August 2008
The 10th Annual National Leadership Conference is HERE!
This year’s conference will be held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Conference Center, on August 21-23. 2008. We hope you have registered and can hardly wait to see you there!! For complete details, click on the National Leadership Conference button on the right.
Success Story: Maryland
In Baltimore County, the Combating Underage Drinking Coalition began a collaborative enforcement effort to contend with underage drinking both on and off the campus of Towson University. Through a strong partnership, Towson supported enforcement activities by instituting a policy addressing students' disorderly and disruptive behavior off-campus. Baltimore County alcohol licensees joined the effort as well as the Baltimore County Liquor Board Chairman after attending a Cooperating Tavern and Retailers' Agreement press conference. This Success Story shares examples of how Enforcement agencies, State's Attorney's Office, County and Campus police, Liquor Boards, Colleges, Substance Abuse Agencies, and retailers can collaborate with successful results!

To read this entire success story, click on the Resource Alert link at the bottom of this page.
Success Story: North Carolina
This North Carolina Success Story highlights how the passion of one person, using the resources and experience of various agencies and individuals, can effect positive change in a community. Through collaborative efforts, the commun¬ity partners implemented a variety of programs, supported enforcement, and improved policies to ensure success and sustainability. The high visibility of the Coalition's work and the outstanding leadership resulted in the First Lady Mary Easley publicly recognizing their efforts in Chapel Hill and Carrboro describing them as a "model" community Coalition.

To read this entire success story, click on the Resource Alert link at the bottom of this page.
Success Story: California
The California Youth Council (CYC) is a statewide council of youth committed to raising awareness, building partnerships, and engaging youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. In 2006, the CYC came up with a way to tackle the issue of underage drinking. With the rising popularity of Alcopops among youth, the CYC wanted to reduce the number of youth aged 20 and younger who drink them by reclassifying them and therefore correctly taxing them. Through their partnership with an adult coalition, the CYC's petition received a majority vote from the Board of Equalization (BOE) and a recent ruling from the Office of Administrative Law supported the legality of reclassification. This success story indicates the strength of youth and collaborative relationships resulting in a healthier community.

To read this entire success story, click on the Resource Alert link at the bottom of this page.
September National Electronic Seminar: Alcohol and the Developing Brain
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008 Time: 3:00-4:15 p.m.

One of the many compelling arguments for greater parent, educator and societal concern about the prevention of underage drinking is the damage that early onset drinking can do in impairing the development of the pre-adolescent and adolescent brain. Emerging research suggests that different portions of the adolescent brain and its neurotransmitter systems are affected negatively by alcohol with both short and long term consequences. These impacts range from damage to the brain centers for thinking, planning and learning, to changes in the structures of the brain that mediate pleasure and predispose youth to depression, addiction or alcoholism later on.

We hope to make the complex topic of brain science a bit easier to understand and consider ways communities can use this information to reverse the idea that alcohol is simply a "rite of passage".

To register click here.
There will not be an August National Electronic Seminar because of the National Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on August 21-23, 2008, at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center. Look for the August Resource Alert for the latest information on the fight against underage drinking and Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws to include, the next National Electronic Seminar.

If you would like to receive the Resource Alert Summary by email each month send us an email udetc@udetc.org.

To print a hard-copy of this month’s Resource Alert visit: ResourceAlert0808.pdf

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) or the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) and are solely of the author/source.

10th Annual National Leadership Conference

Click on the button above to learn more about the National Leadership Conference!

Special Resource Alert

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