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U.S. Department Of Transportation


final regulatory impact analysis



FMVSS No. 138




Office of Regulatory Analysis and Evaluation
National Center for Statistics and Analysis
March 2005


Table of Contents

    Executive Summary

  1. Introduction

  2. Background, Compliance Options, and Docket Comments

  3. Tire Pressure Survey and Test Results

  4. Target Population

  5. Benefits

    1. Human Factors Issues
    2. Skidding and Loss of Control
    3. Stopping Distance
    4. Flat Tires and Blowouts
    5. Fuel Economy
    6. Tread Life
    7. Property Damage and Travel Delay Savings
    8. Non-quantifiable Benefits
    9. Potential Benefits of Antilock Brake Systems

  6. Costs and Lead Times

  7. Cost Effectiveness and Benefit-Cost Analyses

  8. Small Business Impacts

  9. Cumulative Impacts

  10. Probabilistic Uncertainty Analysis

  11. Appendix A