Marine scientist collects assorted samples for isolation of bacteria. Location: Florida Keys (Used with permission of the National Undersea Research Program)

Chapter 5 Contents


The oceans offer abundant resources for research and development, yet the potential of this domain as the basis for new biotechnologies remains largely unexplored. Indeed, the vast majority of marine organisms (primarily microorganisms) have yet to be identified. Even for known organisms, there is insufficient knowledge to permit their intelligent management and application.

Oceanic organisms are of enormous scientific interest, for two major reasons. First, they constitute a major share of the Earth's biological resources. Second, marine organisms often possess unique structures, metabolic pathways, reproductive systems, and sensory and defense mechanisms because they have adapted to extreme environments ranging from the cold polar seas at -2° C to the great pressures of the ocean floor, where hydrothermal fluids spew forth. Most major classes of the Earth's organisms are primarily or exclusively marine, so the oceans represent a source of unique genetic information.

The oceans therefore offer abundant resources for research and development. Yet the potential of this domain as the basis for new biotechnologies remains largely unexplored. Indeed, the vast majority of marine organisms (primarily microorganisms) have yet to be identified. Even for known organisms, there is insufficient knowledge to permit their intelligent management and application.

Interest in marine biotechnology has been growing in recent years, (2) By contrast, the U.S. Government invested less than $44 million on marine biotechnology R&D in fiscal year 1992, (4)

Only about 1 or 2 percent of the total Federal investment in biotechnology has been devoted to marine biotechnology and aquaculture. Even so, promising results are emerging from these activities. Additional Federal support of research in key areas of marine biotechnology and aquaculture will generate both new fundamental knowledge and advanced technologies for producing new pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, and other products; developing and improving bioremediation and bioprocessing; enhancing cultivation of aquatic species; and expanding understanding of biological processes in the oceans and their role in global change.

This chapter provides an overview of recent biotechnology applications in marine science and aquaculture and identifies research priorities and specific opportunities that offer potential for significant advances. The chapter emphasizes development of salt-water resources but includes biotechnology applications involving fresh water, including thermal springs.

The five research priorities are:


PRIORITY: Develop a fundamental understanding of the genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors that control the production of primary and secondary metabolites in marine organisms, as a basis for developing new and improved products.

PRIORITY: Identify bioactive compounds and determine their mechanisms of action and natural function, to provide models for new lines of selectively active materials for application in medicine and the chemical industry.

Most major groups of living organisms are primarily or exclusively marine. Tropical marine environments harbor an especially wide diversity of animals and plants. Many marine organisms are sessile and must employ sophisticated methods to compete for a place to anchor. This characteristic is reflected in part by a metabolism that produces enormously diverse bioactive products -- many with no terrestrial counterparts.

Recent research has uncovered unicellular and multicellular microorganisms that are unique to the marine world. Indeed, "... it seems clear that marine bacteria are emerging as a significant chemical resource".(6) and the amounts and characteristics of chemicals they produce.

Federal support for research in this area is essential, both to answer the fundamental questions and to assure that the resulting knowledge is translated into sustainable technologies. While it will be vital to cultivate marine microorganisms that produce novel products, the alternative approach of transferring genes of interest into non-marine microorganisms also should be investigated. For example, the capability to produce a marine polysaccharide -- a complex molecule that could be useful as a food additive or a water-resistant adhesive -- could be transferred to an easily grown bacterium (e.g., E. coli or Bacillus subtilis). This approach might be more effective in some cases than would cultivating the marine organism or recreating artificially the long and complicated production pathway for the polysaccharide.


Therapeutic natural products found in terrestrial plants and microorganisms were the basis of early drug development (Antivirals from Phototrophic Green
and Purple Sulfur Bacteria

Many bioactive substances from the marine environment already have been isolated and characterized, several with great promise for the treatment of human diseases. The compound manoalide from a Pacific sponge, for example, has spawned more than 300 chemical analogs, with a significant number of these going on to clinical trials as anti-inflammatory agents.

