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 Establishing an IHS Web Site   ::   The Tour

clipart of a person thinking in front of a computer

Purpose of the Web Site

When considering a web site, research can be your best ally. Look over the current IHS web site to see how the web site you are requesting fits in. Some questions you may ask yourself or team are:

What is the purpose for our web site?
A web site could have one or many purposes. Maybe the web site will be used for general information or for training or for tribal news. Determining the use for the web site can help in the structure and setting the web site for your audience.

Who would our audience be?
Your audience may be the medical community, tribal communities, or maybe everyone.

Is the content I want on the web site readily available?
Doing some research and using resources readily available, try to imagine how your message will reach your audience through the content that is available.

Who in my department can maintain the web site?
Pick someone in your department that has time and can maintain the web site along with their regular responsibilities.

Am I aware of the policy and procedures for an IHS web site?
The IHS web team has provided information on the policy and procedures for setting up a web site on the IHS server. Take time to review them before you get started on developing a web site. There is a link to the Policies & Procedures following the tour.

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This file last modified: Friday November 19, 2004  3:36 PM