

Older Adult Alcohol Admissions: 2003 (3) 19

older adults

admissions to treatment (3) 19

alcohol abuse (2) 8; (3) 19

opiate abuse (2) 8

substance abuse (2) 8; (3) 19

opiate/opioid abuse (2) 8, 12; (4) 16

opioid addiction treatment (5) 4-7, 15

over-the-counter drug abuse (4) 16

oxycodone abuse (4) 16

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pain-reliever abuse (3) 6; (5) 10

pandemic flu (1) 7

parent drug abuse (4) 4, 5

Partners for Recovery (2) 13

PASRR Screening for Mental Illness in Nursing Facility Applicants and Residents (4) 17

past-month drug use (3) 6; (5) 10

peer health educator (1) 2-5

peer-to-peer recovery (2) 6; (5) 16

pharmacotherapy (4) 13

polydrug use (5) 17

Points of Wellness—Partnering for Refugee Health & Well-Being (2) 9

post-disaster response (4) 12-14

post-traumatic stress (1) 10; (2) 16; (3) 7, 8, 9, 11; (4) 12-14

Power, A. Kathryn (1) 12; (2) 5, 17; (3) 2; (4) 10, 11; (5) 7, 8

preadmission screening and resident review (4) 17

prenatal exposure to drugs (4) 4

prescription drug abuse (3) 6; (4) 16; (5) 10; (6) 10, 11

President's 2006 budget (2) 14, 15

President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (1) 12; (2) 5, 13, 14; (4) 2, 3, 15; (5) 19

Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations: A Research-Based Guide (5) 17

Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (2) 15, 17

Protecting You/Protecting Me (4) 19

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (2) 15

psychological first aid (4) 11, 13, 15

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Quick Guides (5) 15

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Reach Out Now (1) 9; (2) 10, 11


 community services grants (5) 16

 from disasters (2) 7; (4) 1, 10-16; (5) 6, 7, 9

 from mental illness (1) 13; (2) 5, 13, 19; (3) 3, 5, 14

 from substance abuse (1) 13; (2) 3, 6, 13, 16; (3) 14

"Recovery and the Military: Treating Veterans and Their Families" (2) 16

Recovery Community Support Services (2) 6

Recovery Month (1) 9; (2) 16; (3) 14; (4) 17; (5) 10, 11

Refugee Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit (2) 9

refugee mental health (2) 9

Report to Congress on the Prevention and Treatment of Co-Occurring Substance Abuse Disorders and Mental Disorders (5) 14

research-based practices (5) 1-5

residential treatment facilities (5) 13

resilience (1) 11; (2) 13; (3) 7, 10; (4) 6, 12, 13, 15

restraint (4) 6

Results from the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings (5) 10

Retired Admissions: 2003 (2) 8

Road to Recovery 2006 (1) 9

Road to Recovery 2006 (2) 16

A Roadmap to Seclusion and Restraint Free Mental Health Services for Persons of All Ages (4) 6

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Inside This Issue

Electronic Records: Health Care in the 21st Century
Part 1
Part 2

System Requirements

From Dr. Broderick: Electronic Records: Transforming Behavioral Health Care

Database Tools To Assess Child Trauma

SAMHSA Launches Anti-Stigma Campaign

Lab Tests for Alcohol Abuse: SAMHSA Advisory

Who's Drinking? More Than Half Underage College Students

Misuse of Prescription Drugs: A National Concern

Nonmedical Use of Cough Medicine: DAWN Report

Young Adults & Prescription Pain Relievers

Stimulant Use Disorders: Evidence-Based Treatment Tools

Outpatient Treatment: TIPs 46 & 47

President Nominates Terry L. Cline

In Spanish: Anger Management Pubs

TIP 43: Erratum

SAMHSA News Index 2006
Index A–D
Index E–M
Index N–R
Index S–Y

SAMHSA News Information

SAMHSA News - November/December 2006, Volume 14, Number 6