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Scientific Data Documentation
Detail Natality, 1995
  • Technical Appendix - Natality
    The Geographic Codes were changed effective with 1994 data to reflect the 
    results of the 1990 Census. 
    Detail Natality for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam are included as 
    a separate data set in the public-use file. 
    This tape documentation was prepared in the Division of Vital Statistics.  
    Manju Sharma of the Systems, Programming,and Statistical Resources Branch 
    was responsible for developing the natality documentation and for providing 
    all of the computer programming services necessary to keep it up-to-date.
    Sally Curtin of the Reproductive Statistics Branch prepared the Technical 
    Appendix.  The Registration Methods Section and the Data Acquisition and 
    Evaluation Branch provided consultation to State Vital Statistics offices 
    regarding collection of birth certificate data.
    Questions on the documentation or general questions concerning the natality 
    file should be directed to the of the Systems, Programming, and Statistical 
    Resources Branch, Division of Vital Statistics, NCHS, 6525 Belcrest Road, 
    Room 840, Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301-436-8900).
    Questions concerning the Technical Appendix or substantive questions 
    concerning the natality data should be directed to the Reproductive 
    Statistics Branch, Division of Vital Statistics, NCHS, 6525 Belcrest Road, 
    Room 840, Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301-436-8954).
    Documentation of the Detail Natality Data File for 1996 Data
    Since 1985 natality statistics for all States and the District of Columbia 
    have been based on information from the total file of records.  The inform-
    ation is received on computer data tapes coded by the States and provided to 
    the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through the Vital Statistics
    Cooperative Program.  NCHS receives the data for this file from the 
    registration offices of all States, the District of Columbia, and New York 
    City.  Natality data for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam are included 
    as separate data-set in the public-use file.
    Natality data for the United States are limited to births occurring within the 
    United States to U.S. residents and nonresidents.  Births to nonresidents of 
    the United States are excluded from all tabulations by place of residence.  
    Births occurring to U.S. citizens outside the United States are not included 
    in this file.  Natality data for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam are 
    limited to births occurring with in the respective territories.
    Effective January 1, 1989, a revised U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth 
    replaced the 1978 revision. The 1989 revision provides a wide variety of new 
    information on maternal and infant health characteristics, representing a 
    significant departure from previous versions in both content and format.  
    For a more detailed discussion of the revised and new items refer to the 
    technical appendix part of this document.
    The Office of Management and Budget revised its designation of metropolitan 
    statistical areas based on figures from the 1990 Census.  Effective with the 
    1990 data file, NCHS has been using these new definitions and codes as indicated 
    in the listing of 320 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA's), Primary Metro-
    politan Statistical Areas (PMSA's), and New England County Metropolitan Areas 
    (NECMA'S) included in this documentation.  There are also 20 Consolidated
    Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CMSA's), which are made up of PMSA's. Because 
    other geographic changes based on 1990 Census became effective with 1994 data 
    file, the metropolitan statistical area destination were updated as well.
    Effective with the 1994 data-file there are 311 MSA's, PMSA's, and NECMA'S 
    and 18 CMSA's as indicated in the listing included in this documentation. 
    NCHS has adopted a new policy on release of vital statistics unit record data 
    files.  This new policy was implemented for the 1989 vital event files to 
    prevent the inadvertent disclosure of individuals and institutions.  As a 
    result, the files for 1989 and later years do not contain the actual day of 
    the birth or the dates of birth of the mother or father.  The geographic detail 
    is also restricted; only counties and cities of 100,000 or more population 
    based on the 1990 Census, as well as metropolitan areas of 100,000 or more 
    population based on the 1990 Census, are identified.
    Included in this document are:
    1.   List of data elements and tape locations.
    2.   Machine/File/Data Characteristics.       
    3.   Detail Record Layout.                    
    4.   Geographic Code Outline.                 
    5.   Metropolitan Statistical Areas as adapted for use by NCHS/DVS.
    6.   Technical Appendix.
    7.   Table 1. Counts of Births by occurrence and residence for each State
    8.   Report of Final Natality Statistics, 1996
      Symbol    Explanation
      ---       Data not available
      ...       Category not applicable
      -         Quantity zero
      0.0       Quantity more than 0 but less than 0.05
      *         Figure does not meet standards of reliability
                or precision
     1.   List of data elements and tape locations.
     2.   Machine/File/Data Characteristics.
     3.   Detail Record Layout.
     1.   General
          a.   Data year                     1-4
          b.   Record type                   5
          c.   Resident status               6
     2.   Occurrence
          a.   NCHS State                    16-17
          b.   Expanded NCHS State           14-15
          c.   NCHS County                   18-20
          d.   Population size - county      26
          e.   Division                      12
          f.    Region                       11
          g.   FIPS State                    21-22
          h.   FIPS County                   23-25     
     3.   Residence
          a.   NCHS State                    32-33
          b.   Expanded NCHS State           30-31
          c.   NCHS County                   34-36
          d.   NCHS City                     37-39
          e.   Population size - city        40
          f.   Population size - county      58
          g.   NCHS PSMA/MSA                 347-349
          h.   Met/Nonmet county             41
          i.   Division                      28
          j.   Region                        27
          k.   FIPS State                    42-43
          l.   FIPS County                   44-46
          m.    FIPS Place                   47-51
          n.  CMSA                          52-53
          o.   FIPS PSMA/MSA                 54-57
     4.   Prenatal Care
          a.   Month began                   106-109
          b.   Number of visits              110-113
          c.   Adequacy of care recode       93
     5.   Child
          a.   Sex                           188-189
          b.   Number at delivery            201
          c.   Birthweight                   193-199
          d.   Apgar score                   205-207
          e.   Gestation                     181-187,208-209
          f.   Month/year of birth           172-173,176-179
          g.   Day of week of birth          180
     6.   Mother
          a.   Age                           68-76,91-92
          b.   Race                          79-82
          c.   Marital status                86-87
          d.   Education                     83-85
          e.   Place of birth                88-90 
          f.   Hispanic origin               77-78 
     7.   Pregnancy History
          a.   Born alive, now living        94-95
          b.   Born alive, now dead          96-97
          c.   Other terminations            98-99
          d.   Total birth order             103-105
          e.   Live birth order              100-102
     8.   Father
          a.   Age                           154-157,166-167
          b.   Race                          160-162
          c.   Hispanic origin               158-159
     9.   Other Items
          a.   Residence reporting flags     307-326
          b.   Attendant at birth            10
          c.   Place of delivery             8-9
          d.   Interval since last live 
               birth                         128-132
     10.  Medical and Health Data
          a.   Method of delivery            217-222,224
          b.   Medical risk factors          225-241
          c.   Other risk factors
               Tobacco                       242-245
               Alcohol                       246-249
               Weight gain during pregnancy  250-252
          d.   Obstetric procedures          253-259
          e.   Complications of labor and/or 
               delivery                      260-275
          f.   Abnormal conditions of the
               newborn                       276-284
          g.   Congenital anomalies          285-306
     Machine/File/Data Characteristics:
     1.   Machine used:                 IBM/3081/K
     2.   Language used:                PL/I
     3.   File organization:            One file, multiple reels\
     4.   Record format:                Blocked, fixed format
     5.   Record mode:                  IBM/EBCDIC 8-bit code
     6.   Code scheme:                  Numeric/Alphabetic/Blanks
     7.   Last block:                   May be a short block
     8.   Record length:                350
     9.   Blocksize:                    32550 
     U.S. DATA SET:
     1. Record count:                                                
     2. Data counts:     ALL BIRTHS:
                         a.   By occurrence:                3,903,012         
                         b.   By residence:                 3,899,589
                         c.   To foreign residents:         3,423
     1.   Record count:                                     69,868
     2.   Data counts:   ALL BIRTHS:
                         a.   By occurrence:                63,518
                         b.   By residence:                 63,425  
     1.   Record count:                                           
     2.   Data counts:   ALL BIRTHS:
                         a.   By occurrence:                 2,164
                         b.   By residence:                  2,063
     1.   Record count:                                           
     2.   Data counts:   ALL BIRTHS:
                         a.   By occurrence:                 4,186
                         b.   By residence:                  4,179
     Record Layout
     Tape         Field          Item and Code Outline
     Location     Size
       1-4            4            DATAYEAR
                                   Year Birth of Child (Data Year)
                                   1995      ...  1995
       5              1            RECTYPE
                                   Record Type
                                     1       ...  Resident:  State and county of occurrence
                                                  and residence are the same.
                                     2       ...  Nonresident:  State and/or county of
                                                  occurrence and residence are different.
       6              1            RESTATUS
                                   Resident Status
                                   United States occurrence 
                                     1       ...  RESIDENTS:  State and county of
                                                  occurrence and residence are the same.
                                     2       ...  INTRASTATE NONRESIDENTS:  State
                                                  of occurrence and residence are the same,
                                                  but county is different.
                                     3       ...  INTERSTATE NONRESIDENTS:  State
                                                  of occurrence and residence are different,
                                                  but both are in the U.S.
                                     4       ...  FOREIGN RESIDENTS:  State of
                                                  occurrence is one of the 50 States or the
                                                  District of Columbia, but place of
                                                  residence of mother is outside of the U.S.
                                   Puerto Rico occurrence
                                     1       ...  RESIDENTS: State and county of
                                                  occurrence and residence are the same.
                                     2       ...  INTRASTATE NONRESIDENTS:  State
                                                  of occurrence and residence are the same,
                                                  but county is different.
                                     4       ...  FOREIGN RESIDENTS: Occurred in
                                                  Puerto Rico to a resident of any other
       6              1            RESTATUS
                                   Resident Status (Cont'd)
                                   Virgin Islands occurrence
                                     1       ...  RESIDENTS: State and county of
                                                  occurrence and residence are the same.
                                     2       ...  INTRASTATE NONRESIDENTS:  State
                                                  of occurrence and residence are the same,
                                                  but county is different.
                                     4       ...  FOREIGN RESIDENTS:  Occurred in
                                                  the Virgin Islands to a resident of any
                                                  other place.
