US Forest Service

Wasatch-Cache National Forest


Projects & Plans

[Photograph]: Forest Service employees reviewing paperwork.Final Decisions

NEPA is legislation that requires government agencies provide informed decisions where it pertains to environmental issues. Below, you can download Wasatch-Cache National Forest final decisions and related publications. If you have any questions pertaining to any of these decisions or wish to be involved in the public process on future issues, please contact the Wasatch-Cache National Forest Administrative Offices at (801) 236-3400

Forest Final Decisions and Related Publications

This list is sorted by District. Click on the District name to go to the decisions for that unit.

Evanston / Mountain View | Logan |Ogden | Salt Lake

Noxious Weed Treatment Program

Evanston Ranger District / Mountain View Ranger District

West Bear Vegetation Management Project

Thunderbug Thinning Project

  • Decision Memo, legal Notice of Decision appeared in the Unita County Herald on April 15, 2008 (.pdf - 311 Kb)
  • Map (.pdf - 6.17 Mb) | (.jpg version - 754 Kb)

Red Castle, East Fork Blacks Fork, Middle Fork Blacks Fork, Lyman Lake, Little West Fork Blacks Fork, and Elizabeth Mountain No. 2 Livestock Grazing Allotments

Poison Mountain and Red Mountain Livestock Grazing Allotments

Gilbert Peak and Hessie Lake - Henrys Fork Livestock Grazing Allotments

West Bear Vegetation Management Project

Record of Decision | Map

Table Top Units

West Fork Blacks Fork Allotment Management Plan

East Fork Fire Salvage FEIS and Record of Decision

The FEIS analyzes effects of a proposal and two other alternatives for fire killed trees on the Evanston Ranger District. The Forest Supervisor's Record of Decision was signed on June 14, 2004. A legal Notice of Decision is scheduled to appear in the Salt Lake Tribune on June 16, 2004.

Exploratory Oil Well, Chevron Table Top Prospect, Evanston R.D. Final Environmental Impact Statement

Lower Sage Wildlife Project

Logan Ranger District

Left Hand Fork of Blacksmiths Fork Riparian Improvement Project

Recreation Residence Permit Renewal

Decision Notice and Finding of No Impact Statement (.pdf - 123 Kb)

  • Environmental Impact Statement
    • Cover Page (.pdf - 26 Kb)
    • Table of Contents (.pdf - 18 Kb)
    • Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action (.pdf - 98 Kb)
    • Chapter 2 - Description of Alternatives (.pdf - 46 Kb)
    • Chapter 3 - Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences (.pdf - 265 Kb)
    • References (.pdf - 24 Kb)
    • Appendices
      • Appendix A - Map of Recreation Residence Tracts along Logan Canyon Highway (.pdf - 180 Kb)
      • Appendix B - Responses to Comments (.pdf - 47 Kb)
      • Appendix C - Forest Plan, Forest Service Manual and Other Direction (.pdf - 94 Kb)
      • Appendix D - Riparian Management Objectives and Table of Allowable Actions (.pdf - 29 Kb)
      • Appendix E - Lot Specific Forest Plan Compliance Requirements (.pdf - 70 Kb)
      • Appendix F - List of Improvements to Recreation Residence Tracts (.pdf - 20Kb)

Turkey Train Single Track Motorized to ATV Conversion

Decision Memo (.pdf - 34 Kb)

Murray Wildlife Guzzlers

Decision Memo (.pdf - 28 Kb)

Millville Peak/Logan Peak Road Relocation Project

Record of Decision (.pdf - 282 Kb)
Record of Decision Map - Alternative A.1 (23.02 Mb) (smaller version - 850 Kb | .jpg version)

DeWitt Pipeline Rehabilitation/Replacement Project

Franklin Basin Livestock Grazing Allotment

Saddle Creek Vegetation Treatment Project

Hells Hollow Prescribed Burn Project

Tony Grove & Franklin Basin Winter Recreation Environmental Assessment

Ogden Ranger District

Nordic Valley Fuels Project

Big Creek Vegetation Treatment Project

Travel Plan Revision (March 2006)

Uintah Highlands Prescribed Fire (January 2006)

Salt Lake Ranger District

Ski Utah Interconnect Adventure Tour

Snowbird Accessible Playground Pavilion and Fish Pond/Channel Dredging Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort

Snowmaking Repairs and Improvements on Home Run Alta Ski Area

Yurt Location and Trail Modifications at Solitude Mountain Resort

Utah Department of Transportation Brighton Ammunition Cache Relocation

Mill Creek Canyon Recreation Residences - Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice

Bountiful Peak, Evergreen, Brighton, and Mill D Recreation Residences

Deadmans Corner Guardrail Restoration Project

Albion Basin Winter Travel Management Plan Amendment

Stansbury Livestock Grazing Allotments

Stansbury Vegetation Research and Treatment Project

Davis County Fuels (April - June 2004)

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