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Other Clean Fuel Technology

Health Effects & Emissions Studies

Evaluation of various off-road technologies provides documentation of the benefits of new technologies.  Studies include demonstration of low- and zero-emission locomotives, low-emission alternative fuel off-road engines using technology developed for on-road engines, including retrofit equipment.  Another area of focus will be the use of gas-to-liquid fuels, emulsified fuels, bio-diesel, and low-sulfur diesel fuels in construction equipment and other off-road uses.  Demonstration of particulate control technologies is a high priority area.  The plan also includes projects pertaining to low-emission marine engines, including hybrid-electric technology.

As part of the Chairman’s initiatives to form a consortium on asthma research and to further medical research on air pollution-related cancers, project proposals have been solicited to examine the potential health impacts from toxic emissions and ultra-fine particles.  In addition, proposed studies include the comparison of in-use emission levels from engines powered by various fuels.

Stationary Clean Fuel Technology and VOC/Toxics

Although progress is being made in the development and commercialization of zero-volatile organic compound (VOC) products and processes, the  Draft 2003 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMD) revision identifies further need for VOC and PM emission reductions to achieve the federal clean air standards by 2010.  As such, low-VOC solvents and coatings research will continue, as well as diesel alternative technologies for portable power applications.

  • New Projects Approved in Calendar Year 2005 (No Projects in this Category)

  • Completed Projects in Calendar Year 2005 (No Projects in this Category)

  • Ongoing Projects

Outreach & Technology Transfer

A fundamental element of the Clean Fuels Program is the assessment of clean fuels and advanced technologies, their progress towards commercialization, and the dissemination of information on demonstrated technologies.  This is achieved by consulting with industry, scientific, health, medical, and regulatory experts and utilizing knowledge and expertise in support of the Clean Fuels Program.

Outreach efforts are ongoing to expedite the implementation of low emission and clean fuels technologies and to coordinate these activities with other organizations.  The Clean Fuels Program relies on the transfer of technology as a mechanism to disseminate to and receive information from the public domain, industry, regulatory agencies, and the scientific community. 

These projects do not require summaries upon completion.

This page updated: January 06, 2006