To promote sustainable technology development, the Federal Government should support research leading to new methods for discovery. One approach would be to focus on learning about natural functions, regulation, and production of substances generated by marine organisms, in order to identify potentially important agents. Refined test systems should be developed in order to identify selective agents produced by marine organisms.

Rapidly developing assay technology can facilitate exploration of the bioactivity of newly discovered compounds. These assay methods, which employ specific receptors for known physiological agents, require only minute amounts of a test substance and can be automated. (Traditional chemical tests require considerable amounts of test material and laborious measurement processes.) The new tools will make it feasible to test newly discovered compounds rapidly by the hundreds, for a wide spectrum of biological activities.

To date, exploitation of natural agents from the sea has been hindered by problems with limited or sporadic distribution and production. Much more research must be conducted to determine what seasonal factors and life cycle or reproduction states are linked with natural production of an agent. Factors influencing production may include diet, physical and chemical conditions, distribution by phylogenetic affiliation, geographic location, water depth, or associations with symbiotic microorganisms. Knowledge of these factors will be important in developing methods for producing selected metabolites, either from whole organisms or in vitro from cell or tissue cultures of plants and animals. Many of these compounds are very large and complex molecules, requiring very elaborate biochemical processes; as a result, it can be difficult to synthesize them or clone all the genes for standard production through fermentation.


Enzymes produced by marine bacteria are important in biotechnology due to their range of unusual properties. Some are salt-resistant, a characteristic that is often advantageous in industrial processes. The extracellular proteases are of particular importance and can be used in detergents and industrial cleaning applications, such as in cleaning reverse-osmosis membranes. Vibrio species have been found to produce a variety of extracellular proteases. Vibrio alginolyticus produces six proteases, including an unusual detergent-resistant, alkaline serine exoprotease. This marine bacterium also produces collagenase, an enzyme with a variety of industrial and commercial applications, including the dispersion of cells in tissue culture studies.

Other research has demonstrated the presence in algae of unique haloperoxidases (enzymes catalyzing the incorporation of halogen into metabolites). These enzymes could become valuable products, because halogenation is an important process in the chemical industry. Japanese researchers have developed methods to induce a marine alga to produce large amounts of the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is used in enormous quantities for a range of medical, cosmetic, and food applications.

An unusual group of marine microorganisms from which enzymes have been isolated are the hyperthermophilic archaea (previously called archaebacteria), (9) which can grow at temperatures over 100° C and therefore require enzyme systems that are stable at high temperatures. Archaea typically are found in extreme environments, such as hot springs, animal guts, hydrothermal vents, sewage sludge digesters, and hypersaline habitats, including the Great Salt Lake.

Thermostable enzymes offer distinct advantages, many still to be discovered, in research and industrial processes. Thermostable DNA-modifying enzymes, such as polymerases, ligases, and restriction endonucleases, already have important research and industrial applications. Hot springs in Yellowstone National Park provided the first archaeon (Thermus aquaticus) from which thermostable DNA polymerases were isolated. These novel enzymes (the Taq® polymerases) became the basis for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a useful technique for studying genetic material. In 1989, thermostable DNA polymerase was designated Molecule of the Year by Science magazine. Comparable enzymes continue to be discovered.

Most enzymes involved in the primary metabolic pathways of thermophilic bacteria and archaea are dramatically more thermostable than are their counterparts living at moderate temperatures. Expanded study of enzymes from thermophilic marine microorganisms will contribute to the understanding of mechanisms of enzyme thermostability and should enable the identification of enzymes suitable for industrial applications as well as modification of enzymes to enhance thermostability.