                                   Guam occurrence
                                     1       ...  RESIDENTS: Occurred in Guam to a
                                                  resident of Guam or to a resident of the
                                     4       ...  FOREIGN RESIDENTS:  Occurred in Guam
                                                  to a resident of any place other
                                                  than Guam or of the U.S. 
       7              1            RECWT
                                   Record Weight
                                     1       ...  Constant - as of the 1985 data year, this
                                                  file contains data on a 100-percent basis
                                                  from all reporting areas.              
       8              1            PLDEL
                                   Place or Facility of Birth
                                     1       ...  Hospital
                                     2       ...  Freestanding Birthing Center
                                     3       ...  Clinic or Doctor's Office
                                     4       ...  A Residence
                                     5       ...  Other
                                     9       ...  Unknown or Not Stated
       9              1            PLDEL3
                                   Place or Facility of Birth Recode
                                     1       ...  In Hospital
                                     2       ...  Not in a Hospital
                                     3       ...  Unknown or Not Stated
      10               1           BIRATTND
                                   Attendant at Birth
                                     1       ...  Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
                                     2       ...  Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
                                     3       ...  Certified Nurse Midwife (C.N.M.)
                                     4       ...  Other Midwife
                                     5       ...  Other
                                     9       ...  Unknown or Not Stated
       11-26          16           NOCCUR
                                   Place of Occurrence
       11-13          3            RDSSCOCC
                                   Region, Division, and State Subcode of  
       11             1            REGNOCC
                                   Region of Occurrence
       12             1            DIVOCC
                                   Division of Occurrence
       13             1            STSUBOCC
                                   State Subcode of Occurrence
                                     States are coded within division and the code
                                     structure is designed to sequence the States
                                     as they appear in NCHS publications.
                                     000      ... Not applicable:  P.R., V.I., or Guam
                                     1        ...  NORTHEAST
                                       1      ...    New England
                                         1    ...      Maine
                                         2    ...      New Hampshire
                                         3    ...      Vermont 
                                         4    ...      Massachusetts
                                         5    ...      Rhode Island
                                         6    ...      Connecticut
                                       2      ...    Middle Atlantic  
                                         1    ...      New York
                                         2    ...      New Jersey
                                         3    ...      Pennsylvania
     13              1            STSUBOCC
                                   State Subcode of Occurrence (Cont'd) 
                                     2        ...  MIDWEST
                                       3      ...    East North Central
                                         1    ...      Ohio
                                         2    ...      Indiana
                                         3    ...      Illinois
                                         4    ...      Michigan
                                         5    ...      Wisconsin
                                       4      ...    West North Central
                                         1    ...      Minnesota
                                         2    ...      Iowa
                                         3    ...      Missouri
                                         4    ...      North Dakota
                                         5    ...      South Dakota
                                         6    ...      Nebraska
                                         7    ...      Kansas
                                     3        ...  SOUTH
                                       5      ...    South Atlantic
                                         1    ...      Delaware
                                         2    ...      Maryland
                                         3    ...      District of Columbia
                                         4    ...      Virginia
                                         5    ...      West Virginia
                                         6    ...      North Carolina
                                         7    ...      South Carolina
                                         8    ...      Georgia
                                         9    ...      Florida
                                       6      ...    East South Central  
                                         1    ...      Kentucky
                                         2    ...      Tennessee
                                         3    ...      Alabama 
                                         4    ...      Mississippi
                                       7      ...    West South Central
                                         1    ...      Arkansas
                                         2    ...      Louisiana
                                         3    ...      Oklahoma
                                         4    ...      Texas
                                     4        ...  WEST
                                       8      ...    Mountain
                                         1    ...      Montana
                                         2    ...      Idaho
                                         3    ...      Wyoming
                                         4    ...      Colorado
                                         5    ...      New Mexico
                                         6    ...      Arizona
                                         7    ...      Utah
                                         8    ...      Nevada
      13              1            STSUBOCC
                                   State Subcode of Occurrence (Cont'd) 
                                       9      ...    Pacific
                                         1    ...      Washington
                                         2    ...      Oregon
                                         3    ...      California
                                         4    ...      Alaska
                                         5    ...      Hawaii
       14-15          2            STNATEXP
                                     Expanded State of Occurrence
                                     This item is designed to separately identify
                                     New York city records from other New York
                                     State records.
                                   United States
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     03      ...  Arizona
                                     04      ...  Arkansas
                                     05      ...  California
                                     06      ...  Colorado
                                     07      ...  Connecticut
                                     08      ...  Delaware
                                     09      ...  District of Columbia
                                     10      ...  Florida
                                     11      ...  Georgia
                                     12      ...  Hawaii
                                     13      ...  Idaho
                                     14      ...  Illinois
                                     15      ...  Indiana
                                     16      ...  Iowa
                                     17      ...  Kansas
                                     18      ...  Kentucky
                                     19      ...  Louisiana
                                     20      ...  Maine
                                     21      ...  Maryland
                                     22      ...  Massachusetts
                                     23      ...  Michigan
                                     24      ...  Minnesota
                                     25      ...  Mississippi
                                     26      ...  Missouri
                                     27      ...  Montana
                                     28      ...  Nebraska
       14-15          2            STNATEXP
                                   Expanded State of Occurrence (Cont'd)
                                   United States
                                     29      ...  Nevada                   
                                     30      ...  New Hampshire
                                     31      ...  New Jersey
                                     32      ...  New Mexico
                                     33      ...  New York
                                     34      ...  New York city
                                     35      ...  North Carolina
                                     36      ...  North Dakota
                                     37      ...  Ohio
                                     38      ...  Oklahoma
                                     39      ...  Oregon
                                     40      ...  Pennsylvania
                                     41      ...  Rhode Island
                                     42      ...  South Carolina
                                     43      ...  South Dakota
                                     44      ...  Tennessee
                                     45      ...  Texas
                                     46      ...  Utah
                                     47      ...  Vermont
                                     48      ...  Virginia
                                     49      ...  Washington
                                     50      ...  West Virginia
                                     51      ...  Wisconsin
                                     52      ...  Wyoming
                                   Puerto Rico
                                     53      ...  Puerto Rico
                                   Virgin Islands
                                     54      ...  Virgin Islands
                                     55      ...  Guam
       16-17           2           STATENAT
                                   State of Occurrence
                                   United States
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     03      ...  Arizona
                                     04      ...  Arkansas
                                     05      ...  California
       16-17           2           STATENAT
                                   State of Occurrence (Cont'd)
                                   United States
                                     06      ...  Colorado
                                     07      ...  Connecticut
                                     08      ...  Delaware
                                     09      ...  District of Columbia
                                     10      ...  Florida
                                     11      ...  Georgia
                                     12      ...  Hawaii
                                     13      ...  Idaho
                                     14      ...  Illinois
                                     15      ...  Indiana
                                     16           ...  Iowa
                                     17      ...  Kansas
                                     18      ...  Kentucky
                                     19      ...  Louisiana
                                     20      ...  Maine
                                     21           ...  Maryland
                                     22      ...  Massachusetts
                                     23      ...  Michigan
                                     24      ...  Minnesota
                                     25      ...     Mississippi
                                     26      ...     Missouri
                                     27      ...     Montana
                                     28      ...     Nebraska
                                     29      ...     Nevada
                                     30      ...     New Hampshire
                                     31      ...     New Jersey
                                     32      ...     New Mexico
                                     33      ...     New York
                                     34      ...     North Carolina
                                     35      ...     North Dakota
                                     36      ...     Ohio
                                     37      ...     Oklahoma
                                     38      ...     Oregon
                                     39      ...     Pennsylvania
                                     40      ...     Rhode Island
                                     41      ...     South Carolina
                                     42      ...     South Dakota
                                     43      ...     Tennessee
                                     44      ...     Texas
                                     45      ...     Utah
                                     46      ...     Vermont
                                     47      ...     Virginia  
       16-17           2           STATENAT
                                   State of Occurrence (Cont'd)
                                   United States
                                     48        ...     Washington
                                     49        ...     West Virginia
                                     50        ...     Wisconsin
                                     51        ...     Wyoming
                                   Puerto Rico
                                     52      ...  Puerto Rico
                                   Virgin Islands
                                     53      ...  Virgin Islands
                                     54      ...  Guam
       18-20          3            CNTYNAT
                                   County of Occurrence
                                     001-nnn    ...    Counties and county equivalents
                                                       (independent and coextensive cities) are
                                                       numbered alphabetically within each
                                                       State and identify each county with a
                                                       population of 100,000 or more in 1990. 
                                                       (Note: To uniquely identify a county, both
                                                       and State and county codes must be used.) 
                                                       A complete list of counties is shown in the
                                                       Geographic Code Outline further back in
                                                       this document.
                                     999          ...  County of less than 100,000
       21-25          5            FIPSOCC
                                   Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)
                                   Geographic Codes (Occurrence)
                                     Refer to the Geographic Code Outline further back in
                                     this document for a detailed list of areas and
                                     codes.  For an explanation of FIPS codes, reference
                                     should be made to various National Institute of
                                     Standards and Technology (NIST) publications.
                                     Some Geographic codes have changed to reflect the
                                     results of the 1990 Census. 
