United States Department of Health & Human Services

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Program Support Center


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About the PSC

Strategic Plan 2005– 2009

The Provider of Choice for Quality and Value in Shared Services

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Our Mission

The PSC is the shared services provider for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). As such, the PSC provides full range of support services to the HHS and other Federal agencies, allowing them to focus on their core mission.

Our Vision

The PSC is the provider of choice for quality and value in shared services, across the Federal Government.

Our Values

  • Customer Focus: We are committed to working collaboratively with our customers to ensure that we deliver what they want and need.
  • Commitment to Our People: We value satisfaction, competence, development, integrity, and teamwork across our workforce.
  • Cost-Effective and High Quality Service Delivery: We value innovative and customer-based solutions, resource optimization, and continuous improvement.
  • Communication: We value communication within and across all levels of the organization and ongoing dialogue with our customers and other stakeholders.
  • Transparency: We value the customer's right to know and understand our rates and our financial results.
  • Technology Optimization: We value the integration of technology into processes to enhance the efficiency of operations and the overall customer experience.

The PSC Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan outlines our goals and strategies for the present and into the future. Each year we update the plan's strategies and expected results to ensure we are focused on the most critical initiatives and remain anchored to our customer needs.

The key elements of this plan are our five Strategic Goals - each vital to keeping our focus on service excellence. Our strategic goal and the strategies for achieving them ensure the delivery of high quality, competitively priced services to our customers in an environment of customer service, open communication, and workforce excellence.

More than ever, the PSC is focused on achieving excellence in all we do - for our customers, for our workforce, and for the public we serve.

STRATEGIC GOAL 1 Excellent Customer Service

Primary Results

  1. Reputation for customer service.
  2. Improved customer relationships.
  3. Customer service-oriented employees.
  4. Achievement of performance standards.

Primary Strategies

  1. Continually measure customer satisfaction and pursue actions that will improve satisfaction.
  2. Implement customer relationship management initiatives.
  3. Continue focus on customer service excellence across the workforce.
  4. A. Incorporate customer service objectives into Federal performance contracts.
    B. Ensure that performance-based contracts include customer service performance goals.

STRATEGIC GOAL 2 – Excellent Workforce

Primary Results

  1. Workforce with the necessary skills to support and grow the business.
  2. Increased workforce satisfaction.
  3. Increased pool of qualified applicants.
  4. A high-performing workforce.
  5. Environment of creativity and entrepreneurship.

Primary Strategies

  1. Define skills and competencies and supporting developmental tools.
  2. Continually assess workforce satisfaction and implement action plans based on results.
  3. Develop innovative recruitment techniques.
  4. Continually reward and recognize high performance by individuals and teams.
  5. Foster an environment of innovation and encourage creativity across the workforce.

STRATEGIC GOAL 3 – Excellent Communication

Primary Results

  1. Continuous and open communication with customers.
  2. Frequent, effective, and consistent communications with employees.
  3. Increased workforce knowledge of all PSC service areas.

Primary Strategies

  1. Establish a formal external communications function in PSC.
  2. A. Continue to implement and refine the PSC Internal Communications Program.
    B. Periodically assess employees’ perceptions of internal communication.
  3. Take advantage of information-sharing opportunities across services.

STRATEGIC GOAL 4 – Excellent Resource Management

Primary Results

  1. Customer understanding of PSC costs and billings.
  2. Competitive rates.
  3. Achievement of economies of scale through expansion.
  4. Improved financial management.
  5. Limited duplication of services Department-wide.

Primary Strategies

  1. Provide full disclosure of billing procedures and cost elements and collaborate with customers.
  2. A. Conduct annual benchmarking to understand the competition.
    B. Control overhead costs and intra-service costs.
  3. Develop and implement a marketing plan.
  4. A. Achieve an unqualified audit opinion.
    B. Implement effective internal controls.
    C. Establish and maintain performance measures.
  5. Work with Department leadership to identify opportunities for consolidation across the Department.

STRATEGIC GOAL 5 – Benchmark for the Federal Shared Services Community

Primary Results

  1. Increased awareness of the PSC as a premier shared services provider for the Federal Government.
  2. Continued growth in customer base and increased opportunities for partnerships.
  3. Best-practice business and operational processes.
  4. Integrated business and technology solutions.

Primary Strategies

  1. Pursue selection as a Federal Line of Business (LOB) or key cross-Government provider in our areas of competency.
  2. A. Develop and implement a brand management strategy to strengthen and promote the PSC corporate identity.
    B. Participate in industry groups, conferences, and boards.
  3. Practice continuous process improvement.
  4. Develop and lead implementations of e-Gov and other Department and Government-wide initiatives that maximize the use of technology to support processes.

About the Program Support Center

The Program Support Center (PSC) was created in 1995 to provide a wide range of administrative support within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), allowing HHS Operating Divisions to concentrate on their core functional and operational objectives. As the first truly shared service enterprise at HHS, the PSC provides products and services on a competitive “fee-for-service” basis to customers throughout HHS and other Federal departments and agencies.

Designed to reduce Government spending and duplication of efforts in administrative support services, the PSC realizes significant savings through partnering, standardization, streamlining, prudent acquisition strategies, economies of scale, or consolidation, and an overall sound business approach to the delivery of products and services.

The PSC became the efficient, focused organization it is today because of the in-depth analysis of product offerings, reengineering of processes, changes in management practices, and workforce restructuring over the past three years. In addition, the PSC has undertaken several initiatives to consolidate services and offer a comprehensive approach to service delivery. Today, the PSC provides more than fifty products and services in financial management, administrative operations, strategic acquisitions, health resources, and human resources to Government entities worldwide.

HHS Service and Supply Fund Board

The PSC is a component of the HHS Service and Supply Fund (SSF), the Department’s working capital fund. As such, its activities are overseen by the SSF Board, made up of senior representatives from the following HHS organizations:

Deputy Secretary (Board Chair)
Assistant Secretary for Budget, Technology, and Finance (ASBTF)
Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (ASAM)
Administration on Aging (AOA)
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
Indian Health Service (IHS)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Office of Inspector General (OIG)
Program Support Center (PSC)
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The Board is advised by an SSF Work Group, with membership from the above organizations, and the SSF Management Office.

PSC Executive Team

Paul S. Bartley, Director, Program Support Center
Michael A. Tyllas, Ph.D., Director, Administrative Operations Service
Carol Arbogast, Director, Enterprise Support Service
Larry Bedker, Director, Financial Management Service
Maria Joyce, Director, Division of Financial Operations
Gene Migliaccio, Director, Federal Occupational Health Service
Jack Stoute, Director, Business Technology Optimization
Christie Goodman, Director, Strategic Acquisition Service


5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857
(301) 443-0034

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Last revised: November 1, 2007


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