Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

1994 Citations

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  1. Ahsan, A. K. M. Q., M. S. Bruno, L-Y. Oey, and R. I. Hires, 1994: Wind-driven dispersion in New Jersey coastal waters. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 120(11), 1264-1273.
    [Abstract not available]

  2. Anderson, J. L., 1994: Ensemble forecasting and non-linear dynamics. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 366-369.
    [No abstract]

  3. Anderson, J. L., and H. M. van den Dool, 1994: Skill and return of skill in dynamic extended-range forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, 122(3), 507-516.

  4. Anderson, L. A., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1994: Redfield ratios of remineralization determined by nutrient data analysis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8(1), 65-80.

  5. Armstrong, R. A., 1994: Grazing limitation and nutrient limitation in marine ecosystems: Steady state solutions of an ecosystem model with multiple food chains. Limnology and Oceanography, 39(3), 597-608.

  6. Broccoli, A. J., 1994: Climate model sensitivity, paleoclimate and future climate change. In Long-Term Climatic Variations, edited by J. C. Duplessy, and M. T. Spyridakis. NATO ASI Series I, Vol. 22, Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 551-567.

  7. Broccoli, A. J., 1994: News and Views: Learning from past climates. Nature, 371, 282.
    [No abstract]

  8. Chameides, W. L., P. S. Kasibhatla, J. Yienger, H. Levy II, 1994: Growth of continental-scale metro-agro-plexes, regional ozone pollution, and world food production. Science, 264, 74-77.

  9. Chang, E. K. M., and I. Orlanski, 1994: On energy flux and group velocity of waves in baroclinic flows. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(24), 3823-3828.

  10. Chang, P., and S. G. H. Philander, 1994: A coupled ocean-atmosphere instability of relevance to the seasonal cycle. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(24), 3627-3648.

  11. Colman, R. A., B. J. McAvaney, and R. T. Wetherald. 1994. Sensitivity of the Australian surface hydrology and energy budgets to a doubling of CO2. Australian Meteorological Magazine, 43, 105-116.

  12. Donner, L. J., 1994: Radiative forcing by parameterized ice clouds in a general circulation model. In Preprints, The Eighth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation.  American Meteorological Society. 110-112.
    [No abstract]

  13. Ezer, T., 1994: On the interaction between the Gulf Stream and the New England Seamount chain. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(1), 191-204.

  14. Ezer, T., and G. L. Mellor, 1994: Continuous assimilation of GEOSAT altimeter data into a three-dimensional primitive equation Gulf Stream model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(4), 832-847.

  15. Ezer, T., and G. L. Mellor, 1994: Diagnostic and prognostic calculations of the North Atlantic circulation and sea level using a sigma coordinate ocean model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C7), 14,159-14,171.

  16. Ezer, T., G. L. Mellor, S. Häkkinen, and C. Mauritzen, 1994: Simulations of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. In The Atlantic Climate Change Program, Proceedings from the principal investigators meeting, NOAA; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 115-119.

  17. Galloway, J. N., H. Levy II, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1994: Year 2020: Consequences of population growth and development on deposition of oxidized nitrogen. AMBIO, 23(2), 120-123.

  18. Griffies, S., and K. Bryan, 1994: Predictability of North Atlantic climate variability on multidecadal time scales. In The Atlantic Climate Change Program, Proceedings from the principal investigators meeting, NOAA: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 77-80.

  19. Gross, B. D., 1994: Frontal interaction with isolated orography. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(11), 1480-1496.

  20. Hamilton, K. P., 1994: Interdecadal climate variations over the high-latitude North Atlantic as seen in 235 years of surface air temperature data. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin 22(2), 11-14.
    [No abstract]

  21. Hamilton, K., 1994: Meteorology and Climatology. In Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, VCH Publishers, 215-237.
    [No abstract]

  22. Hamilton, K., 1994: Modelling middle atmosphere interannual variability. In Proceedings of the Fifth COSPAR Colloquium, Pergamon Press, 751-757.

