United States Department of Health & Human Services

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Administrative Operations

Federal Property Assistance Program

List of Eligible Health Programs

The following is a list of the common types of programs considered eligible for real property grants. It is only a partial listing. Additional health programs not listed may also be eligible.

  1. medical institutions
  2. hospitals
  3. health centers (i.e., related laboratories, administrative offices, and public health nursing programs)
  4. mental health centers
  5. clinics
  6. nursing homes (i.e., long term care and convalescent facilities)
  7. medical, dental, nursing, and paramedic schools
  8. infirmaries
  9. diagnostic or treatment centers providing outpatient services and care
  10. preventive medical/health care programs
  11. rehabilitation centers for mentally or physically disable persons which provide an integrated medical, psychological, social evaluation and training program
  12. residences for physicians, nurses, paramedics, etc. in isolated areas
  13. pollution and pest control (related to public health)
  14. maternal and child health programs
  15. mental and physical hygiene training programs
  16. sanitary engineering and inspection
  17. health and nutrition education
  18. drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs
  19. juvenile delinquent rehabilitation, diagnostic, and evaluation programs
  20. communicable and chronic disease control (i.e., immunization programs)
  21. migrant and Native American health programs
  22. sewage disposal systems
  23. storm sewer systems
  24. solid waste programs (i.e., sanitary landfills, incinerators, and recycling facilities)
  25. water systems (i.e., wells, pumps, underground distribution mains, purifiers, reservoirs, water towers, and protected watershed properties)
  26. paramedic emergency treatment programs
  27. health administrative offices
  28. facilities to assist the homeless (Title V of the McKinney Act)
  29. animal control facilities
  30. forensic laboratories and morgues

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Last revised: August 18, 2004


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