FY 2004 Rwanda Partners

The lists below include partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money as either a prime1 partner (bulleted items) or as a sub-partner2 (indented underneath the prime partners).

    The 2004 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that were obligated Emergency Plan money during fiscal year 2004, that is from October 1, 2003, through September 30, 2004.

    The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

    • World Relief
    • Catholic Relief Services
    • AIDS Relief Services (ARS)
    • MoH or National Blood Transfusion Services
    • Sanquin Blood Consulting
    • Catholic Relief Services
    • Africare
    • AVSI
    • John Snow, Inc.
    • ABT Associates
        Tulane University
    • Academy for Educational Development
    • ASPH
    • Association of Public Health Laboratories
    • CARE International
        Abashizubwoba local association
        Association Rwandaise Pour le Bien-Etre Familial
        Dufatanye local association
        Urugero Local Association
    • Centre for Development and Population Activities
    • Columbia University
    • Comforce
    • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
        Butamwa Health Center, Rwanda
        Gikomero Health Center, Rwanda
        Gikonko Health Center
        Gitega Health Center
        Health Center Gikondo
        Health Center Kabusanzu
        Health Center Kacyiru
        Health Center Muhima
        Jali Health Center, Rwanda
        Kabuga Health Center, Rwanda
        Kabuga Health District
        Masaka Health Center, Rwanda
        Maternite Muhima Hospital
        Muhima Health District
        Nyagasambu Health Center, Rwanda
        Nzige Health Center, Rwanda
        Rubungo Health Center, Rwanda
        Rwankuba Health Center, Rwanda
        Shyorongi Health Center
    • EngenderHealth
        ABT Associates
        IntraHealth International, Inc
    • Family Health International
        Association des Eglise Inkuru nziza au Rwanda (AEIR)
        Association Rwandaise Pour le Bien-Etre Familial
        Biryogo Health Center
        Bungwe Health Center, Rwanda
        Byumba Hospital, Rwanda
        Caritas Rwanda
        Collectif PRO-FEMMES Twese Hamwe
        Diocese of Byumba, Rwanda
        Diocese of Cyangugu
        Diocese of Kabgayi, Rwanda
        Diocese of Nyundo, Rwanda
        Episcopal Church of Kigali
        Episcopal Church of Rwanda
        Friends Church of Rwanda
        Gikondo Health Center
        Gitarama Health Center, Rwanda
        Gitwe Hospital, Rwanda
        Kabgayi Health Center, Rwanda
        Kabgayi Hospital, Rwanda
        Karengera Health Center, Rwanda
        Kayove Health Center
        Kibungo Catholic Diocese
        Kibungo Hospital, Rwanda
        Kibuye Hospital, Rwanda
        Kicukiro Health Center, Rwanda
        Kigeme Hospital, Rwanda
        Kigufi Health Center, Rwanda
        Kirambi Health Center, Rwanda
        Kirinda Hospital
        Kivumu Health Center, Rwanda
        Kobona Health Center
        Masaka Health Center, Rwanda
        Mugina Health Center
        Mugonero Hospital, Rwanda
        Mukungu Health Center, Rwanda
        Murara Health Center, Rwanda
        Muyanza Health Center, Rwanda
        National University of Rwanda
        Ngarama Hospital, Rwanda
        Nyabikenke Health Center, Rwanda
        Nyamata Hospital, Rwanda
        Nyarusange Health Center, Rwanda
        Pentecostal Church of Rwanda
        Remera-Rukoma Hospital, Rwanda
        Reseau Rwandais de Personnes Vivant avec le HIV
        Restoration Church of Rwanda
        Rugege Health Center
        Ruhango Health Center, Rwanda
        Ruli Hospital, Rwanda
        Runyombyi Health Center, Rwanda
        Ruramba Health Center, Rwanda
        Society of Women Against AIDS (SWAA) Rwanda
        World Relief Corporation
    • IntraHealth International, Inc
    • Management Sciences for Health
    • Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education
    • Population Services International
        Comission Nationale de la Jeunesse Rwanda
        Confessions Religeuses
        Ministry of Local Government
    • Public Health Institute
    • Treatment and Research AIDS Center
    • Tulane University
        Brandeis University
        National University of Rwanda
    • University of Michigan School of Public Health
    • University of North Carolina Carolina Population Center
    • University Research Corporation, LLC


    1. Prime partner: The entity which received funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG Agency. (Source: FY2006 COP Guidance, p.39)

    2. Sub-partner: The entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: FY2006 COP Guidance, p. 43)

    3. Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When the U.S. Government places an order, signs a contract, awards a grant, purchases a service, provides incremental funding or takes other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, it incurs an obligation. (Source: FY2005 Annual Progress Report Guidance, p.5)

    USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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