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Recreational Trails Program - Related Links

Highlighted Links

National Trails Training Partnership
Agencies working together to promote trail training and resources.


State RTP Administrators
Contact information for your State RTP administrator, including State websites. This is the best person to ask about recreational trail policies and funding in your State.

National Trails System
The network of scenic, historic, and recreation trails created by the National Trails System Act of 1968.

U.S. Bicycle Route System
The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is hosting a Task Force to develop a national interstate route system for bicycle routes, with input from States and national bicycle advocacy organizations.

The Adventure Cycling Association provides staff support. The Task Force has developed a report and a draft corridor plan.

On this page:

State Agencies

Federal Agencies

Department of Transportation

U.S. Forest Service

Department of the Interior

Other Federal Agencies

  • U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) - Information on accessibility and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Recreation.Gov - A website for recreational opportunities on Federal lands.
  • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance - a government wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Promoting Physical Activity Through Trails.
  • National Endowment for the Arts - grant programs may benefit trails.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - recreation sites.
  • U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety - Information on recreational boating safety and recreational boating grant programs.

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Trail Organizations

  • Adventure Cycling Association - a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bicycle travel, offering programs for cyclists, including a national network of bicycle touring routes and organized trips.
  • American Council of Snowmobile Associations - national organization uniting the snowmobile community.
  • American Hiking Society - dedicated to serving hikers and protecting the Nation's hiking trails.
  • American Horse Council - represents national equine interests and investments.
  • American Motorcyclist Association - organization promoting and protecting the interests of on- and off-road motorcycle enthusiasts.
  • American Recreation Coalition - dedicated to the protection and enhancement of everyone's right to health and happiness through recreation.
  • American Recreation Coalition: Toolbox for the Great Outdoors - information about programs available to provide high quality recreation experiences on public lands. The Toolbox is a partnership with the US Army Corps of Engineers, USDA Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Federal Highway Administration.
  • American Trails - a national trails advocacy organization working for the common interests of all trail users, with an extensive resource library.
  • Back Country Horsemen of America - dedicated to preserving the historical use of recreational stock in the back country.
  • Blue Ribbon Coalition - preserving our natural resources for the public, instead of from the public.
  • International Association of Snowmobile Administrators (IASA) represents snowmobile program administrators from 27 US states, 10 Canadian Provinces, 3 Canadian Territories, and Sweden, to facilitate communications among administrators.
  • International Mountain Bicycling Association - creates, enhances, and preserves trail opportunities for mountain bikers worldwide.
  • The Corps Network - unites youth corps to support youth development, community service, and environmental restoration goals.
  • National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council - an education foundation organized to promote safe, responsible, family oriented off-highway recreational experiences.
  • National Recreation and Park Association - advances parks, recreation, and environmental conservation efforts.
  • National Council of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial - leads the Nation's commemoration of the journey and legacies of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
  • Partnership for the National Trails System - facilitates interaction and cooperation among private groups and government agencies involved with the national scenic and historic trails of the National Trails System.
  • Professional Trailbuilders Association - a nonprofit association of professional trail contractors, designers, and consultants.
  • Rails-to-Trails Conservancy - enriching America's communities and countryside by creating a nationwide network of public trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors.
  • Student Conservation Association - nation's leading provider of conservation service opportunities.
  • Tread Lightly! - promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, restoration, and research.
  • Tread Lightly! Tread Trainer Program - designed to train participants in innovative, practical methods of spreading outdoor ethics to the public with a curriculum specifically focused on motorized and mechanized recreation.
  • United Four Wheel Drive Associations - provides the latest news and information in 4WD recreation.

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Trail Information Resources


National Trails Training Partnership - trail organizations and agencies working together to promote trail training and resources.

  • American Trails Resource and Library page - hundreds of links and full-text publications.
  • American Whitewater - State by State Information on Recreational Use Statutes.
  • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance - a government wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities.
  • Equestrian Land Conservation Resource - Dedicated to promoting access to and conservation of land for equestrian use.
  • International Mountain Bicycling Association's Resources Guide - Information on grants, liability, trail building, etc.
  • The Greenways Archive - collects publications pertaining to recreational and environmental green spaces.
  • Leave No Trace - dedicated to promoting and inspiring outdoor recreation through education, research, and partnerships.
  • National Association of Reversionary Property Owners - advocate for property rights along railroad corridors.
  • National Center on Accessibility - a program of the Indiana University's Department of Recreation and Park Administration in cooperation with the National Park Service, Office on Accessibility.
  • National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council's OHV Library -
  • National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse - provides information on FHWA's Transportation Enhancement Program, a funding source for nonmotorized trails that serve a transportation function.
  • Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute, established at Marshall University, Huntington WV.
  • Scenic Byways - FHWA sponsored website for travelers.
  • Snowmobile Resources - safety and best practice resources, including rider training information:
  • Toolbox for the Great Outdoors (American Recreation Coalition) - information about programs available to provide high quality recreation experiences on public lands. The Toolbox is a partnership with the US Army Corps of Engineers, USDA Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Federal Highway Administration.
  • Trails and Greenways Clearinghouse website:
  • Tread Lightly! - promoting responsible outdoor recreation through education, restoration, and research.
  • Transportation Research Board Bicycle Transportation Committee - This Committee is concerned with all aspects of bicycling and bicyclists and criteria for bicycle facilities to assure that the bicycle rider has safe, convenient, and efficient travel.
  • Transportation Research Board Pedestrian Committee - This Committee is concerned with research on pedestrians and pedestrian facilities that will provide safe, comfortable, and efficient walking environments along sidewalks, along and across roadways, and connecting to other modes of transportation.
  • University of Minnesota Trail Library - index of publications relating to planning, design, construction, and maintenance of all types of trails. http//
  • U.S. Bicycle Route System - The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is hosting a Task Force to develop a national interstate route system for bicycle routes, with input from States and national bicycle advocacy organizations. The Adventure Cycling Association provides staff support. The Task Force has developed a report and a draft corridor plan.

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