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Physical Activity Guidelines

December 6 — 7, 2007 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Wilbur J. Cohen Building
Cohen Auditorium
330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201


Table Of Contents

Thursday, December 6

Members of Committee Present at Meeting

Opening of Meeting

Welcome Remarks, Anand Parekh, MD, MPH, Acting Assistant Secretary for Health

Review of Committee Assignment and Meeting Process

Review of Agenda and Overview of Subcommittee Process

Overview and Update of CDC Literature Review

All-Cause Mortality Subcommittee Report

Cardio-Respiratory Health Subcommittee Report

Metabolic Health Subcommittee Report

General Discussion

Musculoskeletal Health Subcommittee Report

Functional Health Subcommittee Report

Adverse Events Subcommittee Report

General Discussion

Cancer Subcommittee Report

Mental Health Subcommittee Report

General Discussion

Friday, December 7

Recap and Review of Agenda

Energy Balance Subcommittee Report

Youth Subcommittee Report

Special Populations

General Discussion

Public Comments

General Discussion & Adjournment


Last revised: February 27, 2008

Content for this site is maintained by the Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.