Textbox 1:
New PCR Enzymes Found

Biomolecular Materials

Recent research has demonstrated that marine biochemical processes can be exploited to produce new biomaterials. For example, a corporation in Chicago is commercializing a new class of biodegradable polymers modeled on natural substances that form the organic matrices of mollusk shells. Equally exciting are the mechanisms used by marine diatoms, coccolithophorids, mollusks, and other marine invertebrates to generate elaborate mineralized structures on a nanometer scale (less than a billionth of a meter in size). Nanometer-scale structures can have unusual and useful properties. Research that will enhance understanding and allow engineering of the processes for creating these bioceramics promises to revolutionize the manufacturing of medical implants, automotive parts, electronic devices, protective coatings, and other novel products.(10)

Biomaterials also hold promise for counteracting biofouling, which long has been recognized as an extensive and costly problem. Bacterial biofilms form slime layers that increase drag on moving ships, interfere with transfer on heat exchangers, block pipelines, and contribute to corrosion on metal surfaces. Bacterial and microalgal colonization of surfaces is accompanied by settlement of invertebrate larvae and algal spores, eventually leading to "hard fouling" and the need for costly cleaning.

The most effective anti-fouling coatings have utilized toxic chemicals, such as copper and organotins. There is an urgent need for non-toxic biofouling control strategies, due to heightened recognition of the impact that toxic coatings can have on the environment. Research is needed on the attachment mechanisms of marine organisms and the natural products they employ to prevent fouling of their own surfaces.

Molecular approaches to characterizing biofilm structure and development offer considerable potential for finding novel biofouling prevention strategies. It is now possible to determine the genes and pathways involved in regulation and synthesis of bacterial adhesive polymers. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the nature and expression of surface polymers produced by microorganisms such as the nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium species and the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Similar approaches can been applied to marine biofilm bacteria, to find the genetic determinants of adhesive production and the environmental factors that regulate synthesis.

Figure 17.
Protective Zone Produced by Sessile Marine Organisms

Molecular biology techniques also can be applied to determine the basis of natural antifouling mechanisms. Many marine plants and animals remain free of attached bacteria, either because they produce repelling compounds or because their surface structure neutralizes bacterial adhesives. A product generated by the seagrass Zostra marina (eelgrass), for example, is an effective agent for preventing fouling by bacteria, algal spores, and a variety of hard-fouling barnacles and tube worms.(11) Molecular characterization of natural fouling resistance could provide new strategies for fouling control. Potential applications include prevention of fouling in industrial pipelines or heat exchangers, improved design of trickling filters or aquaculture circulation systems, and control of biofilm infections of medical implants and prosthetic devices.

Textbox 2:
Biomimetic Coatings in Development for Car Parts


Marine organisms can provide the basis for development of biosensors, bio-indicators, and diagnostic devices for medicine, aquaculture, and environmental monitoring. One type of biosensor employs the enzymes responsible for bioluminescence. The lux genes, which encode these enzymes, have been cloned from marine bacteria such as Vibrio fischeri and transferred successfully to a variety of plants and other bacteria. The lux genes typically are inserted into a gene sequence, or operon, that is functional only when stimulated by a defined environmental feature. The enzymes responsible for toluene degradation, for example, are synthesized only in the presence of toluene. When lux genes are inserted into a toluene operon, the engineered bacterium glows yellow-green in the presence of toluene. This genetically engineered system "reports" that biodegradation of a specific chemical, in this case toluene, is proceeding.

Another type of biomonitor that holds great promise is the gene probe, which can be used to identify organisms that pose health hazards or may be useful in research. Specific gene probes can be employed, for example, to detect human pathogens in seafood and recreational waters; fish pathogens in aquaculture systems; microorganisms capable of mediating desired chemical transformations (e.g., toxic chemical degradation, CO2 assimilation, metal reduction); and specific fish stocks in fish migration and recruitment studies.

