United States Department of Health & Human Services
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, Program Support Center

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Human Resources

Payroll Services

Introduction to Payroll Services Letters [Word 3.18Mb]
Payroll Services Letters by Category [Word 3.1Mb]
Payroll Services Letters by Date [Word 3.14Mb]
Payroll Services Letter 05-01.1: Advanced Sick Leave Requests
Payroll Services Letter 05-02.1: Agency Administrative Salary Offset
Payroll Services Letter 05-07.1: Compensatory Time
Payroll Services Letter 05-08: Continuation of Pay
Payroll Services Letter 05-09.1: Debt Collections
Payroll Services Letter 05-11.1: Leave Certifications
Payroll Services Letter 05-17.1: Religious Compensatory Time
Payroll Services Letter 05-19: Restored Annual Leave Requests
Payroll Services Letter 05-21.1: SF-1150 Record of Leave Data
Payroll Services Letter 05-22.1: SF50 Forms Required by DFAS Payroll Office
Payroll Services Letter 05-25.1: Transfer-In Temporary Leave Balances
Payroll Services Letter 05-27.1: Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP)
Payroll Services Letter 05-28.1: Retirement and Separation Processing


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Last revised: July 31, 2008

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