FY 2004 Kenya Partners

The lists below include partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money as either a prime1 partner (bulleted items) or as a sub-partner2 (indented underneath the prime partners).

    The 2004 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that were obligated Emergency Plan money during fiscal year 2004, that is from October 1, 2003, through September 30, 2004.

    The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

    • ADRA
    • PATH
    • Salesian Missions
    • World Vision
    • World Relief
    • Samaritan's Purse
    • AIDS Relief Services (ARS)
    • Columbia University
    • MoH or National Blood Transfusion Services
    • American Association of Blood Banks
    • Catholic Relief Services
    • World Concern
    • AVSI
    • Christian Aid
    • Christian Children's Fund
    • Hope Worldwide
    • Plan USA
    • John Snow, Inc.
    • ABT Associates
    • Academy for Educational Development
    • African Medical and Research Foundation
    • Association of Public Health Laboratories
    • CARE International
    • Catholic Medical Mission Board
    • Centre for Development and Population Activities
    • Community Housing Foundation
    • Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program, Kenya
    • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
        Christian Health Association of Kenya
        Kenya Medical Research Institute
    • EngenderHealth
        Aga Khan Health Services
        Community Aid International
        Family Planning Association of Kenya
        IntraHealth International, Inc
        UZIMA Foundation
    • Family Health International
        African Medical and Research Foundation
        Bungoma Organization for Empowerment of Women, Kenya
        Family Planning Association of Kenya
        I Choose Life
        International Center for Reproductive Health
        Kenya Association of Professional Counselors
        Kenya Girl Guides Association
        Kenya Medical Training College
        Kenya Museums
        Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya
        Kima Integrated Community Based Program
        Life Bloom
        Ministry of Health Coast
        Ministry of Health Nakuru
        Ministry of Health Western
        Ministry of Health, Nairobi
        Mkomani Clinic Society, Kenya
        Mumias Muslim Community, Kenya
        Nairobi Women's Hospital
        National AIDS & STD Control Program
        Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
        Samburu AIDS in Africa (SAIDIA)
        Solidarity w/ Women in Distress, Kenya
        St. Mary's Hospital, Kenya
        Strengthening Community Partnership and Empowerment
        University of Nairobi
    • Foundation Agency for Rural Development
    • Handicap International
    • Hope Worldwide
    • Impact Research and Development Organization
    • Indiana University
    • Institute of Tropical Medicine
    • International Medical Corps
    • International Rescue Committee
    • Internews
    • John Snow, Inc.
    • Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium
    • Kenya Medical Research Institute
        Institute of Tropical Medicine
        James Finlay Central Hospital
        Kabondo Community Health Development Group
        Kenya Department of Defense
        Kericho District Hospital, Kenya
        Kilifi District Hospital
        Live With Hope Centre
        Soy AIDS and Youth Resource Center, Lugari
        Tenwek Hospital
        Unilever Tea Kenya Hospital
    • Kenya Medical Supplies Agency
    • Kenya Ministry of Education Science and Technology
    • Kibera Community Self Help Programme
    • Kodiaga Prison
    • Liverpool VCT and Care - Kenya
    • Machakos District Hospital, Kenya
    • Macro International
        National Council for Population and Development
    • Makindu Children's Centre
    • Management Sciences for Health
        International Dispensary Association (IDA)
        Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies
    • Marquette University
        Cade Fields-Garner
        Ch2Hill, for the services of Mark Corsentino
        Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program, Kenya
        Education Experts for the services of Julie
        Robert M. Doucette
        University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
    • Mildmay International
    • Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
    • Moosajee Enterprises
    • National AIDS & STD Control Program
        Kilifi District Hospital
    • National Blood Transfusion Service, Kenya
    • National Public Health Laboratory Services
    • Network of AIDS Researchers in East and Southern Africa
    • New York University
    • Nyanza Provincial Hospital
    • Nyarami VCT Center
    • OleMila VCT
    • Pamoja the Shell of Steel Ltd.
    • Pathfinder International
        Camp David Center
        Chaani Bamako Initiative
        Githunguri Primary School
        Jomvu Bamako Initiative
        Kayanet Home-based Care Program
        Kivuli Center
        Mugutha Women Group
        Mukuru AIDS & Drug Alliance
        Neighbors in Action - Kenya
        Redeemed Gospel Church Development Program
        Ruiru HIV/AIDS Children Support Program
        Rural Education & Economic Enhancement Program
        St. Brigittas Catholic Hospital
        St. Judes Pioneer HIV/AIDS Awareness Group
        St. Mary's Medical Center, Kapsoya
        The Integrated AIDS Program
    • Pillar of Hope, Kenya
    • Population Council
    • Population Services International
        Lowe SCANAD
        Ogilvy and Mather
    • The Futures Group International
        Positive Teacher's Association
        Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims
        United Disable Association of Kenya
    • Transol East Africa LTD
    • United Nations Children's Fund
    • University of California
    • University of Manitoba
    • University of Nairobi
        Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya
        Pumwani Maternity Hospital
    • University of North Carolina
    • University of Washington
    • Weltevreden Car & Truck CC (Mobile VCT)


    1. Prime partner: The entity which received funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG Agency. (Source: FY2006 COP Guidance, p.39)

    2. Sub-partner: The entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: FY2006 COP Guidance, p. 43)

    3. Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When the U.S. Government places an order, signs a contract, awards a grant, purchases a service, provides incremental funding or takes other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, it incurs an obligation. (Source: FY2005 Annual Progress Report Guidance, p.5)

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