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New Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions
Near the Coulomb Barrier
  September 22 - 26, 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Bus Service

We will provide bus service between Days Inn and the conference site, the Chicago History Museum, in the morning and in the afternoon at the end of the program. (Hotel Belden-Stratford and Seneca are within walking distance.) The bus will make two rounds because many participants stay at Days Inn.

The first bus will leave Days Inn 7:45 AM, Monday through Friday. The second bus will leave Days Inn 8:15 AM, also Monday through Friday.

In the afternoon, the bus will leave the History Museum at 5:45 PM, and again at 6:15 PM, Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday the bus will leave the History Museum at 1:15 PM and again at 1:45 PM. The ride should take about 10 minutes.