  23. Hamilton, K., 1994: Simulation of vertically-propagating waves in comprehensive general circulation models: opportunities for comparison with observations. In UARS/SNES Workshop on Wind Observations in the Middle Atmosphere, 15-18 November 1994, CNES-HQ Paris, 4.3-4.15.
    [No abstract]

  24. Hamilton, K., R. J. Wilson, and H. Vahlenkamp, 1994: Three-dimensional visualization of the polar stratospheric vortex. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin, 22(4), 4-6.
    [No abstract]

  25. Hayashi, Y., and D. G. Golder, 1994: Kelvin and mixed Rossby-gravity waves appearing in the GFDL "SKYHI" general circulation model and the FGGE dataset: Implications for their generation mechanism and role in the QBO. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 72(6), 901-935.

  26. Held, I. M., and M. J. Suarez, 1994: A proposal for the intercomparison of the dynamical cores of atmospheric general circulation models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 75(10), 1825-1830.

  27. Karoly, D. J., J. A. Cohen, G. A. Meehl, J. F. B. Mitchell, A. H. Oort, R. J. Stouffer, and R. T. Wetherald, 1994: An example of fingerprint detection of greenhouse climate change. Climate Dynamics, 10, 97-105.

  28. Kasahara, A., A. P. Mizzi, and L. J. Donner, 1994: Diabatic initialization for improvement in the tropical analysis of divergence and moisture using satellite radiometric imagery data. Tellus, 46A(3), 242-264.

  29. Knutson, T. R., and S. Manabe, 1994: Impact of increased CO2 on simulated ENSO-like phenomena. Geophysical Research Letters, 21(21), 2295-2298.

  30. Knutson, T. R., and S. Manabe, 1994: Impact of increasing CO2 on the Walker circulation and ENSO-like phenomena in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. In Preprints, The Sixth Conference on Climate Variations. American Meteorological Society, 80-81.
    [No abstract]

  31. Koberle, C., and S. G. H. Philander, 1994: On the processes that control seasonal variations of sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Tellus, 46A, 481-496.

  32. Kushnir, Y., and I. M. Held, 1994: The wintertime general circulation model response to North Atlantic SST anomalies. In The Atlantic Climate Change Program, Proceedings from the principal investigators meeting, NOAA; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 121-124.
    [No abstract]

  33. Lau, N., and M. J. Nath, 1994: A modeling study of the relative roles of tropical and extratropical SST anomalies in the variability of the global atmosphere-ocean system. Journal of Climate, 7(8), 1184-1207.

  34. Lighthill, J., G. Holland, W. Gray, C. Landsea, G. Craig, J. Evans, Y. Kurihara, and C. Guard, 1994: Meeting Review: Global climate change and tropical cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 75(11), 2147-2157.

  35. Liu, Z., S. G. H. Philander, and R. C. Pacanowski, 1994: A GCM study of tropical-subtropical upper-ocean water exchange. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(12), 2606-2623.

  36. Liu, Z., and S. Xie, 1994: Equatorward propagation of coupled air-sea disturbances with application to the annual cycle of the eastern tropical Pacific. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(24), 3807-3822.

  37. Liu, Z., and H. Yang, 1994: The intergyre chaotic transport. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24, 1768-1782.

  38. Mahlman, J. D., J. P. Pinto, and L. J. Umscheid, 1994: Transport, radiative, and dynamical effects of the antarctic ozone hole: A GFDL "SKYHI" model experiment. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(4), 489-508.

  39. Manabe, S., and R. J. Stouffer, 1994: Multiple-century response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to an increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Journal of Climate, 7(1), 5-23.

  40. Manabe, S., R. J. Stouffer, and M. J. Spelman, 1994: Response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. AMBIO, 23(1), 44-49.

  41. Manning, J. P., L-Y. Oey, D. Packer, J. Vitaliano, T. W. Finneran, K. W. You, and S. Fromm, 1994: Observations of bottom currents and estimates of resuspended sediment transport at the New York Bight 12-mile dumpsite. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C5), 10,221-10,239.

  42. Matano, R. P., and S. G. H. Philander, 1994: On the decay of the meanders of eastward currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(2), 298-304.

