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AlbuquerqueGreen Plan Wins Award

U.S. Chamber and Siemens Honor Sustainable Communities

AlbuquerqueGreen Plan Wins Award

Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez (C) U.S. Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue (L) and Siemens Foundation President Jim Whaley.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Siemens honored The City of Albuquerque with a Sustainable Community Award in the Large Community category for AlbuquerqueGreen, a comprehensive sustainability plan backed by Mayor Martin J. Chávez that provides the vision and tools for energy conservation, clean energy production and use, and conservation technologies.

The Awards recognize outstanding local public-private efforts to build and grow sustainably. The winning communities were announced during a reception at the Chamber's Business Civic Leadership Center's National Conference on Corporate Community Investment in Anaheim, CA.


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