Corrigendum for


“El Niño and La Niña:  Causes and Global Consequences”


Corrections are indicated in brackets []


1) page 1, right column, last sentence of first paragraph should read:


"In addition, early warning [of] impending impacts, made possible by new data and forecasting techniques [,] led to planning efforts in some parts of the world that helped to reduce the toll the El Niño [] might otherwise have taken"


2) page 9, right column, line 1 should read: "...1982 - [1983]..."


3) page 9, right column, lines 7-8 of the second new paragraph should read:


"...can add to already elevated sea levels [] to cause..."

4) page 10, left column, second new paragraph.

"In extreme cases, decimated populations may require [several] years to fully rebound."

5) Box on page 15, right column, line 10 should read:

"number of forest fires, [and to modification of]..."

6) page 15, right column, first line of first new paragraph should read:
