Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

1990 Citations

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  1. Bretherton, F. P., K. Bryan, and J. D. Woods, 1990: Time dependent greenhouse-gas-induced climate change. In Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 173-194.
    [No abstract]

  2. Broccoli, A. J., and S. Manabe, 1990: Can existing climate models be used to study anthropogenic changes in tropical cyclone climate? Geophysical Research Letters, 17(11), 1917-1920.

  3. Cess, R. D., G. L. Potter, J. P. Blanchet, G. J. Boer, A. D. Del Genio, M. Déqué, V. Dymnikov, V. Galin, W. L. Gates, S. J. Ghan, J. T. Kiehl, A. A. Lacis, H. Le Treut, Z-X. Li, X-Z. Liang, B. J. McAvaney, V. P. Meleshko, J. F. B. Mitchell, J.-J. Morcrette, D. A. Randall, L. Rikus, E. Roeckner, J. F. Royer, U. Schlese, D. A. Sheinin, A. Slingo, A. P. Sokolov, K. E. Taylor, W. M. Washington, R. T. Wetherald, I. Yagai, and M-H. Zhang, 1990: Intercomarison and interpretation of climate feedback processes in 19 atmospheric general circulation models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(D10), 16,601-16,615.

  4. Chang, P., and S. G. H. Philander, 1990: Quasi-geostrophic oceanic adjustment in the presence of mean currents. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 14, 387-414.

  5. Detweiler, A., and V. Ramaswamy, 1990: Radiative heating profiles in simple cirrus cloud systems. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(18), 2167-2176.

  6. Ezer, T., and G. L. Weatherly, 1990: A numerical study of the interaction between a deep cold jet and the bottom boundary layer of the ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20(6), 801-816.

  7. Fyfe, J., and I. M. Held, 1990: The two-fifths and one-fifth rules for Rossby wave breaking in the WKB limit. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40(6), 697-706.

  8. Galperin, B., and G. L. Mellor, 1990: A time-dependent, three-dimensional model of the Delaware Bay and river system. Part 1: Description of the model and tidal analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 31, 231-253.

  9. Galperin, B., and G. L. Mellor, 1990: A time-dependent, three-dimensional model of the Delaware Bay and river system. Part 2: Three-dimensional flow fields and residual circulation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 31, 255-281.

  10. Häkkinen, S., and G. L. Mellor, 1990: One hundred years of Arctic ice cover variations as simulated by a one-dimensional, ice-ocean model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C9), 15,959-15,969.

  11. Hamilton, K., 1990: A look at the recently proposed solar-QBO-weather relationship. Journal of Climate, 3(4), 497-503.

  12. Held, I. M., and P. J. Phillipps, 1990: A barotropic model of the interaction between the Hadley cell and a Rossby wave. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(7), 856-869.

  13. Held, I. M., and M. Ting, 1990: Orographic versus thermal forcing of stationary waves: The importance of the mean low-level wind. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(4), 495-500.

  14. Hou, A. Y., S. B. Fels, and R. M. Goody, 1990: Zonal superrotation above Venus' cloud base induced by the semidiurnal tide and mean meridional circulation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(15), 1894-1901.

  15. Kantha, L. H., and A. Rosati, 1990: The effect of curvature on turbulence in stratified fluids. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C11), 20,313-20,330.

  16. Karoly, D. J., 1990: The role of transient eddies in low-frequency zonal variations of the Southern Hemisphere circulation. Tellus, 42A, 41-50.

  17. Karoly, D. J., and D. S. Graves, 1990: On data sources and quality for the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere. In Dynamics, Transport, and Photochemistry in the Middle Atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere, NATO ASI Series C, Vol. 321, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 19-32.

  18. Kurihara, Y., M. Bender, R. Tuleya, and R. Ross, 1990: Prediction experiments of Hurricane Gloria (1985) using a multiply nested movable mesh model. Monthly Weather Review, 118(10), 2185-2198.

  19. Kushnir, Y., and N-C. Lau, 1990: The response of a GCM atmosphere to extratropical SST anomalies. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 289-294.
    [No abstract]

  20. Lau, N-C., 1990: GCM simulations of the influences of tropical and extratropical SST changes on the atmospheric circulation. In Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC) Research Report No. 21 - The Role of Sea Surface Temperatures in Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere, Papers Presented At the First BMRC Modelling Workshop, J. D. Jasper, ed., Melbourne, Victoria; Australia, BMRC, 1-8.
    [No abstract]

  21. Lau, A. K-H., and N-C. Lau, 1990: Observed structure and propagation characteristics of summertime synoptic-scale disturbances over the tropical western Pacific. In Internationational Conference on East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate, Teaneck, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co., 48-57.
    [No abstract]

  22. Lau, K-H., and N-C. Lau, 1990: Observed structure and propagation characteristics of tropical summertime synoptic scale disturbances. Monthly Weather Review, 118(9), 1888-1913.

  23. Lau, N-C., and M. J. Nath, 1990: A general circulation model study of the atmospheric response to extratropical SST anomalies observed in 1950-79. Journal of Climate, 3(9), 965-989.

