Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

1983 Citations

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  1. Andrews, D. G., J. D. Mahlman, and R. W. Sinclair, 1983: Eliassen-Palm diagnostics of wave-mean flow interaction in the GFDL "SKYHI" general circulation model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (12), 2768-2784.

  2. Bender, M. A., and Y. Kurihara, 1983: The energy budgets for the eye and eye wall of a numerically simulated tropical cyclone. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 61 (2), 239-244.

  3. Blumberg, A. F., B. J. Herring, L. H. Kantha, and G. L. Mellor, 1983: A prognostic California Shelf circulation model. EOS, 64 (45), 727.
    [No abstract]

  4. Blumberg, A. F., and G. L. Mellor, 1983: Diagnostic & Prognostic numerical circulation studies of the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research, 88 (C8), 4579-4592.

  5. Bryan, K., 1983: Poleward heat transport by the ocean. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, 21 (5), 1131-1137.
    [No abstract]

  6. Carton, J. A., 1983: The variation with frequency of the long-period tides. Journal of Geophysical Research, 88 (C12), 7563-7571.

  7. Cox, M. D., 1983: A numerical model of the ventilated thermocline. Ocean Modelling, 49, 5-7.
    [No abstract]

  8. Delecluse, P., and S. G. H. Philander, 1983: Variability of coastal zones in low latitudes (with application to the Somali Current, the Gulf of Guinea and the El Niño Current). In Hydrodynamics of the Equatorial Ocean, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 219-235.

  9. Hayashi, Y., 1983: Modified methods of estimating space-time spectra from polar-orbiting satellite data Part I: The frequency transform method. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 61 (2), 254-261.

  10. Hayashi, Y., 1983: Modified methods of estimating space-time spectra from polar-orbiting satellite data Part II: The wavenumber transform method. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 61 (2), 263-268.

  11. Hayashi, Y., and D. G. Golder, 1983: Transient planetary waves simulated by GFDL spectral general circulation models. Part 1: Effects of mountains. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (4), 941-950.

  12. Hayashi, Y., and D. G. Golder, 1983: Transient planetary waves simulated by GFDL spectral general circulation models. Part 2: Effects of nonlinear energy transfer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (4), 951-957.

  13. Held, I. M., 1983: External Rossby waves and the barotropic response to stationary forcing. In Extended abstracts of papers presented at the IAMAP-WMO Symposium on Maintenance of the Quasi-Stationary Components of the Flow in the Atmosphere and in Atmospheric Models, Paris, August 29 - September 2, 1983, WMO, 53-54.
    [No abstract]

  14. Held, I. M., 1983: Stationary and quasi-stationary eddies in the extratropical troposphere: theory. In Large-scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere, London; New York: Academic Press, 127-168.
    [No abstract]

  15. Held, I. M., and D. G. Andrews, 1983: On the direction of the eddy momentum flux in baroclinic instability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (9), 2220-2231.

  16. Hellerman, S., and M. Rosenstein, 1983: Normal monthly wind stress over the World Ocean with error estimates. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13 (7), 1093-1104.

  17. Kinter, J. L., 1983: Numerical simulation of anomalous stationary waves in a barotropic atmosphere. In Extended abstracts of papers presented at the IAMAP-WMO Symposium on Maintenance of the Quasi-Stationary Components of the Flow in the Atmosphere and in Atmospheric Models, Paris, August 29 - September 2, 1983, WMO, 291-293.
    [No abstract]

  18. Kurihara, Y., and M. A. Bender, 1983: A numerical scheme to treat the open lateral boundary of a limited area model. Monthly Weather Review, 111 (3), 445-454.

  19. Lau, N-C., 1983: Mid-latitude wintertime circulation anomalies appearing in a 15-year GCM experiment. In Large-scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere, London; New York: Academic Press, 111-125.
    [No abstract]

  20. Lau, N-C., 1983: The structure of stationary and quasi-stationary flows in general circulation models and their seasonal dependence. In Extended abstracts of papers presented at the IAMAP-WMO Symposium on Maintenance of the Quasi-Stationary Components of the Flow in the Atmosphere and in Atmospheric Models, Paris, August 29-September 2, 1983, WMO, 109.
    [No abstract]

  21. Manabe, S., 1983: Carbon dioxide and climate. Advances in Geophysics, 25, 39-82.
    [No abstract]

  22. Manabe, S., 1983: Oceanic influence on climate: studies with mathematical models of the joint ocean-atmosphere system. In Large-scale Oceanographic Experiments in the WCRP, Vol. 2. Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, WCRP Publications Series No. 1, 1-27.
    [No abstract]

  23. Mellor, G. L., 1983: The coastal ocean, upwelling boundary layer. EOS, 64 (45), 726.
    [No abstract]

  24. Mesinger, F., and R. F. Strickler, 1983: Effect of mountains on Genoa cyclogeneses. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 60 (1), 326-338.

  25. Miyakoda, K., T. Gordon, R. Caverly, W. F. Stern, J. Sirutis, and W. Bourke, 1983: Simulation of a blocking event in January 1977. Monthly Weather Review, 111 (4), 846-869.