  43. Mellor, G. L., T. Ezer, and L-Y. Oey, 1994: The pressure gradient conundrum of sigma coordinate ocean models. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 11(4), 1126-1134.

  44. Milly, P. C. D., 1994: Climate, interseasonal storage of soil water, and the annual water balance. Advances in Water Resources, 17, 19-24.

  45. Milly, P. C. D., 1994: Climate, soil water storage, and the average annual water balance. Water Resources Research, 30(7), 2143-2156.

  46. Milly, P. C. D., and K. A. Dunne, 1994: Sensitivity of the global water cycle to the water-holding capacity of land. Journal of Climate 7(4), 506-526.

  47. Miyakoda, K., A. Rosati, and R. Gudgel, 1994: Air-sea coupling experiments: ENSO forecasting. Part I. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 153-156.
    [No abstract]

  48. Molinari, R. L., D. Battisti, K. Bryan, and J. Walsh, 1994. The Atlantic Climate Change Program. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 75(7), 1191-1199.

  49. Murnane, R. J., 1994: Determination of thorium and particulate matter cycling parameters at station P: A reanalysis and comparison of least squares techniques. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C2), 3393-3405.

  50. Murnane, R. J., J. K. Cochran, and J. L. Sarmiento, 1994: Estimates of particle- and thorium-cycling rates in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C2), 3373-3392.

  51. Nakamura, H., 1994: Rotational evolution of potential vorticity associated with a strong blocking flow configuration over Europe. Geophysical Research Letters, 21(18), 2003-2006.

  52. Navarra, A., W. F. Stern, and K. Miyakoda, 1994: Reduction of the Gibbs oscillation in spectral model simulations. Journal of Climate, 7(8), 1169-1183.

  53. Oltmans, S. J., and H. Levy II, 1994: Surface ozone measurements from a global network. Atmospheric Environment, 28(1), 9-24.

  54. Oort, A. H., 1994: An investigation of the historical station records of upper air humidity. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 346-349.
    [No abstract]

  55. Oort, A. H., L. A. Anderson, and J. P. Peixoto, 1994: Estimates of the energy cycle of the oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C4), 7665-7688.

  56. Orlanski, I., and B. D. Gross, 1994: Orographic modification of cyclone development. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(4), 589-611.

  57. Phillipps, P. J., and I. M. Held, 1994: The response to orbital pertubations in an atmospheric model coupled to a slab ocean. Journal of Climate, 7(5), 767-782.

  58. Pierrehumbert, R. T., I. M. Held, and K. L. Swanson,1994: Spectra of local and nonlocal two-dimensional turbulence. Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 4(6), 1111-1116.

  59. Ramaswamy, V., and M. M. Bowen, 1994: Effect of changes in radiatively active species upon the lower stratospheric temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D9), 18,909-18,921.

  60. Ramaswamy, V., and M. M. Bowen, 1994: Tropospheric and stratospheric climatic impacts due to increases in tropospheric aerosols and trace gases. In Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, January 23-28, 1994, Nashville, TN, American Meteorological Society, 1-2.
    [No abstract]

  61. Randall, D. A., R. D. Cess, J. P. Blanchet, S. Chalita, R. Colman, D. A. Dazlich, A. D. Del Genio, E. Keup, A. Lacis, H. Le Treut, X.-Z. Liang, B. J. McAvaney, J. F. Mahfouf, V. P. Meleshko, J.-J. Morcrette, P. M. Norris, G. L. Potter, L. Rikus, E. Roeckner, J. F. Royer, U. Schlese, D. A. Sheinin, A. P. Sokolov, K. E. Taylor, R. T. Wetherald, I. Yagai, and M.-H. Zhang, 1994: Analysis of snow feedbacks in 14 general circulation models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D10), 20,757-20,771.

  62. Raval, A., A. H. Oort, and V. Ramaswamy, 1994:Observed dependence of outgoing longwave radiation on sea surface temperature and moisture. Journal of Climate, 7(5), 807-821.

