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The AIRS/AMSU/HSB suite of instruments constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding system of infrared, microwave and visible sensors. The infrared radiance data product is stable to 10 mK/yr and accurate to better than 250 mK. This product is the most accurate and stable set of hyperspectral infrared radiance spectra measurements made in space to date, and its meets the criteria identified by the National Research Council for climate data records. The geophysical products provide daily global temperature profiles at an accuracy of 1 K per 1 km thick layer in the troposphere and moisture profiles at an accuracy of 20% per 2 km thick layer in the lower troposphere (20% - 60% in the upper troposphere). With the Version 5 release the Level-2 and Level-3 products also include the burden and profiles of the minor gases: O3 (Level-2 only), CO and CH4.

The accuracy of the temperature and humidity profiles derived from AIRS/AMSU/HSB is recognized as improving forecasts from meteorological prediction models. NOAA administrator Lautenbacher has reported that "the AIRS instrument has provided the most significant increase in forecast improvement in this time range of any other single instrument." Currently researchers are using AIRS data products to validate climate models and to test their representations of critical climate feedbacks.

The AIRS Data Support at the GES DISC DAAC provides science and data support to assist others in understanding, ordering, and using the AIRS/AMSU/HSB data products.

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By registering as an AIRS Data User, you will receive announcements of discovered data product features and caveats which are directly applicable to your area of research. You will also receive the AIRS newsletters.

Got a Question, AskAIRS

Got a question for which there is no ready answer in the AIRS documentation? Post it at AskAIRS site and the AIRS Project will endeavor to provide the answer.


Hurricane Isidore, September 22, 2002

Latest News

10.10.08 - GES DISC Staff at AIRS Science Team Meeting
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09.17.08 - GES DISC Teams Receive Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards in 2008
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07.18.08 - AIRS multi-day product, counts doubled
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07.09.08 - Presentation at Committee for Space Research 2008 Scientific Assembly
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04.24.08 - Completion of AIRS Version 5.2 Data Reprocessing
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12.21.07 - AMSU-A Channel 4 NeDT Update (#1)
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12.07.07 - Aqua DPREP Ephemeris and Attitude Data Interruption (update)
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10.30.07 - AMSU-A Channel 4 Radiometric Noise (NeDT) Increase
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10.26.07 - Announcement for the AIRS Version 5 Near-Real Time (NRT) Data
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09.05.07 - AIRS Data Product Information Updates
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  • Last updated: October 07, 2008 03:29:48 UTC