The MCFClass Project

Updated October 15, 2004: most of the codes are now downloadable from the CRIFOR site.

Updated February 18, 2003: the documentation of MCFClass and of all the solvers is now available both in html and pdf formats thanks to doxygen.

MCFClass is an abstract (pure virtual) base C++ class which defines the interface between a generic (single-commodity) (linear) Min Cost Flow (MCF) problem solver and the application programs. The interface tackles basically all needs that an application might have, and provides an abstract layer which make applications independent from the details of the particular solver that is used. A set of "virtualized" data types is used to provide the largest flexibility in choosing the type (integer or floating-point) and the precision of the numbers (costs, flows, indices ...), making it possible to tailor the code to the specific machine and application. A set of compile-time switches is also provided to allow control on some important features without having to bother about their actual implementation.

The attempt here is to set a standard, since we believe it may help faster dissemination and use of results in the field of algorithms for MCF problems, both for research and industrial use. In case you might be interested in developing a MCF algorithm which conforms to the interface, or porting an existing one, a distribution of the MCFClass alone is available. Please let us know of any such development, so that we can list your code together with the ones in this page.

We would also very much appreciate to hear comments about MCFClass. We are painfully aware that the interface is not a tremendously elegant and clean one, especially for its mix of C and C++ styles and the lack of a solid type management. If anybody is willing to contribute to its development, he/she is absolutely welcome. We will probably do something about it in the future, but we believe that the software can already be useful to somebody; that's why we are releasing it now.

The currently available codes that have been developed or ported under the MCFClass interface are:


RelaxIV is our C++ implementation of the Relaxation algorithm by
D. Bertsekas, based on his original Fortran code. The code seems to work fairly well as a general-purpose MCF solver, and it is apparently capable of dealing with problems with nonintegral costs and/or capacities, although you have to be warned that Relaxation algorithms may in theory fail to converge with nonintegral data.

License: academic license
Version: 1.60
Date: October 15, 2004

Download (through CRIFOR)


MCFZIB is our C++ porting of the MCF code by Andreas Löbel. The code implements the Primal and Dual Network Simplex algorithm.

License: academic license, or ZIB ACADEMIC LICENSE.
Version: 1.21
Date: October 15, 2004

Download (through CRIFOR)


CS2 is our C++ porting of the CS2 code by Andrew Goldberg. The code implements an efficient Cost-Scaling, Push-Relabel algorithm. Note that the original code was designed to work with integral costs only; we allow using float costs also, although the code is not guaranteed to work in this case. We have extensively tested the code and it has never failed once, but you should be warned about this.

License: academic license
Version: 1.25
Date: October 15, 2004

Download (through CRIFOR)


MCFCplex is a "wrapper class" which implements a solver conforming to the MCFClass interface using the Cplex Callable Libraries. The amount of overhead induced by the extra layer should be relatively small on large MCF problems, especially if flows and costs are double. This class can be used as a benchmark for testing and debugging other classes under the MCFClass interface. Of course, you need to have a Cplex license in order to use this code.

License: LGPL
Version: 1.25
Date: October 15, 2004

Download (through CRIFOR)


SPTree is a class that solves specially-structured MCF problems that have in fact a Shortest Path Tree structure, i.e., The SPTree class implements a number of classical SPT algorithms assuming that no negative cycles are present (no check is done) for solving the associated Shortest Path Tree problem, together with a non-entirely-trivial visit phase for constructing the optimal flow solution out of the optimal tree. This class is useful for codes which need to be able to solve generic MCFs, but may happen to be confronted with problems that are in fact SPTs.

License: LGPL
Version: 1.60
Date: October 15, 2004

Download (through CRIFOR)