  63. Rosati, A., K. Miyakoda, and R. Gudgel, 1994: Forecasting with a coupled GCM: ENSO forecast, Part II. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 358-361.
    [No abstract]

  64. Scanlon, B. R., and P. C. D. Milly, 1994: Water and heat fluxes in desert soils 2. Numerical simulations. Water Resources Research, 30(3), 721-733.

  65. Seman, C. J., 1994: A numerical study of nonlinear nonhydrostatic conditional symmetric instability in a convectively unstable atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(11), 1352-1371.

  66. Soden, B. J., S. A. Ackerman, D. O'C. Starr, S. H. Melfi, and R. A. Ferrare, 1994: Comparison of upper tropospheric water vapor from GOES, Raman lidar, and cross-chain loran atmospheric sounding system measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D10), 21,005-21,016.

  67. Soden, B. J., and F. P. Bretherton, 1994: Evaluation of water vapor distribution in general circulation models using satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D1), 1187-1210.

  68. Soden, B. J., and L. J. Donner, 1994: Evaluation of a GCM cirrus parameterization using satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D7), 14,401-14,413.

  69. Stouffer, R. J., S. Manabe, and K. Ya. Vinnikov, 1994: Model assessment of the role of natural variability in recent global warming. Nature, 367, 634-636.

  70. Strahan, S. E., and J. D. Mahlman, 1994: Evaluation of the SKYHI general circulation model using aircraft N2O measurements 1. Polar winter stratospheric meteorology and tracer morphology. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D5), 10,305-10,318.

  71. Strahan, S. E., and J. D. Mahlman, 1994: Evaluation of the SKYHI general circulation model using aircraft N20 measurements 2. Tracer variability and diabatic meridional circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D5), 10,319-10,332.

  72. Sun, D., and R. S. Lindzen, 1994: A PV view of the zonal mean distribution of temperature and wind in the extratropical troposphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(5), 757-772.

  73. Sun, D., and A. H. Oort, 1994: Interannual variations of water vapor in the tropics. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 198-201.
    [No abstract]

  74. Toggweiler, J. R., 1994: News and Views: Vanishing in Bermuda. Nature, 372, 505-506.
    [No abstract]

  75. Toggweiler, J. R., 1994: The ocean's overturning circulation. Physics Today, 47(11), 45-50.

  76. Tuleya, R. E., 1994: Tropical storm development and decay: sensitivity to surface boundary conditions. Monthly Weather Review, 122(2), 291-304.

  77. Tziperman, E., J. R. Toggweiler, Y. Feliks, and K. Bryan. 1994: Instability of the thermohaline circulation with respect to mixed boundary conditions: Is it really a problem for realistic models? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24(2), 217-232.

  78. van den Dool, H. M., S. Saha, A. H. Oort, and W. Ebizusaki, 1994: On the role of atmospheric water in the continuity equation. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 244-247.
    [No abstract]

  79. Willems, R. C., S. M. Glenn, M. F. Crowley, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, R. E. Young, T. Ezer, G. L. Mellor, H. G. Arango, A. R. Robinson, and C.-C. A. Lai, 1994: Experiment evaluates ocean models and data assimilation in the Gulf Stream. Eos, 75(34), 385, 391, 394.
    [No abstract]

  80. Xie, S., 1994: The maintenance of an equatorially asymmetric state in a hybrid coupled GCM. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(18), 2602-2612.

  81. Xie, S., 1994: Oceanic response to the wind forcing associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the northern hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C10), 20,393-20,402.

  82. Xie, S., 1994: On preferred zonal scale of wave-CISK with conditional heating. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 72(1), 19-30.

  83. Xie, S., 1994: On the genesis of the equatorial annual cycle. Journal of Climate, 7(12), 2008-2013.

  84. Xie, S., and S. G. H. Philander, 1994: A coupled ocean-atmosphere model of relevance to the ITCZ in the eastern Pacific. Tellus, 46A(4), 340-350.

  85. Yuan, L., and K. P. Hamilton, 1994: Equilibrium dynamics in a forced-dissipative f-plane shallow-water system. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 280, 369-394.