Image of ACE-Asia; Ron Brown, and C130

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Last updated 29 August, 2001

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Aerosols Characterization ExperimentsImage of Susan Carty with link to her journey
The Aerosol Characterization Experiments (ACE) are designed to increase our understanding of how atmospheric aerosol particles affect the Earth's radiation balance by scattering or absorbing light and by acting as cloud forming nuclei.  These experiments will improve 
the ability of models to predict the influences of anthropogenic aerosols on climate change.

The ACE-Asia region encompasses some of the most complex gas-particle atmospheric dynamics on Earth.  This region contains anthropogenically-derived particles
as well as wind blown dust that may be especially important 
in influencing radiative and cloud nucleating properties of the atmosphere.

ACE-Asia Program
Atmospheric aerosol particles affect the Earth's radiative balance directly by scattering or absorbing light, and indirectly by acting as cloud condensation nuclei, thereby influencing the reflectance, life-time, extent and precipitation of clouds.

The Intensive Field Phase for ACE-Asia began in March 2001.  It is during this period that offshore transport of aerosols for the Asian Continent, especially dust, is most likely to occur. Aerosol layers will be investigated with the use of satellite remote sensing, ships, various aircraft, and land-based measurements.

Many organizations and countries are involved in funding the ACE-Asia Experiment.   Primary U. S. funding is provided by The National Science Foundation, The Office of Naval Research and The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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For more detailed information about the science of the ACE-Asia project, please visit the PMEL ACE-Asia Homepage at or download the ACE-Asia Brochure (PDF file).  

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