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Ecological Monitoring & Compliance: Hanford, WA

Ecological Monitoring & Compliance

The Ecological Monitoring and Compliance Project (EMC) collects data and information on the Hanford Site and identifies sensitive habitats and species to assure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements for natural resources. The project supports several objectives:

  • Assess impacts to biological resources from Hanford operations and legacy contaminants in the environment,
  • Conduct and document ecological reviews for Hanford-related clean-up and operations actions,
  • Identify biotic contaminant transport pathways, characterize ecological risks,
  • Support mitigation actions and land use planning,
  • Provide information and assurance to the public and stakeholders concerning the status and protection of Hanford’s biological resources.

Information and charts provided as part of this web site are intended to supply the user with summary information on Hanford Site biological resources. Charts show general population trends for wildlife species of interest to the public. Other resource-based maps provide information derived from both inventory and monitoring data. To identify habitats and species that require special protection and management. These data and maps are available for use in Hanford Site operations, and land-use planning.

The Ecological Monitoring and Compliance Project is part of the Public Safety and Resource Protection Program for the Hanford Site managed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).


Population Monitoring & Characterization



Points of Contact

Janelle L. Downs

Michael Sackschewsky


Craig Allwardt