  24. Levitus, S., 1990: Interpentadal Variability of Steric Sea Level and Geopotential Thickness of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1970-1974 Versus 1955-1959. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C4), 5233-5238.

  25. Levy, H., II: 1990: Regional and global transport and distribution of trace species released at the earth's surface. In Long Range Transport of Pesticides, Lewis Publishers, 83-95.
    [No abstract]

  26. Lipps, F. B., 1990: On the anelastic approximation for deep convection. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(14), 1794-1798.

  27. Manabe, S., and A. J. Broccoli, 1990: Mountains and arid climates of middle latitudes. Science, 247, 192-195.

  28. Manabe, S., K. Bryan, and M. J. Spelman, 1990: Transient response of a global ocean-atmosphere model to a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20(5), 722-49.

  29. Manabe, S., and T. Delworth, 1990: The temporal variability of soil wetness and its impact on climate. Climatic Change, 16, 185-192.

  30. Mellor, G. L., H. J. Herring, and R. C. Patchen, 1990: The Princeton/Dynalysis ocean model oceanic circulation models. In Coastal Ocean Prediction Systems Program: Understanding and Managing Our Coastal Ocean, Vol. 2. New Hampshire: Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, 77-113.

  31. Mitchell, J. F. B., S. Manabe, T. Tokioka, and V. Meleshko, 1990: Equilibrium climate change. In Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 131-172.
    [No abstract]

  32. Miyakoda, K., and J. Sirutis, 1990: Subgrid scale physics in 1-month forecasts. Part II: Systematic error and blocking forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, 118(5), 1065-1081.

  33. Miyakoda, K., J. Sirutis, A. Rosati, and J. Derber, 1990: Experimental forecasts with an air-sea model: Preliminary results. In Air-Sea Interaction in Tropical Western Pacific, Beijing, China; China Ocean Press, 417-432.

  34. Moxim, W. J., 1990: Simulated transport of NOy to Hawaii during August: A synoptic study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(D5), 5717-5729.

  35. Murnane, R. J., J. L. Sarmiento, and M. P. Bacon, 1990: Thorium isotopes, particle cycling models, and inverse calculations of model rate constants. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C9), 16,195-16,206.

  36. Pan, Y-H., and A. H. Oort, 1990: Correlation analyses between sea surface temperature anomalies in the eastern equatorial Pacific and the world ocean. Climate Dynamics, 4, 191-205.

  37. Pan, Y-H., A. H. Oort, and W. Richardson, 1990: The variations of the SST in the Eastern and Western Tropical Pacific and their relationship with those in the world ocean. In International Conference on East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate, Hong Kong: World Scientific Publishing Co., 412-419.

  38. Pan, Y-H., W. Richardson, and A. H. Oort, 1990: Some different characteristics of SST between the western and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. In Air-Sea Interaction in Tropical Western Pacific, Beijing, China: China Ocean Press.

  39. Ravelo, A. C., R. G. Fairbanks, and S. G. H. Philander, 1990: Reconstructing tropical Atlantic hydrography using planktontic foraminifera and an ocean model. Paleoceanography, 5(3), 409-431.

  40. Saravan, R., 1990: A multiwave model of the quasi-biennial oscillation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(21), 2465-2474.

  41. Sarmiento, J. L., G. Thiele, R. M. Key, and W. S. Moore, 1990: Oxygen and nitrate new production and remineralizaion in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C10), 18,303-18,315.

  42. Sarmiento, J. L., J. R. Toggweiler, and R. Najjar, 1990: Ocean carbon-cycle dynamics and atmospheric pCO2. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 325A, 3-21.

  43. Sheng, J., and Y. Hayashi, 1990: Estimation of atmospheric energetics in the frequency domain during the FGGE year. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(10), 1255-1268.

  44. Sheng, J., and Y. Hayashi, 1990: Observed and simulated energy cycles in the frequency domain. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(10), 1243-1254.

  45. Sirutis, J., and K. Miyakoda, 1990: Subgrid scale physics in 1-month forecasts. Part I: Experiment with four parameterization packages. Monthly Weather Review, 118(5), 1043-1064.

  46. Thiele, G., and J. L. Sarmiento, 1990: Tracer dating and ocean ventilation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C6), 9377-9391.

  47. Ting, M., and I. M. Held, 1990: The stationary wave response to a tropical SST anomaly in an idealized GCM. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(21), 2546-2566.

  48. Toggweiler, J. R., 1990: Bombs and ocean carbon cycles. Nature, 347, 122-123.
    [No abstract]

  49. Toggweiler, J. R., 1990: Diving into the organic soup. Nature, 345, 203-204.
    [No abstract]

  50. Wetherald, R. T., and S. Manabe, 1990: Hydrologic sensitivity to CO2-induced global warming. Civil Engineering Practice Journal, 5(1), 33-36.

  51. Zhu, X., 1990: Carbon dioxide 15-µm band cooling rates in the upper middle atmosphere calculated by Curtis matrix interpolation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47(6), 755-774.