Ticket to Work

Training Schedule
July 2008

In preparation for the implementation of the New Ticket to Work Program regulations on July 21, 2008, the Social Security Administration (SSA) and its partners will be conducting several national training sessions to review changes to the program. Interested parties are being asked to save these training dates and participate in the appropriate teleconferences or webinars.

Basics for Beneficiaries
July 9, 2008, 2:00-3:30pm EST

This teleconference will provide an overview of the new regulations and information on changes and how those changes will positively impact beneficiaries. To participate, please call 1-800-779-1514 and use 7905458 for the participant passcode. With the teleconference being set up to accommodate 500 people, there will not be an opportunity for questions and answers. Questions may be sent to ticketprogram@ssa.gov though. You may also learn more at www.socialsecurity.gov/work.

Ticket Payment Process for Prospective & Existing Employment Networks
July 11, 2008, 2:00-3:00pm EST

This first Ticket to Work webinar will provide details on the payment process for Employment Networks (ENs). SSA and MAXIMUS Ticket to Work staff members will review the changes and establish new expectations for the new system. To participate in this webinar, please register at: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/register/TicketToWork1.cfm. Once registered, you will receive details on how to access the online materials and call into the webinar.

Ticket to Work 101
July 21, 2008 2:00-3:00pm EST

This webinar will provide an introduction for prospective ENs and other interested parties, particularly for beginners. Similar to the first Ticket to Work Teleconference call on May 22, 2008, this webinar will enhance the general overview by providing supporting training materials in an online format. To participate in this webinar, please register at: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/register/TicketToWork2.cfm. Once registered, you will receive details on how to access the online materials and call into the webinar.

Existing ENs: Learn About the Benefits of the New Ticket to Work Program
July 24, 2008, 2:00-3:00pm EST

This teleconference training session will provide information about important changes in the Ticket to Work regulations and will be oriented to ENs that have not been actively working with the program. With more money available to the EN, sooner in the process and based on earnings consistent with part-time work, we think many inactive ENs will want to take a second look. This session will be conducted jointly by CESSI, SSA’s Program Manager for Recruitment and Outreach, and MAXIMUS, SSA’s Operations Support Manager. To participate, please call 1-800-779-1514 and use passcode 8181584. Questions should be submitted via email to ticketprogram@ssa.gov.

If you are an approved EN or state VR agency and you have questions regarding training opportunities on the New Ticket to Work Program, such as Ticket Training Tuesdays, instructional material, or customized training sessions, please contact MAXIMUS at 866-968-7842, and then dial 1-2-1. You may also access information by visiting www.yourtickettowork.com/training.

If you are an organization that is considering becoming an Employment Network or have questions about the New Ticket to Work Program, please contact CESSI at tickettowork@cessi.net.


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