       21-22          2            STOCCFIP
                                   State of Occurrence (FIPS)
                                   United States
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     04      ...  Arizona
                                     05      ...  Arkansas
                                     06      ...  California
                                     08      ...  Colorado
                                     09      ...  Connecticut
                                     10      ...  Delaware
                                     11      ...  District of Columbia
                                     12      ...  Florida
                                     13      ...  Georgia
                                     15      ...  Hawaii
                                     16      ...  Idaho
                                     17      ...  Illinois
                                     18      ...  Indiana
                                     19      ...  Iowa
                                     20      ...  Kansas
                                     21      ...  Kentucky
                                     22      ...  Louisiana
                                     23      ...  Maine
                                     24      ...  Maryland
                                     25      ...  Massachusetts
                                     26      ...  Michigan
                                     27      ...  Minnesota
                                     28      ...  Mississippi
                                     29      ...  Missouri
                                     30      ...  Montana
                                     31      ...  Nebraska
                                     32      ...  Nevada
                                     33      ...  New Hampshire
                                     34      ...  New Jersey
                                     35      ...  New Mexico
                                     36      ...  New York
                                     37      ...  North Carolina
                                     38      ...  North Dakota
                                     39      ...  Ohio
                                     40      ...  Oklahoma
                                     41      ...  Oregon
                                     42      ...  Pennsylvania
                                     44      ...  Rhode Island
                                     45      ...  South Carolina
                                     46      ...  South Dakota
                                     47      ...  Tennessee
       21-22          2            STOCCFIP
                                   State of Occurrence (FIPS) (Cont'd)
                                   United States
                                     48      ...  Texas
                                     49      ...  Utah
                                     50      ...  Vermont
                                     51      ...  Virginia                 
                                     53      ...  Washington
                                     54      ...  West Virginia
                                     55      ...  Wisconsin
                                     56      ...  Wyoming
                                   Puerto Rico
                                     72      ...  Puerto Rico
                                   Virgin Islands
                                     78      ...  Virgin Islands
                                     66      ...  Guam
       23-25          3            CNTOCFIP
                                   County of Occurrence (FIPS)
                                   001-nnn ...  Counties and county equivalents (independent and 
                                                coextensive cities) are numbered alphabetically 
                                                within each State.  (Note:  To uniquely identify a 
                                                county, both the State and county codes must be used.) 
                                                A complete list of counties is shown in the Geographic 
                                                Code Outline further back in this document.
                                   999    ...   County of less than 100,000 population
       26             1            CNTOCPOP
                                   Population Size of County of Occurrence
                                   Based on the results of the 1990 Census
                                     0       ...  County of 1,000,000 or more
                                     1       ...  County of   500,000 to 1,000,000
                                     2       ...  County of   250,000 to   500,000
                                     3       ...  County of   100,000 to   250,000
                                     9       ...  County of less than 100,000
       27-58          32           NRESID
                                   Place of Residence
                                     Refer to the Geographic Code Outline further back in
                                     this document for a detailed list of areas and
                                     codes.  Some Geographic codes have changed to
                                     reflect the results of the 1990 Census.
       27-29          3            RDSCRES
                                   Region, Division, and State Subcode of Residence
       27             1            REGNRES
                                   Region of Residence
       28             1            DIVRES
                                   Division of Residence
       29             1            STSUBRES
                                   State Subcode of Residence
                                     States are coded within Division and the code
                                     structure is designed to sequence the States as they
                                     appear in NCHS publications.
                                     APPLICABLE TO U.S. ONLY
                                     000      ...  Foreign Residents
                                     1        ...  NORTHEAST
                                       1      ...    New England
                                         1    ...      Maine
                                         2    ...      New Hampshire
                                         3    ...      Vermont 
                                         4    ...      Massachusetts
                                         5    ...      Rhode Island
                                         6    ...      Connecticut
                                       2      ...    Middle Atlantic  
                                         1    ...      New York
                                         2    ...      New Jersey
                                         3    ...      Pennsylvania
                                     2        ...  MIDWEST
                                       3      ...    East North Central
                                         1    ...      Ohio
                                         2    ...      Indiana
                                         3    ...      Illinois
                                         4    ...      Michigan
                                         5    ...      Wisconsin
       29             1            STSUBRES
                                   State Subcode of Residence (Cont'd)
                                     APPLICABLE TO U.S. ONLY
                                       4      ...    West North Central
                                         1    ...      Minnesota
                                         2    ...      Iowa
                                         3    ...      Missouri
                                         4    ...      North Dakota
                                         5    ...      South Dakota
                                         6    ...      Nebraska
                                         7    ...      Kansas
                                     3        ...  SOUTH
                                       5      ...    South Atlantic
                                         1    ...      Delaware
                                         2    ...      Maryland
                                         3    ...      District of Columbia
                                         4    ...      Virginia
                                         5    ...      West Virginia
                                         6    ...      North Carolina
                                         7    ...      South Carolina
                                         8    ...      Georgia
                                         9    ...      Florida
                                       6      ...    East South Central  
                                         1    ...      Kentucky
                                         2    ...      Tennessee
                                         3    ...      Alabama 
                                         4    ...      Mississippi
                                       7      ...    West South Central  
                                         1    ...      Arkansas
                                         2    ...      Louisiana
                                         3    ...      Oklahoma
                                         4    ...      Texas
                                     4        ...  WEST
                                       8      ...    Mountain
                                         1    ...      Montana
                                         2    ...      Idaho
                                         3    ...      Wyoming
                                         4    ...      Colorado
                                         5    ...      New Mexico
                                         6    ...      Arizona
                                         7    ...      Utah
                                         8    ...      Nevada
       29             1            STSUBRES
                                   State Subcode of Residence (Cont'd)
                                     APPLICABLE TO U.S. ONLY
                                       9      ...    Pacific
                                         1    ...      Washington
                                         2    ...      Oregon
                                         3    ...      California
                                         4    ...      Alaska
                                         5    ...      Hawaii
       30-31          2            STRESEXP
                                     Expanded State of Residence
                                     This item is designed to separately identify New
                                     York City records from other New York State records.
                                   United States occurrence
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     03      ...  Arizona
                                     04      ...  Arkansas
                                     05      ...  California
                                     06      ...  Colorado
                                     07      ...  Connecticut
                                     08      ...  Delaware
                                     09      ...  District of Columbia
                                     10      ...  Florida
                                     11      ...  Georgia
                                     12      ...  Hawaii
                                     13      ...  Idaho
                                     14      ...  Illinois
                                     15      ...  Indiana
                                     16      ...  Iowa
                                     17      ...  Kansas
                                     18      ...  Kentucky
                                     19      ...  Louisiana
                                     20      ...  Maine
                                     21      ...  Maryland
                                     22      ...  Massachusetts
                                     23      ...  Michigan
                                     24      ...  Minnesota
                                     25      ...  Mississippi
                                     26      ...  Missouri
                                     27      ...  Montana
      30-31          2            STRESEXP
                                   Expanded State of Residence (Cont'd)
                                   United States occurrence
                                     28      ...  Nebraska
                                     29      ...  Nevada
                                     30      ...  New Hampshire
                                     31      ...  New Jersey
                                     32      ...  New Mexico
                                     33      ...  New York
                                     34      ...  New York City
                                     35      ...  North Carolina
                                     36      ...  North Dakota
                                     37      ...  Ohio
                                     38      ...  Oklahoma
                                     39      ...  Oregon
                                     40      ...  Pennsylvania
                                     41      ...  Rhode Island
                                     42      ...  South Carolina
                                     43      ...  South Dakota
                                     44      ...  Tennessee
                                     45      ...  Texas
                                     46      ...  Utah
                                     47      ...  Vermont
                                     48      ...  Virginia
                                     49      ...  Washington
                                     50      ...  West Virginia
                                     51      ...  Wisconsin
                                     52      ...  Wyoming
                                     53-58,60 ...  Foreign Residents
                                     53      ...    Puerto Rico
                                     54      ...    Virgin Islands
                                     55      ...    Guam
                                     56      ...    Canada
                                     57      ...    Cuba
                                     58      ...    Mexico
                                     60      ...    Remainder of the world
                                   Puerto Rico occurrence
                                     53           ...  Puerto Rico
                                     01-52,54-58,60    ...  Foreign residents:  Refer to 
                                                       U.S. for specific code
       30-31          2            STRESEXP
                                    Expanded State of Residence (Cont'd)
                                   Virgin Islands occurrence
                                     54           ...  Virgin Islands
                                     01-53,55-58,60    ...  Foreign residents:  Refer to
                                                       U.S. for specific code
                                   Guam occurrence
                                     55           ...  Guam
                                     01-52        ...  U.S. resident is also
                                                       considered a resident of Guam.
                                     53-58,60          ...  Foreign residents:  Refer to
                                                       U.S. for specific code
       32-33          2            STATERES
                                   State of Residence
                                   United States occurrence
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     03      ...  Arizona
                                     04      ...  Arkansas
                                     05      ...  California
                                     06      ...  Colorado
                                     07      ...  Connecticut
                                     08      ...  Delaware
                                     09      ...  District of Columbia
                                     10      ...  Florida
                                     11      ...  Georgia
                                     12      ...  Hawaii
                                     13      ...  Idaho
                                     14      ...  Illinois
                                     15      ...  Indiana
                                     16      ...  Iowa
                                     17      ...  Kansas
                                     18      ...  Kentucky
                                     19      ...  Louisiana
                                     20      ...  Maine
                                     21      ...  Maryland
                                     22      ...  Massachusetts
                                     23      ...  Michigan
                                     24      ...  Minnesota
                                     25      ...  Mississippi
       32-33          2            STATERES
                                   State of Residence (Cont'd)
                                   United States occurrence
                                     26      ...  Missouri
                                     27      ...  Montana
                                     28      ...  Nebraska
                                     29      ...  Nevada
                                     30      ...  New Hampshire
                                     31      ...  New Jersey
                                     32      ...  New Mexico
                                     33      ...  New York
                                     34      ...  North Carolina
                                     35      ...  North Dakota
                                     36      ...  Ohio
                                     37      ...  Oklahoma
                                     38      ...  Oregon
                                     39      ...  Pennsylvania
                                     40      ...  Rhode Island
                                     41      ...  South Carolina
                                     42      ...  South Dakota
                                     43      ...  Tennessee
                                     44      ...  Texas
                                     45      ...  Utah
                                     46      ...  Vermont
                                     47      ...  Virginia
                                     48      ...  Washington
                                     49      ...  West Virginia
                                     50      ...  Wisconsin
                                     51      ...  Wyoming
                                     52-57,59 ...  Foreign Residents
                                     52      ...    Puerto Rico
                                     53      ...    Virgin Islands
                                     54      ...    Guam
                                     55      ...    Canada
                                     56      ...    Cuba
                                     57      ...    Mexico
                                     59      ...    Remainder of the world
                                   Puerto Rico occurrence
                                     52           ...  Puerto Rico
                                     01-51,53-57,59    ...  Foreign Residents:  Refer to
                                                       U.S. for specific code
       32-33          2            STATERES
                                    State of Residence (Cont'd)
                                   Virgin Islands occurrence
                                     53           ...  Virgin Islands
                                     01-52,54-57,59    ...  Foreign Residents:  Refer to
                                                       U.S. for specific code
                                   Guam occurrence
                                     54           ...  Guam
                                     01-51        ...  U.S. resident is also
                                                       considered a resident of Guam.