  26. Nigam, S., and I. M. Held, 1983: The influence of critical latitude on topographically forced stationary waves in a barotropic model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (11), 2610-2622.

  27. Nigam, S., and I. M. Held, 1983: Linear and quasi-linear stationary waves: influence of a critical latitude. In Extended abstracts of papers presented at the IAMAP-WMO Symposium on Maintenance of the Quasi-Stationary Components of the Flow in the Atmosphere and in Atmospheric Models, Paris, August 29 - September 2, 1983, WMO, 279-282.
    [No abstract]

  28. Oey, L-Y., and G. L. Mellor, 1983: Real time, 3-D simulation of the New York Harbor, EOS, 64 (45), 744.
    [No abstract]

  29. Oort, A. H., 1983: Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1958-1973, Rockville, MD: NOAA Professional Paper 14, 180 pp.

  30. Oort, A. H., and J. P. Peixoto, 1983. Global angular momentum and energy balance requirements from observations. Advances in Geophysics, 25, 355-490.
    [No abstract]

  31. Oort, A. H., and J. P. Peixoto, 1983. Interhemispheric comparisons based on a 15-year atmospheric data set. In First International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society, 12-16.
    [No abstract]

  32. Orlanski, I., and L. J. Polinsky, 1983: Ocean response to mesoscale atmospheric forcing. Tellus, 35A (4), 296-323.

  33. Palmer, T. N., and C-P. F. Hsu, 1983: Stratospheric sudden coolings and the role of nonlinear wave interactions in preconditioning the circumpolar flow. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40, 909-928.

  34. Pan, Y-H., and A. H. Oort, 1983: Global climate variations connected with sea surface temperature anomalies in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean for the 1958-73 period. Monthly Weather Review, 111 (6), 1244-1258.

  35. Peixoto, J. P., and A. H. Oort, 1983: The atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle and climate. In Variations in the Global Water Budget, Reidel Publishing Co., 5-65.

  36. Philander, S. G. H., 1983: Anomalous El Niño of 1982-83. Nature, 305 (5929), 16.
    [No abstract]

  37. Philander, S. G. H., 1983: El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomena. Nature, 302 (5906), 1-7.

  38. Philander, S. G. H., 1983: Little and large Kelvin waves. Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Newsletter, 18, 11-13.
    [No abstract]

  39. Philander, S. G. H., and P. Delecluse, 1983: Coastal currents in low latitudes (with application to the Somali and El Niño currents). Deep-Sea Research, 30 (8A), 887-902.

  40. Pierrehumbert, R. T., 1983: Bounds on the growth of perturbations to non-parallel steady flow on the barotropic beta plane. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (5), 1207-1217.

  41. Pierrehumbert, R. T., 1983: Towards a physical basis for envelope orography. In Extended abstracts of papers presented at the IAMAP-WMO Symposium on Maintenance of the Quasi-StationaryComponents of the Flow in the Atmosphere and in Atmospheric Models, Paris, August 29-September 2, 1983, WMO, 193-196.
    [No abstract]

  42. Ploshay, J. J., R. K. White, and K. Miyakoda, 1983: FGGE Level III-B Daily Global Analyses Part I (Dec 1978 - Feb 1979), NOAA Data Report ERL GFDL-1, 278 pp.
    [No abstract]

  43. Ploshay, J. J., R. K. White, and K. Miyakoda, 1983: FGGE Level III-B Daily Global Analyses Part II (Mar 1979 - May 1979), NOAA Data Report ERL GFDL-2, 285 pp.
    [No abstract]

  44. Ploshay, J. J., R. K. White, and K. Miyakoda, 1983: FGGE Level III-B Daily Global Analyses Part III (Jun 1979 - Aug 1979), NOAA Data Report ERL GFDL-3, 285 pp.
    [No abstract]

  45. Ploshay, J. J., R. K. White, and K. Miyakoda, 1983: FGGE Level III-B Daily Global Analyses Part IV (Sept 1979 - Nov 1979), NOAA Data Report ERL GFDL-4, 282 pp.
    [No abstract]

  46. Sarmiento, J. L., 1983: A simulation of bomb tritium entry into the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13 (10), 1924-1939.

  47. Sarmiento, J. L., 1983: A tritium box model of the North Atlantic thermocline. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13 (7), 1269-1274.

  48. Smagorinsky, J., 1983: The beginnings of numerical weather prediction and general circulation modeling: Early recollections. Advances in Geophysics, 25, 3-37.
    [No abstract]

  49. Tuleya, R. E., M. A. Bender, and Y. Kurihara, 1983: A numerical study of simulated hurricane landfall. In Preprint Volume of Extended Abstracts, Sixth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society.
    [No abstract]

  50. Williams, G. P., 1983: Review of "Weather and Climate on Planets," by Kondratyev, K. Y. and G. E. Hunt. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 64 (6), 647-649.
    [No abstract]

  51. Yeh, T-C., R. T. Wetherald, and S. Manabe, 1983: A model study of the short-term climatic and hydrologic effects of sudden snow-cover removal. Monthly Weather Review, 111 (5), 1013-1024.

  52. Zeng, Q-C., 1983: The evolution of a Rossby-wave packet in a three-dimensional baroclinic atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40 (1), 73-84.