United States Department of Health & Human Services

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

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Administrative Operations

FOIA Office


Departmental Regulations allow us to recover part of the costs associated with the processing of FOIA requests. For fee purposes, the FOIA requires that requesters be placed in one of the following three categories: (1) commercial use requesters; (2) educational and scientific institutions and news media; and (3) all others. Those requesters classified as commercial use requesters, Category I, are subject to search, review, edit and duplication costs. Category II requesters are subject to duplications costs. We will waive the fee for the first 100 pages of duplication. Category III requesters are charged for search and duplication, with a waiver of the first 100 pages of duplication and two hours search time. You will incur FOIA charges if the total processing costs are $25 or more.

Unless you state a specific fee limit in your request, we will assume that you are willing to pay all the fees incurred in the processing of your request and will not contact you concerning the fees.

The FOIA permits the waiver or reduction of fees if disclosure of the information meets both of the following tests: (1) it is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government; and (2) it is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. If you believe your request meets both of these tests, you can request a waiver or reduction of fees at the time you make your request. Provide information to justify your waiver request. Full details concerning fee waiver and reductions can be found at 45 CFR 5.45 of the DHHS implementing Public Information Regulations.

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FOIA Requester Service Centers

Each FOIA office in HHS has a FOIA Requester Service Center that processes relevant FOIA requests.

  • AoA - Administration on Aging
  • ACF - Administration for Children and Families
  • AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • FDA - Food and Drug Administration
  • HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration
  • IHS - Indian Health Service
  • NIH - National Institutes of Health
  • OIG - Office of Inspector General
  • PSC - Program Support Center
  • PHS - Public Health Service
  • SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Last revised: September 3, 2008


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