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Last updated Monday, April 19, 2004

Question and Answer

Throughout Dana's voyage, she received over 700 e-mail messages. Below are just some of the questions that Dana answered.

Questions from Mr. Whitham's Class:
Dana's Answers
Victoria asks...
When you left on the ship, were you scared about being on the boat out in the ocean?
No, I wasn't scared. I was just really sad to leave my 2 daughters and my husband. Don't tell anyone but I cried a little bit.
Latoya asks...
Have you seen any fish or other animals in the ocean?
Yes, I saw flying fish yesterday. Have Mr. Whitham get on my webpage and read all about it in my log yesterday!
Gabriel asks...
Have you done any fishing? Have you caught anything?
No, I haven't done any fishing yet. I think I'll wait til we get closer to the buoys because there should be more fish around there. A few people have been fishing, but haven't caught anything yet.
Virginia asks...
How does being on the boat make you feel? What can you describe the feeling like?
Being on the boat is kind of like being on a mild roller coaster. That's the best I can do!
Tommy asks...
Are you having fun on the boat? What are things you can do for fun?
Yes, I am having fun, but this is a working ship. The people here have a job to do and they are here for that. In their free time, they can read, play cards, go on the computers, watch movies, play games, work out in the gym, enjoy the sunshine.
Patrick asks...
Are you going to be near sharks? Are you afraid of them when you are working on the "stuff" in the ocean?
There will be sharks around the buoys because that's where the fish are - it's an entire ecosystem. I am not afraid of sharks - especially when I am on the boat and they are in the water!!
Elisa asks...
What exactly is your job out there? What do you do all day long?
My job is to be a goodwill ambassador for education and for NOAA. I email people like you for several hours a day, I write lesson plans, I do interviews with scientists and get videotaped, I do science experiments. I have fun!
Adela asks...
How did you feel when you won the competition? What was your reaction and biggest worry about it?
It wasn't really a competition. I applied for the job and was chosen. I was very excited, but worried that I would be gone from my family for so long.
Cindy asks...
Do you get bored on the ship?
There's no time to be bored!!
Abel asks...
What do you eat while you are on the ship? Do you have to catch your own food? Also, have you seen any whirlpools out there?
They have a cafeteria here that they call a "mess." You can read about this in yesterday's daily log. No whirpools.
Luis asks...
Have you had any rain or thunder? If so, are you afraid of lightening on the ship?
No, we haven't had any rain or thunder or lightening, but I'm not afraid of it. We'll just stay inside.
Jessica asks...
How many people are on the ship?
30 people, (8 women, 22 men)
Amor asks...
Do you miss your family and students? How much contact are you able to have with them?
I miss my family A LOT, but I write them emails at least twice a day and they do the same with me.
Cindy asks...
Do you actually read and write all the emails at onces?
I DO read and answer ALL of the emails, but sometimes not all at once.


Note for educators: The TAO/TRITON array continues to collect data and the Ka'imimoana continues to maintain the array. Please use the TAO web site, in conjunction with this web site, the lesson plans, daily logs, the videos, and the photos to educate your students about climate, El Niño, and scientific research in general.

Consider this web site, as well as the EPIC web site, a resource for teaching your students.

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Primary U. S. funding is provided by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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