                                     52-57,59          ...  Foreign Residents:  Refer to
                                                       U.S. for specific code
       34-36          3            CNTYRES
                                   County of Residence
                                     A complete list of counties is shown in the
                                     Geographic Code Outline further back in this
                                     001-nnn      ...  Counties and county equivalents
                                                       (independent and coextensive
                                                       cities) are numbered
                                                       alphabetically within each State
                                                       and identify each county with a
                                                       population of 100,000 or more in
                                                       1990.  (Note: To uniquely identify
                                                       a county, both the State and
                                                       county codes must be used.)
                                     999          ...  County of less than 100,000
                                     ZZZ          ...  Foreign Residents
       37-39          3            CITYRES
                                   City of Residence
                                     A complete list of cities is shown in the
                                     Geographic Code Outline further back in this
                                     001-nnn ...  Cities are numbered alphabetically within
                                                  each State and identify each city with a
                                                  population of 100,000 or more in 1990. 
                                                  (Note:  To uniquely identify a city, both
                                                  the State and city codes must be used. 
                                                  State, county and city codes may also be
                                     999     ...  Balance of county
                                     ZZZ     ...  Foreign residents
       40             1            CITRSPOP
                                     Population Size of City of Residence
                                     Based on the results of the 1990 census
                                     0       ...  Place of  1,000,000 or more
                                     1       ...  Place of    500,000 to 1,000,000
                                     2       ...  Place of    250,000 to   500,000
                                     3       ...  Place of    100,000 to   250,000
                                     9       ...  All other areas in the U.S.
                                     Z       ...  Foreign residents
       41             1            METRORES
                                   Metropolitan - Nonmetropolitan County of Residence
                                   NOTE:     GUAM AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS DO NOT HAVE ANY
                                             METROPOLITAN AREAS
                                     1       ...  Metropolitan county
                                     2       ...  Nonmetropolitan county
                                     Z       ...  Foreign residents
       42-57          16           FIPSRES
                                   Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Geographic
                                   Codes (Residence)
                                     Refer to the Geographic Code Outline further back in
                                     this document for a detailed list of areas and
                                     codes.  For an explanation of FIPS codes, reference
                                     should be made to various National Institute of
                                     Standards and Technology (NIST) publications.  Some
                                     Geographic Codes have changed to reflect the results
                                     of the 1990 Census.
       42-43          2            STRESFIP
                                   State of Residence (FIPS)
                                        United States occurrence
                                     00      ...  Foreign residents
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     04      ...  Arizona
                                     05      ...  Arkansas
                                     06      ...  California
                                     08      ...  Colorado
                                     09      ...  Connecticut
                                     10      ...  Delaware
                                     11      ...  District of Columbia
                                     12      ...  Florida
                                     13      ...  Georgia
                                     15      ...  Hawaii
                                     16      ...  Idaho
                                     17      ...  Illinois
                                     18      ...  Indiana
                                     19      ...  Iowa
                                     20      ...  Kansas
                                     21      ...  Kentucky
                                     22      ...  Louisiana
                                     23      ...  Maine
                                     24      ...  Maryland
                                     25      ...  Massachusetts
                                     26      ...  Michigan
                                     27      ...  Minnesota
                                     28      ...  Mississippi
                                     29      ...  Missouri
                                     30      ...  Montana
                                     31      ...  Nebraska
                                     32      ...  Nevada
       42-43          2            STRESFIP
                                   State of Residence (FIPS) (Cont'd)
                                        United States occurrence
                                     33      ...  New Hampshire
                                     34      ...  New Jersey
                                     35      ...  New Mexico
                                     36      ...  New York
                                     37      ...  North Carolina
                                     38      ...  North Dakota
                                     39      ...  Ohio
                                     40      ...  Oklahoma
                                     41      ...  Oregon
                                     42      ...  Pennsylvania
                                     44      ...  Rhode Island
                                     45      ...  South Carolina
                                     46      ...  South Dakota
                                     47      ...  Tennessee
                                     48      ...  Texas
                                     49      ...  Utah
                                     50      ...  Vermont
                                     51      ...  Virginia
                                     53      ...  Washington
                                     54      ...  West Virginia
                                     55      ...  Wisconsin
                                     56      ...  Wyoming
                                   Puerto Rico occurrence
                                     00-56,66,78 ...   Foreign Residents:  Refer to U.S. for
                                                       specific code structure
                                     72          ...   Puerto Rico
                                   Virgin Islands occurrence
                                     00-56,66,72 ...   Foreign Residents:  Refer to U.S. for
                                                       specific code structure
                                     78          ...   Virgin Islands
                                   Guam occurrence
                                     00,72,78    ...   Foreign Residents:  Refer to U.S. for
                                                       specific code structure
                                     01-56       ...   U.S. Resident is also considered a resident
                                                       of Guam.  Refer to U.S. for specific code
                                     66        ...     Guam
       44-46          3            CNTYRFIP
                                   County of Residence (FIPS)
                                     001-nnn   ...     Counties and county equivalents
                                                       (independent and coextensive cities) are
                                                       numbered alphabetically within each
                                                       State.  (Note:  To uniquely identify a
                                                       county, both the State and county codes
                                                       must be used.)
                                     999       ...     County of less than 100,000 population
                                     000       ...     Foreign residents
       47-51          5            PLACEFIP
                                   Place (City) of Residence
                                          A complete list of cities is shown in the Geographic                              
                                          code outline further back in this document. Effective
                                          with the 1994 data year, the FIPS place code has been                                     added to the Mortality record. It identifies each 
                                          city of 100,000 population or more in 1990.
                                           00000       ...  Foreign residents
                                           nnnnn       ... Code range
                                           99999       ... Balance of county; or city of less                                                        than
                                                           100,000 population    
       52-53          2            CMSA
                                   CMSA of Residence (FIPS)
                                     Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas are
                                     groupings of certain Primary Metropolitan
                                     Statistical Areas and are defined by the U.S.
                                     Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as of June 30,
                                   All AREAS
                                     00        ...     Not a CMSA
                                   United States occurrence
                                     07        ...     Boston-Worcester-Lawrence, MA-NH-ME
                                                       CT, CMSA       
                                     14        ...     Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, IL-IN-WI, CMSA
                                     21        ...     Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH-KY-IN, CMSA
                                     28        ...     Cleveland-Akron, OH, CMSA
                                     31        ...     Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, CMSA
                                     34        ...     Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO, CMSA
                                     35        ...     Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, MI, CMSA
       52-53          2              CMSA
                                     CMSA of Residence (FIPS) (Cont'd)
                                     42        ...     Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX, CMSA
                                     49        ...     Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County,
                                                       CA, CMSA
                                     56        ...     Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL, CMSA
                                     63        ...     Milwaukee-Racine, WI, CMSA
                                     70        ...     New York-Northern New Jersey-Long
                                                       Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA, CMSA
                                     77        ...     Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic
                                                       City, PA-NJ-DE-MD, CMSA                      
                                     79        ...     Portland-Salem, OR-WA, CMSA
                                     82        ...     Sacramento-Yolo, CA, CMSA
                                     84        ...     San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA,
                                     91        ...     Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA, CMSA
                                     97        ...     Washington-Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV,CMSA
                                   Puerto Rico occurrence
                                     87        ...     San Juan-Caguas-Arecibo,PR,CMSA
       54-57          4            SMSARFIP
                                   PMSA/MSA of Residence (FIPS)
                                     Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas and
                                     Metropolitan Statistical Areas are those defined by
                                     the U.S.  Office of Management and Budget as of
                                     1990.  For New England, the New England County
                                     Metropolitan Areas (NECMA's) are used.          
                                     Further back in this document is a list of PMSA's,
                                     MSA's, NECMA's, and their component counties.
                                     0000         ...  Nonmetropolitan counties or foreign residents
                                     0040-9360    ...  Code range
                                     9999         ...  Area of less than 100,000 population
       58             1            CNTRSPOP
                                   Population Size of County of Residence
                                     Based on the results of the 1990 Census.
                                     0       ...  County of  1,000,000 or more
                                     1       ...  County of    500,000 to 1,000,000
                                     2       ...  County of    250,000 to   500,000
                                     3       ...  County of    100,000 to   250,000
                                     9       ...  County of less than 100,000
                                     Z       ...  Foreign resident
       59-67          9            R1A
                                   Reserved Positions
       68             1            MAGERFLG
                                   Reported Age of Mother Used Flag
                                     This position is flagged whenever the mother's
                                     reported age is used.  The reported age is used, if
                                     valid, when age could not be computed or when the
                                     computed age is outside the 10-49 code range.
                                     Blank   ...  Reported age is not used
                                     1       ...  Reported age is used
       69             1            MAGEIMP
                                   Age of Mother Imputation Flag
                                     Blank   ...  Age is not imputed
                                     1       ...  Age is imputed
       70-71          2            DMAGE
                                   Age of Mother
                                     This item is: a) computed using dates of birth of
                                     mother and of delivery; b) reported; or c) imputed. 
                                     This is the age item used in NCHS publications.