Textbox 3:
Cholera Assay Developed


Natural marine products have the potential to replace chemical pesticides and other agents used to maximize crop yields and growth. Continued Federal support for R&D in this area is likely to result in useful natural pesticides that would provide greater specificity and fewer harmful side effects than do conventional synthetic agents. Current U.S. expenditures for all pesticides amount to $47 billion annually; by the year 2000, biopesticides from marine and other sources are expected to capture an estimated 10 percent of this market.(12)

An example of a marine biopesticide in use today is PadanTM, which was developed from a bait worm's toxin known to ancient Japanese fishermen. This natural pesticide has demonstrated activity against larvae of the rice stem borer, the rice plant skipper, and the citrus leaf miner, among other pests. More recently, scientists in Montana discovered novel compounds in marine algae and marine sponges containing symbiotic microorganisms. These compounds promoted growth and stimulated germination and increased root and coleoptile lengths in test plants.

Several sponge and nudibranch species produce terpenes, a broad class of aromatic compounds used in solvents and perfumes and known to deter feeding by fish. Extracts derived from these same sponge and nudibranch species also demonstrated powerful insecticidal activity against two species, grasshoppers and the tobacco hornworm.(13)

Biomass for Energy Production

Approximately 40 percent of all primary energy production, or photosynthesis, occurs in the seas. In this process, oceanic plants (phytoplankton, seaweeds, seagrasses) take up carbon dioxide (CO2) and, with light energy from the sun, convert it into organic carbon (primarily sugars) and oxygen. The oceans contain 50 times as much carbon dioxide as does the atmosphere, and it is estimated that primary production incorporates 35 gigatons (1 gigaton = 1 x 1015 grams) of carbon into marine biomass annually. This abundant source of fuel for energy production has not been tapped commercially because it is not competitive with soybean meal and other easily harvested, traditional sources of biomass, and also because, regardless of the source, biomass is not competitive with other types of fuels.

The Federal Government should continue to support research on the use of biotechnology to enhance biomass production and utility. At least three general approaches are being explored.(14)

First, the enzyme that captures CO2 for photosynthesis -- ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase\oxygenase or "RUBISCO" -- is relatively inefficient, so supercomputers are being used to verify structural information, and the enzyme is being redesigned to optimize its function. Second, the chemical composition of biomass can be altered to make it more suitable for particular applications. For example, marine microalgae are being genetically engineered to boost their lipid content, with the aim of providing a source of alternative fuels that is more economical than are conventional sources. Third, biotechnology is being used to convert biomass to ethanol and other alternative forms of energy and chemical feedstocks.


PRIORITY: Develop bioremediation strategies for application in the world's coastal oceans, where multiple uses -- including wastewater disposal, recreation, fishing, and aquaculture -- demand prevention and remediation of pollution; and develop bioprocessing strategies for improving sustainable industrial processes.


Bioremediation shows great promise for addressing problems in marine environments and in aquaculture. These problems include catastrophic spills of oil in harbors and shipping lanes and around oil platforms; movement of toxic chemicals from land, through estuaries, into the coastal oceans; disposal of sewage sludge, bilge waste, and chemical process wastes; reclamation of minerals, such as manganese; and management of aquaculture and seafood processing waste. (General approaches to bioremediation and non-marine applications are addressed in Chapter 3.)

The full potential for marine organisms and processes to contribute new waste treatment and site remediation technologies cannot be realized without enhanced understanding of the unique conditions in marine environments. For example, oxidation- reduction (redox) states can fluctuate in coastal and estuarine sediments. The impact of changing redox conditions on biodegradation of environmental contaminants must be understood before waste management and remediation strategies and predictive models can be developed for contaminated sediments.

Textbox 4:
Bacteria Adapted to Break Down Toxicants


The emerging discipline of bioprocess engineering involves the application of biological science in manufacturing, to produce products such as biopharmaceuticals and natural bioactive agents. Bioprocess engineering requires an understanding of the biological system employed (such as a marine organism), isolation and purification of a product, and translation of the product into a stable, efficacious, and convenient form. (This subject is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4.)

