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Presidio Header - Experiences Section

The background image for the Presidio "Experiences" header consists of a field of light green with the word "Experiences" in block letters in the lower right corner overlaying a monochrome sketch of a pinecone.

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Volunteer Opportunities

Presidio Native Plant Nursery

A photo of several volunteers working at the Presidio Native Plant Nursery.The Presidio Native Plant Nursery supports habitat restoration, creates a connection between the park and the community, and helps people understand the importance of environmental sustainability, restoration, and parklands stewardship. Staff and volunteers grow 60,000 native plants annually for habitat and forest restoration projects throughout the Presidio. Volunteers collect seeds, care for plants, build compost piles, and more. The nursery is a partnership of the Presidio Trust, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and the National Park Service. Drop-in programs are held on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m. The nursery is located at 1244 Appleton Street in the Fort Scott District. For directions or information, call (415) 561-4830.

Presidio Park Stewards Program

A photo of three volunteers at work.Thousands of people have helped restore and nurture the Presidio’s natural areas through the Park Stewards Program. Volunteer activities span the full cycle of restoration from seed collecting and planting, to weeding and monitoring the results of restoration efforts.

The program is collaboration of the Presidio Trust, the National Park Service, and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. Volunteer opportunities are available for groups, students, individuals, and families. Drop-in programs are held on Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. The meeting place is Crissy Field Center (603 Mason Street). For more information, call (415) 561-3034 x 3445.

Presidio Save the Quail Project

A photo of a California quail.The California quail faces local extinction. Help improve the odds of survival for our state bird by participating in hands-on habitat restoration projects and seasonal bird monitoring programs. Regular programs are the second Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon. The program is a partnership of the Presidio Trust, the Golden Gate Audubon Society, PRBO Science, and the National Park Service. Volunteer opportunities are available for groups, students, and individuals. To participate, contact Damien Raffa, Presidio Trust Natural Resource Specialist, at (415) 561-4449.

Trails Forever

A photo of numerous volunteers weeding alongside a Presidio trail.The park’s trails need you! Join the Trails Forever Team on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. Help repair and maintain trails, construct new routes, and protect sensitive natural habitat. Project locations are throughout the Golden Gate National Parks. For information, contact Kimberly Kiefer, Trails Forever Volunteer Coordinator, at or (415) 561-3068.

Presidio Archaeology Lab

A photo of a woman working with artifacts at the Presidio Archaeology Lab.Volunteers support the Presidio Archaeology Program with many tasks, including artifact recovery, processing and analysis, collection management, historical research, and conservation. Specific duties may include wet screening, sorting, cataloging, cleaning and identifying artifacts, entering data, mapping, and research.

The Presidio Archaeology Lab is a joint facility of the Presidio Trust and the National Park Service. The volunteer program takes place each Thursday and Friday morning from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call (415) 561-ARCH or email

Presidio Trust Event Docents

A photograph of volunteer docents leading a tour of an historic Funston Avenue Presidio home.  Photo by the Presidio Trust.Share your enthusiasm for public programs and the Presidio by volunteering as an event docent supporting gallery exhibitions, historic homes tours, and other fun events. Please call (415) 561-4007 or email