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Research at PNNL

Environmental Sciences

From local to global, the complex interactions between human activities and their effects on the environment play a pivotal role in energy, environmental, and economic security. With the new landscape of terrorist threats at home and abroad; with the need to sustain the critical balance between our activities and the environment; and with the prospect of developing new, advanced indicators of human and ecosystem health; we are charting new environmental solutions every day.

Through scientific discoveries and application, scientists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are cleaning and protecting our environment, promoting new energy alternatives, and fundamentally altering the future of ecosystem management and human health.

An example or our work includes decoding environmental biomarkers or biomolecular signatures associated with toxic insults and using these signatures to allow early intervention and mitigation, before permanent damage occurs, and transform how we assess and manage our environment.

On land and in the water, PNNL researchers are helping our clients how to understand and address environmental impacts. Our Groundwater remediation studies are leading to enhanced knowledge of subsurface conditions regarding waste disposal and (while) researchers from the Marine Sciences Laboratory lead studies that enable clients to understand how to assess and restore marine and coastal habitats.

PNNL researchers work directly with clients and in partnership with other organizations to resolve complex environmental issues.

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