An emerging area of interest is the potential of marine bacteria and fungi to produce unusual chemical structures with no parallels in terrestrial organisms.(15) Small-scale studies have begun to indicate the richness of marine microorganisms as sources for novel lead structures.(


PRIORITY: Use the tools of modern biotechnology to improve the health, reproduction, development, growth, and overall well-being of cultivated aquatic organisms; and promote the interdisciplinary development of environmentally sensitive, sustainable systems that will enable significant commercialization of aquaculture.

Aquaculture, which long has been practiced in Asia and is increasingly popular in the United States, Europe, and South America, will benefit tremendously from the use of new molecular tools and processes. With worldwide seafood demand projected to increase 70 percent in the next 35 years, and harvests from capture fisheries stable or declining, aquaculture will have to produce seven times as much seafood as it generates now to supply global demand by 2025.(17) The use of modern biotechnology to intervene in the rearing process and enhance production of aquatic species holds great potential not only to meet this demand, but also to improve U.S. competitiveness in aquaculture.

The U.S. aquaculture industry has grown rapidly in recent years. Farm gate receipts exceeded $800 million in 1992 -- a fourfold increase since the early 1980s.(19)

The growth and international competitiveness of the U.S. aquaculture industry will be determined by the size of the resource investment in research and technology development. This investment should be made through a partnership of Federal and state agencies and the private sector. The Federal role is to provide leadership in supporting research to advance knowledge in important research areas and to facilitate the transfer of promising results and technologies to the private sector.

The major research issues in aquaculture are similar to those for other agricultural sectors, but the knowledge base for aquaculture is comparatively meager. Development of this knowledge is a particular challenge due to the diversity of cultured aquatic species and the systems for their production. Federal support for biotechnology research in this area will expand the knowledge base and yield significant dividends.

The application of biotechnology promises significant benefits to both producers and consumers of aquacultural products. The use of genetically enhanced organisms may improve production efficiency through improvements in growth rates, food conversion, disease resistance, and product quality and composition. The application of biotechnology to aquaculture also may help conserve wild species and genetic resources and provide unique models for biomedical research.

Enhancing Reproduction and Early Development

Biotechnology can be applied to enhance reproduction and early development of cultivated aquatic organisms. The resulting benefits could include year-round production of gametes and fry of economically valuable species and creation of new markets for specialized, genetically improved broodstock. Similarly, biotechnology may provide techniques for improving the reproductive success and survival of endangered species, thereby helping to preserve the diversity of life on Earth.

Figure 18.
Experimental Facility for Study of
Hormonal Control of Salmon Development

As a first step, research should be directed toward improving basic understanding of environmental, hormonal, biochemical, and genetic control of reproduction. More specifically, scientists must identify and understand the mechanisms of expression of genes involved in reproduction and development, improve technologies for cryo-preserving gametes and embryos, improve delivery systems for administration of natural and synthetic hormones, and enhance understanding of the pharmacokinetics of uptake and release of administered hormones.

Textbox 5:
Inducing Spawning in Fish

Improving Health and Well-Being

Biotechnology offers substantial opportunities to improve the health and well-being of cultivated aquatic organisms. More than 50 diseases affect fish and shellfish cultured in the United States, causing losses of tens of millions of dollars annually. Biotechnology not only can improve the survival, growth, vigor, and well-being of cultivated stocks, but also can reduce disease transfer between cultivated and wild stocks. New products and market opportunities can be developed related to aquatic animal health and well-being.

The tools of molecular biology can provide a basic understanding of host immunity, resistance, and susceptibility to diseases and associated pathogens by furnishing information about life cycles and mechanisms of pathogenesis, antibiotic resistance, and disease transmission. Improved technologies must be developed for detecting and diagnosing pathogens and diseases and for enhancing the genetic basis of disease resistance, thereby reducing the need for antibiotics and other drugs.

