United States Department of Health & Human Services

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Program Support Center


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Administrative Operations

FOIA Office

About FOIA

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a means by which the general public can obtain access to agency records. The FOIA requires federal agencies to disclose records requested by the public unless the record, or a portion thereof, may be withheld pursuant to one or more of the nine exemptions contained in the Act. Public information documents such as press releases, publications, speeches, etc, are available from PSC without filing a FOIA request. You can use the PSC search engine to help you locate documents on the PSC website. You may also wish to use the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Government Information Locator Service (GILS) to search for major information systems maintained by DHHS.

Some documents require Adobe Acrobat® Reader.

FOIA Requester Service Centers

Each FOIA office in HHS has a FOIA Requester Service Center that processes relevant FOIA requests.

  • AoA - Administration on Aging
  • ACF - Administration for Children and Families
  • AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
  • FDA - Food and Drug Administration
  • HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration
  • IHS - Indian Health Service
  • NIH - National Institutes of Health
  • OIG - Office of Inspector General
  • PSC - Program Support Center
  • PHS - Public Health Service
  • SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Last revised: September 3, 2008


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