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"It has been basic United States policy that Government should foster the opening of new frontiers. It opened the seas to clipper ships and furnished land for pioneers. Although these frontiers have more or less disappeared, the frontier of science remains. It is in keeping with the American tradition – one which has made the United States great – that new frontiers shall be made accessible for development by all American citizens."
– Vannevar Bush
Science: The Endless Frontier, 1946

About Argonne
Every day Argonne National Laboratory researchers use their diverse skills to meet the new challenges of the scientific frontier.

Scientific Excellence
Scanning the scientific frontier to foresee problems and develop workable solutions describes Argonne researchers at work. This year’s challenges include determining the structure and function of genes found in the human genome project, solving dauntingly complex computer problems and developing technologies for next-generation energy management.

Research Facilities
Unique machines built at Argonne extend the frontier of science. Available to researchers from industry, universities and other laboratories, they permit research that reveals new information in the medical, physical and environmental sciences.

Energy and Environment
Clean water and air, and affordable, reliable energy—this is a future Argonne research is creating. This research ranges from studying the interactions of fluids and minerals at the molecular level to seeking solutions to large-scale environmental problems.

Partners in Progress
Those gifted with vision and energy share with others to create a better world. Argonne scientists share their love of science with students and teachers of all ages, and use their scientific expertise to build a cleaner, safer world.

About Argonne

Scientific Excellence

Research Facilities

Energy and Environment

Partners in Progress

About Argonne | Scientific Excellence
Research Facilities | Energy and Environment | Partners in Progress

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