Potential products resulting from this research include gene therapy techniques; broodstock free of pathogens; safe, effective prophylactic agents, including immune modulators, antigens, and vaccines; safe, effective therapeutic agents; and improved systems for administering prophylactic and therapeutic agents.

Textbox 6:
Fish Virus Vaccine Developed

Improving Quality and Value

The Federal Government has a responsibility to help ensure the safety and quality of food supplies, and biotechnology can and should be an invaluable tool in carrying out this mandate. Biotechnology can be employed to assess and improve the safety, freshness, color, flavor, texture, taste, nutritional characteristics, and shelf life of aquacultural food products. In addition, practical technologies can be developed to detect and assay toxins, contaminants, and residues in seafood, and to reduce or eliminate contaminants. There are also opportunities to apply biotechnology in improving seafood processing. Research should be conducted to develop and improve technologies for all these applications.

Conserving Genetic Resources

The preservation and enhancement of biodiversity in natural systems is an important Federal priority. Therefore, the Federal Government should encourage and support programs to maintain and enhance biodiversity in aquatic systems through cultivation and stocking of aquatic species. Biotechnology can be employed in two ways to conserve genetic resources of aquatic species.

Figure 19.
Harvesting Striped Bass from Experimental Ponds

First, the tools of biotechnology can be used to identify and characterize important aquatic germplasm, including endangered species. Genomes of aquatic species can be analyzed and characterized, and quantitative trait loci identified. Second, biotechnology can be applied to improve understanding of the molecular basis of gene regulation and expression as well as sex determination and thereby improve methods for defining species, stocks, and populations. Approaches include developing marker- assisted selection technologies, improving precision and efficiency of transgenic techniques, and improving technologies for the cryo-preservation of gametes and embryos. Ultimately, stocking certain areas with selected, cultivated species and strains could help maintain biodiversity in natural aquatic ecosystems.

Enhancing Biomedical Models

Aquaculture has important purposes other than food production. Because they often adapt to extreme environments, marine organisms can provide unique models for research on biological and physiological processes. Studies of the developmental, cellular, and molecular aspects of marine organisms as model systems will provide insights into the basis of disease mechanisms and pathogenesis in humans. By contrast, use of mammalian organisms as a basis for the development of some types of human disease models may be neither feasible nor cost effective.

Progress in this arena will require that sophisticated molecular biology technologies be adapted to marine organisms, in order to enhance understanding of their biological processes. For example, approaches for gene transfer into eggs have been developed for many terrestrial organisms, but not for most marine species. This technology is needed for analyses of gene regulatory systems and gene expression. In addition, methods need to be developed for culturing tissues from marine organisms. Cultured cell lines will provide opportunities for gene transfer and gene expression studies and enhance the usefulness of marine species as biomedical research models. This is an important research area deserving of Federal support.


PRIORITY: Improve understanding of microbial physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and ecology in order to provide model systems for research and production systems for commerce, and to contribute to understanding and conservation of the seas.

Scientists have a powerful new array of sampling devices and measuring instruments that will accelerate greatly the acquisition of knowledge about ocean resources and foster their wise use. These technologies include manned deep-sea submersibles, remotely operated vehicles, geosynchronous satellites, sophisticated acoustic measuring devices, pressure- retaining deep-sea samplers, geographic information systems, real-time flow cytometry, PCR and biomonitoring techniques, computerized databases, and other forms of information exchange and analysis.

These tools should be exploited to accelerate the discovery of unknown marine microorganisms and to expand understanding of known varieties. Federal support for this research is essential, because only then will sufficient information be acquired to assure that practical applications will result. As new life forms and processes become known, and as understanding of them grows, marine biotechnology will make significant contributions to the nation's social and economic well-being.