                                     10-49   ...  Age in single years
       72-73          2            MAGE36
                                   Age of Mother Recode 36
                                     01      ...  Under 15 years
                                     02      ...  15 years
                                     03      ...  16 years
                                     04      ...  17 years
                                     05      ...  18 years
                                     06      ...  19 years
                                     07      ...  20 years
                                     08      ...  21 years
                                     09      ...  22 years
                                     10      ...  23 years
                                     11      ...  24 years
                                     12      ...  25 years
                                     13      ...  26 years
                                     14      ...  27 years
                                     15      ...  28 years
                                     16      ...  29 years
                                     17      ...  30 years
     \'0c  72-73          2            MAGE36
                                   Age of Mother Recode 36 (Cont'd)
                                     18      ...  31 years
                                     19      ...  32 years
                                     20      ...  33 years
                                     21      ...  34 years
                                     22      ...  35 years
                                     23      ...  36 years
                                     24      ...  37 years
                                     25      ...  38 years
                                     26      ...  39 years
                                     27      ...  40 years
                                     28      ...  41 years
                                     29      ...  42 years
                                     30      ...  43 years
                                     31      ...  44 years
                                     32      ...  45 years
                                     33      ...  46 years
                                     34      ...  47 years
                                     35      ...  48 years
                                     36      ...  49 years
       74-75          2            MAGE12
                                   Age of Mother Recode 12
                                     01 ...  Under 15 years
                                     03 ...  15 years
                                     04 ...  16 years
                                     05 ...  17 years
                                     06 ...  18 years
                                     07 ...  19 years
                                     08 ...  20 - 24 years
                                     09 ...  25 - 29 years
                                     10 ...  30 - 34 years
                                     11 ...  35 - 39 years
                                     12 ...  40 - 44 years
                                     13 ...  45 - 49 years
       76             1            MAGE8
                                   Age of Mother Recode 8
                                     1  ...  Under 15 years
                                     2  ...  15 - 19 years
                                     3  ...  20 - 24 years
                                     4  ...  25 - 29 years
       76             1            MAGE8
                                   Age of Mother Recode 8 (Cont'd)
                                     5  ...  30 - 34 years
                                     6  ...  35 - 39 years
                                     7  ...  40 - 44 years
                                     8  ...  45 - 49 years
       77             1            ORMOTH
                                   Hispanic Origin of Mother
                                     Hispanic origin is reported by all areas except                            
                                     Puerto Rico.       
                                     0  ...  Non-Hispanic
                                     1  ...  Mexican
                                     2  ...  Puerto Rican
                                     3  ...  Cuban
                                     4  ...  Central or South American
                                     5  ...  Other and unknown Hispanic
                                     9  ...  Origin unknown or not stated
       78             1            ORRACEM
                                   Hispanic Origin and Race of Mother Recode
                                     Hispanic origin is reported by all areas except                            
                                     Puerto Rico.
                                     1  ...  Mexican
                                     2  ...  Puerto Rican
                                     3  ...  Cuban
                                     4  ...  Central or South American
                                     5  ...  Other and unknown Hispanic
                                     6  ...  Non-Hispanic White
                                     7  ...  Non-Hispanic Black
                                     8  ...  Non-Hispanic other races
                                     9  ...  Origin unknown or not stated
       79             1            MRACEIMP
                                   Race of Mother Imputation Flag
                                     Blank   ...  Race is not imputed
                                     1       ...  Unknown race is imputed
                                     2            ...  All other races, formerly code 09,
                                                  is imputed               
       80-81          2            MRACE
                                   Race of Mother
                                   United States occurrence
                                     Beginning with 1992 data, some areas started
                                     reporting additional Asian or Pacific Islander codes
                                     for race.  Codes 18-68 replace old code 08 for these
                                     areas.  Code 78 replaces old code 08 for all other
                                     areas.  For consistency with Census race code 09
                                     (all other races) used prior to 1992 has been
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     18      ...  Asian Indian
                                     28      ...  Korean
                                     38      ...  Samoan
                                     48      ...  Vietnamese
                                     58      ...  Guamanian
                                     68      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander in
                                                  areas reporting codes 18-58
                                     78      ...  Combined other Asian or Pacific
                                                  Islander, includes codes 18-68 for
                                                  areas that do not report them      
                                   Puerto Rico occurrence
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     08      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander
       80-81          2            MRACE
                                   Race of Mother (Cont'd)
                                   Virgin Islands occurrence
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     08      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                                                  Guam occurrence
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     08      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                                     10      ...  Guamanian
       82             1            MRACE3
                                   Race of Mother Recode
                                   For All Areas
                                     1       ...  White
                                     2       ...  Races other than White or Black
                                     3       ...  Black
       83-84          2            DMEDUC
                                   Education of Mother
                                     Effective with 1992 data, all areas report 
                                     00      ...  No formal education
                                     01-08   ...  Years of elementary school
                                     09      ...  1 year of high school
                                     10      ...  2 years of high school
                                     11      ...  3 years of high school
                                     12      ...  4 years of high school
       83-84          2            DMEDUC
                                   Education of Mother (Cont'd)
                                     13      ...  1 year of college
                                     14      ...  2 years of college
                                     15      ...  3 years of college
                                     16      ...  4 years of college
                                     17      ...  5 or more years of college
                                     99      ...  Not stated     
       85             1            MEDUC6
                                   Education of Mother Recode
                                     1       ...  0 - 8 years
                                     2       ...  9 - 11 years
                                     3       ...  12 years
                                     4       ...  13 - 15 years
                                     5       ...  16 years and over
                                     6       ...  Not stated
       86             1            DMARIMP
                                   Marital Status of Mother Imputation Flag
                                          Blank     ... Marital Status is not imputed
                                           1         ... Marital Status is imputed
       87             1            DMAR
                                   Marital Status of Mother
                                     Marital status is not reported by all areas.  See
                                     reporting flags.
                                   United States/Virgin Island/Guam
                                     1       ...  Married
                                     2       ...  Unmarried
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
                                   Puerto Rico
                                     1       ...  Married
                                     2       ...  Unmarried parents living together
                                     3       ...  Unmarried parents not living
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
       88-89          2            MPLBIR
                                   Place of Birth of Mother
                                     01      ...  Alabama
                                     02      ...  Alaska
                                     03      ...  Arizona
                                     04      ...  Arkansas
                                     05      ...  California
                                     06      ...  Colorado
                                     07      ...  Connecticut
                                     08      ...  Delaware
                                     09      ...  District of Columbia
                                     10      ...  Florida
                                     11      ...  Georgia
                                     12      ...  Hawaii
                                     13      ...  Idaho
                                     14      ...  Illinois
                                     15      ...  Indiana
                                     16           ...  Iowa
                                     17      ...  Kansas
                                     18      ...  Kentucky
                                     19      ...  Louisiana
                                     20      ...  Maine
                                     21      ...  Maryland
                                     22      ...  Massachusetts
                                     23      ...  Michigan
                                     24      ...  Minnesota
                                     25      ...  Mississippi
                                     26      ...  Missouri
                                     27      ...  Montana
                                     28      ...  Nebraska
                                     29      ...  Nevada
                                     30      ...  New Hampshire
                                     31      ...  New Jersey
                                     32      ...  New Mexico
                                     33      ...  New York
                                     34      ...  North Carolina
                                     35      ...  North Dakota
                                     36      ...  Ohio
                                     37      ...  Oklahoma
                                     38      ...  Oregon
                                     39      ...  Pennsylvania
                                     40      ...  Rhode Island
                                     41      ...  South Carolina
                                     42      ...  South Dakota
                                     43      ...  Tennessee
       88-89          2            MPLBIR
                                   Place of Birth of Mother (Cont'd)
                                     44      ...  Texas
                                     45      ...  Utah
                                     46      ...  Vermont
                                     47      ...  Virginia  
                                     48      ...  Washington
                                     49      ...  West Virginia
                                     50      ...  Wisconsin
                                     51      ...  Wyoming
                                     52      ...  Puerto Rico
                                     53      ...  Virgin Islands
                                     54      ...  Guam
                                     55      ...  Canada    
                                     56      ...  Cuba
                                     57      ...  Mexico
                                     59      ...  Remainder of the World
                                     99      ...  Not classifiable
       90             1            MPLBIRR
                                   Place of Birth of Mother Recode
                                     1       ...  Native born
                                     2       ...  Foreign born
                                     3       ...  Unknown or not stated
       91-92          2            DMAGERPT
                                   Reported Age of Mother
                                     10-49   ...  Age in single years
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       93             1            ADEQUACY
                                   Adequacy Of Care Recode (Kessner Index)
                                     This recode is based on a modified Kessner
                                     criterion.  Month Prenatal Care Began, Number of
                                     Prenatal Visits, and Gestation are the items used to
                                     generate this recode.
                                     1       ...  Adequate
                                     2       ...  Intermediate
                                     3       ...  Inadequate
                                     4       ...  Unknown
       94-95          2            NLBNL
                                   Number of Live Births, Now Living
                                     Does not include this birth or adoptions.
                                     00-30   ...  Stated number of births
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       96-97          2            NLBND
                                   Number of Live Births, Now Dead
                                     Does not include this birth or adoptions.
                                     00-30   ...  Stated number of births
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       98-99          2            NOTERM
                                   Number of Other Terminations
                                     Includes spontaneous and induced at any time after
                                     00-30   ...  Stated number of other terminations
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       100-101        2            DLIVORD
                                   Detail Live Birth Order
                                     Sum of live births now living and now dead plus one.
                                     If either item is unknown, this item is made
                                     00-31   ...  Number of children born alive to
                                     99      ...  Unknown
       102             1           LIVORD9
                                   Live Birth Order Recode
                                     1       ...  First Child
                                     2       ...  Second Child
                                     3       ...  Third Child
                                     4       ...  Fourth Child
                                     5       ...  Fifth Child
                                     6       ...  Sixth Child
       102            1            LIVORD9
                                   Live Birth Order Recode (Cont'd)
                                     7       ...  Seventh Child            
                                                    8       ...  Eighth Child and over
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
       103-104        2            DTOTORD
                                   Detail Total Birth Order
                                     Sum of live birth order and other terminations.
