Implementing Agencies
Department of Defense (DoD)

Department of Defense (DoD)

The DoD implements Emergency Plan programs by supporting HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care, strategic information, human capacity development, and program and policy development in host militaries and civilian communities of 69 countries around the world. These activities are accomplished through direct military-to-military assistance, support to NGOs and universities, and collaboration with other USG agencies in country. The DoD supports a broad spectrum of military-specific HIV prevention programs, infrastructure development and support (including laboratory, clinic and hospital facility renovation, equipment, and training), and treatment and care activities. Under the Emergency Plan, the DoD HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP) conducts a one-month HIV/AIDS training program for military clinicians who provide HIV-related treatment and care. DoD international HIV/AIDS programs support six clinical trial and vaccine research sites and have established permanent laboratory and research capabilities in nine countries.

Members of the defense forces in 13 Emergency Plan focus countries have been the recipients of DoD military-specific HIV/AIDS prevention programs designed to address their unique risk factors, in addition to treatment and care programs for their personnel. In these 13 countries alone, military programs have the potential to make an impact on more than 1.2 million people, including active duty troops, their dependents, employees and surrounding civilian communities. With PEPFAR support and in collaboration with the USG, Ministries of Defense in Emergency Plan countries have developed culturally appropriate peer education, drama, video, and interactive “edutainment” methods of sharing comprehensive prevention messages with their troops. Military members have been trained to promote HIV prevention on an individual level, and country military programs have supported targeted condom service outlets, with some countries even developing a military-specific theme for condom packaging and distribution to appeal to soldiers. Ministries of Defense and DHAPP have jointly supported second generation HIV surveillance, as well as counseling and testing centers and provider-initiated testing. DoD programs provide support for a full-spectrum care effort, including TB/HIV, treatment for opportunistic infections, and pre-ART care. DoD efforts under the Emergency Plan also have provided the necessary training, infrastructure, and support for HIV/AIDS treatment in host militaries.

USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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