Identifying Organisms and Their Niches


Nowhere in the biosphere is biological diversity greater than in the seas, and the extent of this diversity becomes increasingly evident as scientists investigate new environments. In the 1980s, for example, giant tube worms (Riftia) were recovered from areas adjacent to deep-ocean thermal vents, and novel mussels (Bathymodiolus) that farm methanotrophic bacteria on their gill tissue were discovered around methane seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. Most newly described species have been and will continue to be microorganisms, although it is clear that new marine plants and animals also await discovery.

Less than 1 percent of the extant bacteria -- marine and terrestrial -- have been isolated and described.(20) The marine environment represents a particularly fertile source for new bacteria, as evidenced by the recent discovery of unusual "cold water" archaea 100-500 meters deep in the oceans.(21) These archaea comprise a high percentage of the total bacterial ribosomal RNA present in seawater samples, yet they have not been isolated in pure culture and described. Pursuit of this research may provide new understanding of oceanic processes and, once these archaea are cultivated, perhaps a novel source of products. Countless other marine bacteria also have yet to be cultured; advances in microbial culture technology will enable scientists to isolate, describe, and possibly exploit these organisms.

Viruses are another newly appreciated element of marine biological diversity. Electron microscopy and PCR technology have revealed abundant numbers of viral particles in seawater samples. Specific viruses that infect species of marine phytoplankton have been cultured from coastal as well as open ocean sites.(22) This discovery is exciting for at least two reasons. Viral infection of higher forms of marine life almost certainly affects global ocean processes, such as photosynthesis. Marine viruses also will provide new materials for development of genetic and biotechnological tools that can be used to study and manipulate marine organisms. For example, marine viruses could be used to genetically engineer higher forms of marine life.

Marine ecology

As a basis for developing new applications for marine products and processes, analyzing global climate change, and improving fisheries management, scientists must build a fundamental understanding of marine organisms and their specific adaptations to and interactions with their environment. Recent developments in molecular techniques are rapidly expanding capabilities for research on marine ecology. Three research areas seem to be especially fertile and deserving of Federal support.

As a first step, the new molecular tools should be applied to gain insight into the basic molecular and cellular processes by which marine organisms adapt to extreme environments. Examples of basic research that may lead to commercial applications are gene sequencing projects and the ongoing study of special glycoproteins that inhibit ice crystal growth in the tissues of Antarctic fish. These substances, along with gene sequence information for key marine species, may prove useful in industrial and medical preservation processes.

Second, a thorough understanding of marine ecological systems must be developed in order to specify the "normal" baseline level of function and to monitor and predict potential changes and perturbations of systems due to physical, chemical, or biological impacts. The development of predictive models for analyzing potential global climate changes depends on the acquisition of fundamental information on molecular regulatory mechanisms of photosynthesis in the oceans.

Third, research on marine ecology can be conducted to benefit fisheries management. The tools of biotechnology can be used to determine the effect of natural and anthropogenic perturbations on the size of commercial stocks, to delineate fishery stocks and management units of living resources, to determine predator-prey relationships, and to restore habitats essential to robust fisheries.

Defining the Impact of the Seas on the Global Environment

Powerful tools are being developed to elucidate the many biogeochemical cycles that determine the fate of all the life- supporting elements on Earth. Scientists are beginning to understand and manipulate the molecular genetics and biology of esoteric metabolic pathways associated with the carbon, sulfur, phosphorous, iron, and other biogeochemical cycles. For example, based on the hypothesis that iron controls photosynthesis in the oceans, immunological probes were used to show that addition of iron to open ocean water off the Galapagos Islands significantly increased energy production.(23)

Marine biotechnology will be useful in assessing the role of the oceans in affecting climate change and the global carbon cycle. Molecular techniques can facilitate and enhance the measurements of CO2 concentrations and total CO2 inventories being developed for global ocean models of carbon cycling. There is compelling evidence that the exchange of dissolved and particulate materials between the continental shelf and its boundaries is a significant factor affecting the flux of CO2 and biogenic elements within the global ocean. Several Federal agencies plan to collaborate on related research, including marine biotechnology applications.

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