                                     If either item is unknown, this item is made
                                      01-40  ...  Total number of live births and
                                                  other terminations
                                      99          ...  Unknown
       105            1            TOTORD9
                                   Total Birth Order Recode
                                     1       ...  First Child
                                     2       ...  Second Child
                                     3       ...  Third Child
                                     4       ...  Fourth Child
                                     5       ...  Fifth Child
                                     6       ...  Sixth Child
                                     7       ...  Seventh Child
                                     8       ...  Eighth Child and over
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
      106-107         2            MONPRE
                                   Detail Month of Pregnancy Prenatal Care Began
                                     00      ...  No prenatal care
                                     01      ...  1st month
                                     02      ...  2nd month
                                     03      ...  3rd month
                                     04      ...  4th month
                                     05      ...  5th month
                                     06      ...  6th month
                                     07      ...  7th month
                                     08      ...  8th month
                                     09      ...  9th month
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       108           1            MPRE6
                                   Month Prenatal Care Began Recode 6
                                     1       ...  1st - 2nd month
                                     2       ...  3rd month
                                     3       ...  4th - 6th month
                                     4       ...  7th - 9th month
                                     5       ...  No prenatal care
                                     6       ...  Unknown or not stated
       109            1            MPRE5
                                   Month Prenatal Care Began Recode 5
                                     1       ...  1st Trimester (1st-3rd month)
                                     2       ...  2nd Trimester (4th-6th month)
                                     3       ...  3rd Trimester (7th-9th month)
                                     4       ...  No Prenatal Care
                                     5       ...  Unknown or not stated
       110-111        2            NPREVIST
                                   Total Number of Prenatal Visits
                                     00      ...  No prenatal visits
                                     01-48   ...  Stated number of visits
                                     49      ...  49 or more visits
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       112-113        2            NPREV12
                                   Number of Prenatal Visits Recode
                                     01      ...  No visits
                                     02      ...  1 - 2 visits
                                     03      ...  3 - 4 visits
                                     04      ...  5 - 6 visits
                                     05      ...  7 - 8 visits
                                     06      ...  9 - 10 visits
                                     07      ...   11 - 12 visits
                                     08      ...  13 - 14 visits
                                     09      ...  15 - 16 visits
                                     10      ...  17 - 18 visits
                                     11      ...  19 visits or more
                                     12      ...  Unknown or not stated number of
       114-121        8            LMPDATE
                                   Date Last Normal Menses Began 
       114-115        2            LMPMON
                                   Month Last Normal Menses Began
                                     01      ...  January
                                     02      ...  February
                                     03      ...  March
                                     04      ...  April
                                     05      ...  May
                                     06      ...  June
                                     07      ...  July
                                     08      ...  August
                                     09      ...  September
                                     10      ...  October
                                     11      ...  November
                                     12      ...  December
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated month of LMP
       116-117        2            LMPDAY
                                   Day Last Normal Menses Began
                                     01-31   ...  As applicable to month of LMP
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated day of LMP
       118-121        4            LMPYR
                                   Year Last Normal Menses Began
                                     1993    ...  1993
                                     1995    ...  1995
                                     9999    ...  Unknown or not stated year of LMP
       122-127        6            R8
                                          Reserved positions
       128-130        3            DISLLB
                                   Interval Since Last Live Birth
                                     This item is computed from date of birth of this
                                     child and date of last live birth.
                                     777          ...  No previous live birth
                                     000          ...  Zero months (plural birth)
                                     001-468 ...  One to four hundred sixty-eight
                                     999          ...  Unknown
       131-132        2            ISLLB10
                                   Interval Since Last Live Birth Recode
                                     00      ...  Not applicable (no previous live
                                     01      ...  Zero months (plural birth)
                                     02      ...  1 - 11 months
                                     03      ...  12 - 17 months
                                     04      ...  18 - 23 months
                                     05      ...  24 - 35 months
                                     06      ...  36 - 47 months
                                     07      ...  48 - 59 months
                                     08      ...  60 - 71 months
                                     09      ...  72 months and over
                                     10      ...  Unknown
       133-137           5           Imputed Birthweight
                                           Created beginning with 1995 data
       133               1           BWIMP
                                     Imputed Birthweight Flag
                                      Blank  ...  Birthweight is not imputed
                                      1      ...  Birthweight is imputed
       134-137           4               Imputed Birthweight
       138-152          15           R2
                                     Reserved Positions
       153               1           FAGERFLG
                                     Reported Age of Father Used Flag
                                     This position is flagged whenever the father's
                                     reported age in years is used.  The reported age is
                                     used, if valid, when age derived from date of birth
                                     is not available or when it is less than 10.
                                     Blank   ...  Reported age is not used
                                     1       ...  Reported age is used
     \'0c  154-155        2            DFAGE
                                   Age of Father
                                     This item is either computed from date of birth of
                                     father and of child or is the reported age.  This is
                                     the age item used in NCHS publications.
                                     10-98   ...  Age in single years
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       156-157        2            FAGE11
                                   Age of Father Recode
                                     01      ...  Under 15 years
                                     02      ...  15 - 19 years
                                     03      ...  20 - 24 years
                                     04      ...  25 - 29 years
                                     05      ...  30 - 34 years
                                     06      ...  35 - 39 years
                                     07      ...  40 - 44 years
                                     08      ...  45 - 49 years
                                     09      ...  50 - 54 years
                                     10      ...  55 - 98 years
                                     11      ...  Not stated
       158            1            ORFATH
                                   Hispanic Origin of Father
                                     Hispanic origin of father is reported by all areas                        
                                     except Puerto Rico.
                                     0       ...  Non - Hispanic
                                     1       ...  Mexican
                                     2       ...  Puerto Rican
                                     3       ...  Cuban
                                     4       ...  Central or South American
                                     5       ...  Other and unknown Hispanic
                                     9       ...  Origin unknown or not stated
       159            1            ORRACEF
                                   Hispanic Origin and Race of Father Recode
                                     Hispanic origin of father is reported by all areas                        
                                     except Puerto Rico.
                                     1       ...  Mexican
                                     2       ...  Puerto Rican
                                     3       ...  Cuban
                                     4       ...  Central or South American
                                     5       ...  Other and unknown Hispanic
                                     6       ...  Non - Hispanic White
                                     7       ...  Non - Hispanic Black
                                     8       ...  Non - Hispanic other or unknown race
                                     9       ...  Origin unknown or not stated
       160-161        2            FRACE
                                   Race of Father
                                         United States occurrence
                                     Beginning with 1992 data, some areas started
                                     reporting additional Asian or Pacific Islander codes
                                     for race.  Codes 18-68 replace old code 08 for these
                                     areas.  Code 78 replaces old code 08 for all other
                                     areas.  For consistency with Census race code 09
                                     (all other races) used prior to 1992 has been
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     18      ...  Asian Indian
                                     28      ...  Korean
                                     38      ...  Samoan
                                     48      ...  Vietnamese
                                     58      ...  Guamanian
                                     68      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander in
                                                  areas reporting codes 18-58
                                     78      ...  Combined other Asian or Pacific
                                                  Islander, includes codes 18-68 for
                                                  areas that do not report them      
       160-161        2            FRACE
                                   Race of Father (Cont'd)                      
                              Puerto Rico occurrence
                                           01          ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     08      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                                   Virgin Islands occurrence
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     08      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                                   Guam occurrence
                                     01      ...  White
                                     02      ...  Black
                                     03      ...  American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                                     04      ...  Chinese
                                     05      ...  Japanese
                                     06      ...  Hawaiian (includes part-Hawaiian)
                                     07      ...  Filipino
                                     08      ...  Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                                     10      ...  Guamanian
      162             1            FRACE4
                                   Race of Father Recode
                                     1       ...  White
                                     2       ...  Races other than White, Black, or
                                     3       ...  Black
                                     4       ...  Unknown or not stated
       163-165        3            R2A
                                   Reserved positions
                                          Item was dropped in 1995
       166-167        2            DFAGERPT 
                                   Reported Age of Father
                                     10-98   ...  Age in single years
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       168            1            FRACEIMP
                                   Race of Father Imputation Flag
                                     (Unknown race of father is not imputed.  However,
                                     the all other races code is changed to unknown.)
                                     Blank   ...  Race is not changed
                                     3       ...  All other races, formerly code 09,
                                                  is changed to code 99
       169            1            R3
                                   Reserved Position
       170            1            CDOBMIMP
                                   Month of Birth of Child Imputation Flag
                                     Blank   ...  Month is not imputed
                                     1       ...  Month is imputed
       171            1            RB
                                   Reserved Position
       172-173       2            BIRMON
                                   Month of Birth
                                     01      ...  January
                                     02      ...  February
                                     03      ...  March
                                     04      ...  April
                                     05      ...  May 
                                     06      ...  June
                                     07      ...  July
                                     08      ...  August
                                     09      ...  September
                                     10      ...  October
                                     11      ...  November
                                     12      ...  December
       174-175        2            RC
                                   Reserved Positions
       176-179        4            BIRYR
                                   Year of Birth
                                     1995    ...  1995
       180            1            WEEKDAY
                                   Day of Week Child Born
                                     1       ...  Sunday
                                     2       ...  Monday
                                     3       ...  Tuesday 
                                     4       ...  Wednesday
                                     5       ...  Thursday
                                     6       ...  Friday 
                                     7       ...  Saturday
       181            1            GESTESTM
                                   Clinical Estimate of Gestation Used Flag
                                   This position is flagged whenever the clinical
                                   estimate of gestation is used.  It is used when
                                   gestation could not be computed or when the computed
                                   gestation is outside the 17-47 code range.
                                     Blank   ...  Clinical Estimate is not used
                                     1       ...  Clinical Estimate is used
       182            1            GESTIMP
                                   Gestation Imputation Flag
                                     Blank   ...  Gestation is not imputed
                                     1       ...  Gestation is imputed
       183-184        2            DGESTAT
                                   Gestation - Detail in Weeks
                                     This item is:  a) computed using dates of birth of
                                     child and last normal menses; b) imputed from LMP
                                     date; c) the clinical estimate; or d) unknown when
                                     there is insufficient data to impute or no valid
                                     clinical estimate.  This is the gestation item used
                                     in NCHS publications.
