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Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Joint Global Change Research Institute University of Maryland

About the GTSP

What is the GTSP?

History of the GTSP

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Global Energy Technology Strategy report cover
2007 Report

Since its inception in 1998, the Global Energy Technology Strategy Program (GTSP) has been assessing the important roles that technology can play in effectively managing the long-term risks of climate change. This involves an integrated approach to fully exploring all aspects of climate change - including scientific, economic, regulatory, and social impacts - and then aligning new or existing technologies to mitigate negative consequences.

Global Energy Technology Strategy
2001 Report

The GTSP is comprised from a core group of scientists from Battelle and the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), as well as the Joint Global Change Research Institute, which is a partnership between PNNL and the University of Maryland. Research is conducted in collaboration with scientists from institutions around the world. An international steering group, representing diverse perspectives and interests from government agencies, research institutions, and private industry, guides the GTSP research agenda. GTSP sponsors serve a key role in supporting research that will provide options and solutions to climate change impacts.