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DHR Maryland Human Services Agency
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Cash & Food

  Food Assistance

  Food Stamps


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Food Stamps
The Food Stamp Program helps low income people buy the food they need for good health. You may be able to get food stamps if you:
  1. work for low wages,
  2. are unemployed or work part time,
  3. receive welfare or other public assistance payments,
  4. are elderly or disabled and live on a small income, or
  5. are homeless.
In Maryland, food stamp benefits are accessed through an Electronic Benefits Transfer System.

The Local Department of Social Services will give or mail to you a food stamp application on the same day you ask for one. You may ask for it in person, over the phone, or by mail; or someone else may get one for you.

Click here for Local Department of Social Services.

You may turn in your application form even if the local department cannot see you on that day.

  1. For food stamps, a household is usually a group of people who live together and buy and cook meals together. If you are eligible, we will calculate your food stamps based on how many people are in your household and on your income and expenses.
  2. Almost all types of income count to determine if your household is eligible. Most households must have income at or below certain dollar limits before and after we subtract expenses.
  3. Deductions from monthly gross income include: 20 percent of earned income, $134 standard deduction, dependent care deduction, any medical expenses more than $35 for elderly and disabled members, housing and legally owed and paid child support.
  4. Households may have up to $2,000 in countable assets. This includes bank accounts. If a member of the household is 60 or older, the limit on countable assets increases to $3,000.
  5. With some exceptions, able-bodied adults between 16 and 60 years of age must register for work, accept an offer of work and take part in employment and training activities.
  6. There is no time limit on how long you can get food stamps. If you are getting Temporary Cash Assistance and your assistance ends, you may still get food stamps.

How to Apply:
Apply in your Local Office or through the internet.
For more information about applying, call 1-800-332-6347

Where to Apply:
  • Apply at your Local Department of Social Services. Click here for a list of local departments to apply in person. You may file an application by mail, fax or other electronic means or someone may drop an application off for you.
  • Apply online: Go to to file your application.

  • Application Form:
    Print an application from the DHR website fill it out and take it to your local department of social services. Please click here for an application form. You may file an application by mail, fax or other electronic means or you may have someone drop an application off at Local Department of Social Services.
    Go to to see a listing of other forms you may need.

    What to Bring:
    1. Proof of identity (driver’s license, ID card);
    2. Proof of address, unless you are homeless (apartment or house lease, electric, gas, water or phone bill, rent book or receipt, or mortgage statement);
    3. Social Security Number for everyone you are applying for. If you don’t have a number you will have to apply for one;
    4. Proof of the amount all earned and unearned income before taxes or deductions (pay stubs for the past month or two, employer wage statement, benefit letters from Social Security, unemployment compensation, Veteran’s Administration or pensions)
    5. Proof of shelter costs. If you want us to count your actual utility expenses you will have to verify them (rent or mortgage, insurance on your house, telephone, gas, electric, oil and water bills);
    6. Proof of any cash or non-cash assets (most recent savings and checking account statement, value of stocks or bonds);
    7. Proof of immigration status for non-citizens who are applying for food stamps (you do not have to provide any immigration information on people who are not applying for food stamps);
    8. Proof of child support payments you make if you want us to consider the amount you pay (support order, separation agreement, child support records);
    9. Proof of out-of-pocket medical expenses if you are age 60 or older or receive federal disability benefits (doctor or hospital bills; prescription receipts, receipts for over-the-counter medical expenses if prescribed by a medical practitioner; transportation costs to get to medical care);
    10. Proof of child care expenses if you are working or looking for work or in training.

    + If you have trouble getting papers or information you need, ask the local department for help.

    Am I Eligible?
    Click here for details about this program.

    This Page Last Revised on July 9, 2007