                                      17-47  ...  17th through 47th week of gestation
                                      99          ...  Unknown 
       185-186        2            GESTAT10 
                                   Gestation Recode 10
                                     01      ...  Under 20 weeks
                                     02      ...  20 - 27 weeks
                                     03      ...  28 - 31 weeks
                                     04      ...  32 - 35 weeks
                                     05      ...  36 weeks
                                     06      ...  37 - 39 weeks
                                     07      ...  40 weeks
                                     08      ...  41 weeks
                                     09      ...  42 weeks and over
                                     10      ...  Not stated
       187            1            GESTAT3
                                   Gestation Recode 3
                                     1       ...  Under 37 weeks
                                     2       ...  37 weeks and over
                                     3       ...  Not stated
       188            1            CSEXIMP
                                   Sex Imputation Flag
                                     Blank   ...  Sex is not imputed
                                     1       ...  Sex is imputed
       189           1            CSEX
                                     1       ...  Male
                                     2       ...  Female
       190-192        3            RD
                                   Reserved Positions
       193-196        4            DBIRWT
                                   Birth Weight - Detail in Grams
                                     0227-8165    ...  Number of grams
                                     9999    ...  Not stated birth weight
       197-198        2            BIRWT12
                                   Birth Weight Recode 12
                                     01      ...  499 grams or less
                                     02      ...  500 - 999 grams
                                     03      ...  1000 - 1499 grams
                                     04      ...  1500 - 1999 grams
                                     05      ...  2000 - 2499 grams
                                     06      ...  2500 - 2999 grams
                                     07      ...  3000 - 3499 grams
                                     08      ...  3500 - 3999 grams
                                     09      ...  4000 - 4499 grams
                                     10      ...  4500 - 4999 grams
                                     11      ...  5000 - 8165 grams
                                     12      ...  Not stated
       199            1            BIRWT4
                                   Birth Weight Recode 4
                                     1       ...  1499 grams or less
                                     2       ...  1500 - 2499 grams
                                     3       ...  2500 - grams or more
                                     4       ...  Unknown or not stated
       200            1            PLURIMP
                                   Plurality Imputation Flag
                                     Blank   ...  Plurality is not imputed
                                     1       ...  Plurality is imputed
       201           1            DPLURAL
                                     1       ...  Single
                                     2       ...  Twin
                                     3       ...  Triplet
                                     4       ...  Quadruplet
                                     5       ...  Quintuplet or higher
       202-204        3            R6
                                         Reserved positions
                                           Item was dropped in 1995 
       205-206        2            FMAPS
                                   Five Minute Apgar Score
                                     Apgar Score is not reported by all areas.  See
                                     reporting flags.
                                     00-10   ...  A score of 0-10
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       207            1            FMAPSR
                                   Five Minute Apgar Score Recode
                                     Apgar Score is not reported by all areas.  See
                                     reporting flags.
                                     1       ...  A score of 0-3
                                     2       ...  A score of 4-6
                                     3       ...  A score of 7-8
                                     4       ...  A score of 9-10
                                     5       ...  Not stated
       208-209        2            CLINGEST
                                   Clinical Estimate of Gestation
                                     Clinical estimate is not reported by all areas.  See
                                     reporting flags.
                                     17-47   ...  Estimated gestation in weeks
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       210-216        7            R4
                                   Reserved Positions
       217-306        90           MEDINFO
                                   Medical and Health Data
                                     Some States do not report an entire item while other
                                     States do not report all of the categories within an
                                     If an item is not reported, it is indicated by code
                                     zero in the appropriate reporting flag.
                                     If a category within an item is not reported it is
                                     indicated by code 8 in the position for that
       217-222        6            DELMETH
                                   Method of Delivery
                                     Each method is assigned a separate position, and the
                                     code structure for each method (position) is:
                                     1       ...  The method was used
                                     2       ...  The method was not used
                                     8       ...  Method not on certificate
                                     9       ...  Method unknown or not stated
       217            1            VAGINAL
       218            1            VBAC
                                   Vaginal birth after previous C-section
       219            1            PRIMAC
                                   Primary C -section
       220            1            REPEAC
                                   Repeat C -section
       221            1            FORCEP
       222            1            VACUUM
       223            1            R5
                                   Reserved Position
       224            1            DELMETH5
                                   Method of Delivery Recode
                                     1       ...  Vaginal (excludes vaginal after
                                                  previous C-section)
                                     2       ...  Vaginal birth after previous
                                     3       ...  Primary C -section
                                     4       ...  Repeat C -section
                                     5       ...  Not stated
       225-241        17           MEDRISK
                                   Medical Risk Factors
                                     Each risk factor is assigned a separate position,
                                     and the code  structure for each risk factor
                                     (position) is:
                                     1       ...  Factor reported
                                     2       ...  Factor not reported
                                     8       ...  Factor not on certificate
                                     9       ...  Factor not classifiable
       225            1            ANEMIA
                                   Anemia (Hct.<30/Hgb.<10)
       226            1            CARDIAC
                                   Cardiac disease
                                                                                                   227               1            LUNG
                                   Acute or chronic lung disease
       228            1            DIABETES
       229            1            HERPES
                                   Genital herpes
       230            1            HYDRA
       231            1            HEMO
       232            1            CHYPER
                                   Hypertension, chronic
       233            1            PHYPER
                                   Hypertension, pregnancy-associated
       234            1            ECLAMP
       235            1            INCERVIX
                                   Incompetent cervix
       236            1            PRE4000
                                   Previous infant 4000+ grams
       237            1            PRETERM
                                   Previous preterm or small-for-gestational-age infant
       238            1            RENAL
                                   Renal disease
       239            1            RH
                                   Rh sensitization
       240            1            UTERINE
                                   Uterine bleeding
       241            1            OTHERMR
                                   Other Medical Risk Factors
       242-252        11           OTHERRSK
                                   Other Risk Factors for this Pregnancy
       242-245        4            TOBACRSK
                                   Tobacco Risks
       242            1            TOBACCO
                                   Tobacco Use During Pregnancy
                                     1       ...  Yes
                                     2       ...  No
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
       243-244        2            CIGAR
                                   Average Number of Cigarettes Per Day
                                     00-97   ...  As stated
                                     98      ...  98 or more cigarettes per day
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       245            1            CIGAR6
                                   Average Number of Cigarettes Per Day Recode
                                     0       ...  Nonsmoker
                                     1       ...  1 - 5 cigarettes per day
                                     2       ...  6 - 10 cigarettes per day
                                     3       ...  11 - 20 cigarettes per day
                                     4       ...  21 - 40 cigarettes per day
                                     5       ...  41 or more cigarettes per day
                                     6       ...  Unknown or not stated
       246-249        4            ALCOHRSK
       246            1            ALCOHOL
                                   Alcohol Use During Pregnancy
                                     1       ...  Yes
                                     2       ...  No
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
       247-249        2            DRINK
                                   Average Number of Drinks Per Week
                                     00-97   ...  As stated
                                     98      ...  98 or more drinks per week
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       249            1            DRINK5
                                   Average Number of Drinks Per Week Recode
                                     0       ...  Non drinker 
                                     1       ...  1 drink per week
                                     2       ...  2 drinks per week
                                     3       ...  3 - 4 drinks per week
                                     4       ...  5 or more drinks per week
                                     5       ...  Unknown or not stated
       250-252        3            WTGANRSK
                                   Weight Gain During Pregnancy
       250-251        2            WTGAIN
                                   Weight Gain
                                     00-97   ...  Stated number of pounds
                                     98      ...  98 pounds or more
                                     99      ...  Unknown or not stated
       252            1            WTGAIN9
                                   Weight Gain Recode
                                     1       ...  Less than 16 pounds
                                     2       ...  16 - 20 pounds
                                     3       ...  21 - 25 pounds
                                     4       ...  26 - 30 pounds
                                     5       ...  31 - 35 pounds
                                     6       ...  36 - 40 pounds
                                     7       ...  41 - 45 pounds
                                     8       ...  46 or more pounds
                                     9       ...  Unknown or not stated
       253-259        7            OBSTETRC
                                   Obstetric Procedures
                                     Each procedure is assigned a separate position, and
                                     the code structure  for each procedure (position)
                                     1       ...  Procedure reported
                                     2       ...  Procedure not reported
                                     8       ...  Procedure not on certificate
                                     9       ...  Procedure not classifiable
       253            1            AMNIO
       254            1            MONITOR
                                   Electronic fetal monitoring
       255            1            INDUCT
                                   Induction of labor
       256            1            STIMULA
                                   Stimulation of labor
       257            1            TOCOL
       258            1            ULTRAS
       259            1            OTHEROB
                                   Other Obstetric Procedures
       260-275        16           LABOR
                                   Complications of Labor and/or Delivery
                                     Each complication is assigned a separate position,
                                     and the code structure for each complication
                                     (position) is:
                                     1       ...  Complication reported
                                     2       ...  Complication not reported
                                     8       ...  Complication not on certificate
                                     9       ...  Complication not classifiable
       260            1            FEBRILE
                                   Febrile (>100 degrees F.  or 38 degrees C.)
