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Releases & Statements

September 4, 2008
Contact: Sarah Krauss
212) 669-4193; (917) 541-0936

Public Advocate Gotbaum Statement on the Commission on School Governance Final Report

Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum said, "School governance is one of the most important issues in New York City. I want to thank the Commission for their dedication, diligence and tenacity in completing this report, as well as the State Legislature for giving me the opportunity to help facilitate this important discussion. For nearly a year we have heard from stakeholders in this city on the subject of school governance. I am looking forward to carefully reviewing the findings and recommendations of the Commission.

As I've always said, mayoral control is moving our public education system in the right direction, but it is far from perfect. Over the last six years, the DOE has failed to engage parents and stakeholders in a meaningful way, has doled out many millions in no-bid contracts, and has been anything but transparent with its data. I am confident - armed with this thoughtful report and together with stakeholders in the school system - that school governance can be improved to the benefit of all New York City children."

Read Report here [pdf]



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