NICHD FY 2008 Funding Strategies 2/7/2008 The NICHD distributes its resources among many diverse programs and mechanisms. The institute is committed to funding the largest number of meritorious projects possible, while allowing the flexibility needed to support selected program priorities and respond to emerging scientific opportunities.
Updated Definition of New Investigator for Grant Applications 4/24/2007 Check "Yes" in the "New Investigator" box only if the principal investigator has not previously competed successfully as such on any NIH-supported research project other than a small grant (R03), an Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15), an exploratory/developmental grant (R21), a Shannon Award (R55), an NIH High Priority, Short-Term Project Award (R56), or mentored career development awards for persons at the beginning of their research career (K01, K08, K22, K23, K25, K99/R00).
NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards - FY 2007 1/12/2007 Faced with a markedly increased number of applications and applicants for grant support at a time of flat budgets with no inflationary adjustments, NIH is taking immediate proactive steps in FY2007 to manage its portfolio of investments in biomedical research.
Interim Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants, Cooperative Agreements and Contracts 1/12/2007 For the past eighteen years Congress has legislatively mandated a limitation on direct salary for individuals under NIH grant, cooperative agreement and contract awards (referred to here as a grant).
Electronic Submissions of R01 11/29/2006 Grant Applicant Alert - New process & new forms required for Feb 2007.
NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Confirm R01 Electronic Application Submission Plans for February 5 Receipt Date 11/20/2006 Effective for R01 receipt dates on or after February 5, 2007, ALL applications for the R01 grant program must be submitted electronically, including amending applications originally submitted in paper.
New Limits on Appendix Materials for All NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Grant Applications Beginning with Receipt Dates on or After January 3, 2007 11/20/2006 NIH/AHRQ/NISOH is changing the guidelines for all applications with a submission/receipt date on or after January 3, 2007 limiting Appendix materials that may be submitted with grant applications. The goal is to encourage applications to be as concise as possible while containing the information needed for expert scientific review.
Establishment of Multiple Principal Investigator Awards for the Support of Team Science Projects 11/20/2006 Beginning with research grant applications submitted for February 2007 receipt dates, the NIH will allow applicants and their institutions to identify more than one Principal Investigator (PI). The multiple PI option will be extended to most research grant applications submitted electronically through using the SF424 R&R application package.
Change in Standard Receipt Dates 10/26/2006 Beginning in January 2007, NIH will change the standard receipt dates for a variety of funding mechanisms. For an application to be considered on time it must be received by by 5 p.m. local time for the applicant institution on the receipt date specified. A complete listing of the new receipt dates may be found in the link (above) to NOT-OD-07-001.
NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications 8/11/2006 The revised NIH Policy on Late Submissions of Grant Applications (NOT-OD-06-086) is now available. |