       261            1            MECONIUM
                                   Meconium, moderate/heavy
       262            1            RUPTURE
                                   Premature rupture of membrane (>12 hours)
       263            1            ABRUPTIO
                                   Abruptio placenta
       264            1            PREPLACE
                                   Placenta previa
       265            1            EXCEBLD
                                   Other excessive bleeding
       266            1            SEIZURE
                                   Seizures during labor
       267            1            PRECIP
                                   Precipitous labor (<3 hours)
       268            1            PROLONG
                                   Prolonged labor (>20 hours)
       269            1            DYSFUNC
                                   Dysfunctional labor
       270            1            BREECH
       271            1            CEPHALO
                                   Cephalopelvic disproportion
       272            1            CORD
                                   Cord prolapse
       273            1            ANESTHE
                                   Anesthetic complications
       274            1            DISTRESS
                                   Fetal distress
       275            1            OTHERLB
                                   Other Complication of Labor and/or Delivery
       276-284        9            NEWBORN
                                   Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn
                                     Each condition is assigned a separate position, and
                                     the code structure for each condition (position) is:
                                     1       ...  Condition reported
                                     2       ...  Condition not reported
                                     8       ...  Condition not on certificate
                                     9       ...  Condition not classifiable
       276            1            NANEMIA
                                   Anemia (Hct.<39/Hgb.<13)
       277            1            INJURY
                                   Birth injury
       278            1            ALCOSYN
                                   Fetal alcohol syndrome
       279            1            HYALINE
                                   Hyaline membrane disease
       280            1            MECONSYN
                                   Meconium aspiration syndrome
       281            1            VENL30
                                   Assisted ventilation, less than 30 minutes
       282            1            VEN30M
                                   Assisted ventilation, 30 minutes or more
       283            1            NSEIZ
       284            1            OTHERAB
                                   Other Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn
      285-306         22           CONGENIT
                                   Congenital Anomalies
                                     Each anomaly is assigned a separate position, and
                                     the code structure for each anomaly (position) is:
                                     1       ...  Anomaly reported
                                     2       ...  Anomaly not reported
                                     8       ...  Anomaly not on certificate
                                     9       ...  Anomaly not classifiable
       285            1            ANEN
       286            1            SPINA
                                   Spina bifida/Meningocele
       287            1            HYDRO
       288            1            MICROCE
       289            1            NERVOUS
                                   Other central nervous system anomalies
       290            1            HEART
                                   Heart malformations
       291            1            CIRCUL
                                   Other circulatory/respiratory anomalies
       292            1            RECTAL
                                   Rectal atresia/stenosis
       293            1            TRACHEO
                                   Tracheo - esophageal fistula/Esophageal atresia
       294            1            OMPHALO
       295            1            GASTRO
                                   Other gastrointestinal anomalies 
       296            1            GENITAL
                                   Malformed genitalia
       297            1            RENALAGE
                                   Renal agenesis
       298            1            UROGEN
                                   Other urogenital anomalies
       299            1            CLEFTLP
                                   Cleft lip/palate
       300            1            ADACTYLY
       301            1            CLUBFOOT
                                   Club foot
       302            1            HERNIA
                                   Diaphragmatic hernia
       303            1            MUSCULO
                                   Other musculoskeletal/integumental anomalies
       304            1            DOWNS
                                   Down's syndrome
       305            1            CHROMO
                                   Other chromosomal anomalies
       306            1            OTHERCON
                                   Other Congenital Anomalies
      307-326         20           FLRES
                                   Reporting Flags for Place of Residence
                                     These positions contain flags to indicate whether or
                                     not the specified item is included on the birth
                                     certificate of the State of residence or of the MSA
                                     of residence.  The code structure for each flag
                                     (position) is:
                                     0       ...  The item is not reported
                                     1       ...  The item is reported or partially
       307            1            ORIGM
                                   Origin of mother
       308            1            ORIGF
                                   Origin of father
       309            1            EDUCM
                                   Education of mother
       310            1            EDUCF
                                   Education of father
       311            1            GESTE
                                   Clinical estimate of gestation
       312            1            R6A
                                   Reserved position
       313            1            FMAPSRF
                                   5 - minute Apgar score
       314            1            DELMETRF
                                   Method of delivery
       315            1            MEDRSK
                                   Medical risk factors
       316            1            TOBUSE
                                   Tobacco use
       317            1            ALCUSE
                                   Alcohol use
       318            1            WTGN
                                   Weight gain
       319            1            OBSTRC
                                   Obstetric procedures
       320            1            CLABOR
                                   Complications of labor and/or delivery
       321            1            ABNML
                                   Abnormal conditions of newborn
       322            1            CONGAN
                                   Congenital anomalies
       323            1            R6
                                   Reserved Position
       324            1            EDUCSMSA
                                   Education of Mother (Based on MSA)
       325            1            APIFLAG
                                   Race codes 18-68 reported (beginning with 1992 data)
       326-346        21           R7
                                   Reserved positions
       347-349        3            SMSARES
                                   PSMA/MSA of Residence (NCHS)
                                     Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas and
                                     Metropolitan Statistical Areas are those defined by
                                     the U.S.  Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as
                                     of June 30, 1990.  For New England, the New England
                                     County Metropolitan Areas (NECMA's) are used.
                                     Further back in this document is a list of PMSA's,
                                     MSA's, NECMA's, and their component counties.
                                     000          ...  Nonmetropolitan counties
                                     001-320 ...  Code range
                                     999          ...  Area of less than 100,000 population 
                                     ZZZ          ...  Foreign residents
       350            1            POPSMAS
                                   PMSA/MSA Population Size
                                    Based on 1990 Census county population counts
                                    1        ...  Area of 250,000 or more
                                    2        ...  Area of 100,000 to 250,000
                                    9        ...  Area of less than 100,000 or
                                                  nonmetropolitan area
                                    Z        ...  Foreign resident


    Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline for the United States
    The following pages show in detail the geographic codes used by the Division 
    of Vital Statistics in the processing of vital event data occurring in the 
    United States.  When an event occurs to a nonresident of the United States, 
    residence data are coded only to the "State" level; several western hemisphere 
    countries or the remainder of the world are uniquely identified.  Along with 
    the Division of Vital Statistics codes the Federal Information Processing 
    Standards (FIPS) codes are shown for several items. Both sets of codes 
    appear on the vital event public-use files.  The Metropolitan Statistical 
    Area codes are effective with the 1996 data year and are based on the 1990 
    To aid the user in interpreting the geographic codes, a brief explanation of 
    the codes and of the column headings/abbreviations shown on the following 
    pages are:
    State (St): Each State and the District of Columbia are numbered alphabetically. 
                In addition, several unique codes are used to identify nonresidents of the U.S. 
    County (Cnty): Counties and county equivalents (independent and coextensive 
                   cities) are numbered alphabetically within each State.
    P/MSA: Primary metropolitan statistical areas and metropolitan statistical 
           areas are those established by the U.S. Office of Management and 
           Budget (OMB) using 1990 Census population counts.  For New England, 
           the New England County Metropolitan Areas (NECMA) are used.
    M/NM: Metropolitan counties (code 1) are component counties of P/MSA's.  
          Nonmetropolitan counties (code 2) are not part of any P/MSA.                       
    City or place: Cities/places are numbered alphabetically within each State 
                   and identify each city with a population of 10,000 or more 
                   in 1990.
    P/S: Population size code for city of residence based on the 1990 Census.  
         Refer to the code outline given earlier in this document for specific 
         codes and meanings.
    Name: Each State, county, and city name is listed along with its respective 
          code.  In addition, places used to identify nonresidents of the U.S. 
          are also listed along with their codes.
    FIPS: For an explanation of FIPS codes, reference should be made to various 
          National Bureau of Standards (NBS) publications.
    So! How do I find Yavapai county, Arizona; or Tupelo city, Mississippi?  
    Since counties and cities/places are numbered within State, the State and 
    county or the State and city/places codes must be used to select these areas.  
    It is most helpful if the county is known when looking for a particular city 
    since areas are shown by State, county, and city.
    Yavapai county, Arizona - State and county codes NCHS: 03 014; FIPS: 04 025.
    Tupelo, Mississippi - State and city/place codes NCHS: 25 032; FIPS: 28 74840; 
    or State, county, city/place codes
    NCHS:  25 041 032; FIPS: 28 081 74840.
    Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and 
    The following pages show in detail the geographic codes used by the Division 
    of Vital Statistics in the processing of vital event data occurring in Puerto 
    Rico, the Virgin Islands, or Guam.  When an event occurs to a nonresident of 
    these areas, residence data are coded only to the "State" level; each U.S. 
    state, several western hemisphere countries or the remainder of the world are 
    uniquely identified.  Along with the Division of Vital Statistics codes, the 
    Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes are shown for several 
    items.  Both sets of codes appear on the vital event public-use files. Codes 
    are effective with the 1994 data year and are based on results of the 1990 
    To aid the user in interpreting the geographic codes, a brief explanation 
    of the codes and of the column headings/abbreviations shown on the following 
    pages are:
    Puerto Rico:
     State (St): Puerto Rico has its own unique code. In addition, several unique 
                 codes are used to identify nonresidents of Puerto Rico.
     County (Cnty): Each municipio (county equivalent) is numbered alphabetically.
     P/MSA: Primary metropolitan statistical areas and metropolitan statistical 
            areas are those established by the U.S. Office of Management and 
            Budget (OMB) using 1990 Census population counts.  
     M/NM: Metropolitan counties (code 1) are component counties of P/MSA's.  
           Nonmetropolitan counties (code 2) are not part of any P/MSA.
     City or Place: No city/places in Puerto Rico are identified.
     Name: Puerto Rico and each municipo are listed along with their respective 
           codes.  In addition, places used to identify nonresidents of Puerto 
           Rico are also listed along with their codes.
     FIPS: For an explanation of FIPS codes, reference should be made to various 
           National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publications.
    Virgin Islands:
     State (St): The Virgin Islands has its own unique code. In addition, several 
                 unique codes are used to identify nonresidents of the Virgin Islands.
     County (Cnty): Several Islands (county equivalent) are numbered alphabetically.
     P/MSA: None are identified in the Virgin Islands.  
     M/NM: No metropolitan areas are identified for the Virgin Islands.
     City or Place: City/places are numbered alphabetically within each State and 
                    identify each city with a population of 10,000 or more in 1990.
     P/S: Population size code for city of residence based on the 1990 Census.  
          Refer to the code outline given earlier in this document for specific 
          codes and meanings.
     Name: The Virgin Islands as a whole and several islands are listed along 
           with their respective codes.  In addition, places used to identify 
           nonresidents of the Virgin Islands are also listed along with their 
     State (St): Guam has its own unique code. In addition, several unique codes 
                 are used to identify nonresidents of Guam.
     County (Cnty): None are identified in Guam
     P/MSA: None are identified in Guam.  
     M/NM: No metropolitan areas are identified for Guam.
     City or Place: None are identified in Guam.
     P/S: No population size groups are identified for Guam.
     Name: Guam as a whole is listed along with its respective code.  In addition,
           places used to identify nonresidents of Guam are also listed along with 
           their codes.

    This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007