
October 2005

  • policy approved, countries notified
  • Guidance for Five Year Strategy disseminated
  • FY 06 budget levels for country programs required to complete COPs
  • Reporting indicators finalized and disseminated
  • Technical assistance and support plan finalized to assist countries in the
    completion of documents

January 2005

  • Five year strategy and COPs submitted by countries receiving more than $10 million
  • Strategies and COPs reviewed; feedback to countries; final revisions

February 2006

  • February 15: Five year strategies due for countries of strategic importance, including those receiving greater than $5 million
  • Strategies and COPS approved for countries receiving greater than $10 million, figures included in Congressional Notification

February 2006

  • Other country strategies reviewed; feedback to countries; final revisions

March 2006

  • All strategies approved

Oct. 30 2006

  • Annual report data due

Note: Technical assistance ongoing throughout the process.

General Policy Guidance for All Bilateral Programs Home Page

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