Executive Orders
The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program was established by Executive
Order in 1977 to attract to the Federal service outstanding men and women from
a variety of academic disciplines and career paths who have a clear interest
in, and commitment to, excellence in the leadership and management of public
policies and programs. By drawing graduate students from diverse social and
cultural backgrounds, the PMF Program provides a continuing source of trained
men and women to meet the future challenges of public service.
Rules and Regulations
The PMF Rules and Regulations outline the authority, the policies and the
administration of the Presidential Management Fellows Program.
Program Guidance
This section contains the following program guidance:
(1) Transition Guidance: This document, available for download as an Adobe
Acrobat (.pdf) file, provides guidance and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
regarding the transition from the former Presidential Management Intern Program
regulations to the new Presidential Management Fellows Program regulations,
effective June 20, 2005.
(2) Guidance for Colleges and Universities: This document provides information
for colleges and universities interested in participating in the Presidential
Management Fellows (PMF) Program. This guidance is directed to academia
(Deans, Chairpersons, Academic Program Directors, and
Career Service staff) in providing the following: brief description of
the PMF Program, information on recruiting and nominating graduate students,
sample campus recruitment language, how to join the PMFCampus listserv, and
program contact information.
(3) PMF Guide for Agencies: This document provides information on the roles and
responsibilities of the PMF Program Office, Agency PMF Coordinators, and
Presidential Management Fellows (PMFs) and their supervisors. It also provides
program policy and procedural guidance to help agencies administer their PMF
(4) Supervisors and Hiring Officials Fact Sheet: Hiring a Presidential Management Fellow: This fact sheet is intended for PMF Program supervisors and hiring officials to explain the hiring process and the various stages of a typical fellowship.
(5) Veterans' Preference Procedures for Agencies: This document provides
veterans' preference procedures for agencies to follow in the PMF Program.
General Info
This section has information about the PMF Program Office, as well as new
information or current events listed under Program News.