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Last Updated April 29, 2004

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CTD is the largest object that is submerged in water for the research being conducted on the ship CTD is the largest object that is submerged in water for the research being conducted on the ship, and it's always kind of cool to watch it rise out of the ocean, with water pouring off its sides, until it finally comes to a rest on the ship's deck. CTD is the largest object that is submerged in water for the research being conducted on the ship, and it's always kind of cool to watch it rise out of the ocean, with water pouring off its sides, until it finally comes to a rest on the ship's deck.
CTD is the largest object that is submerged in water for the research being conducted on the ship, and it's always kind of cool to watch it rise out of the ocean, with water pouring off its sides, until it finally comes to a rest on the ship's deck.
CTD is the largest object that is submerged in water for the research being conducted on the ship

Today I am sending more CTD pictures. The CTD is the largest object that is submerged in water for the research being conducted on the ship, and it's always kind of cool to watch it rise out of the ocean, with water pouring off its sides, until it finally comes to a rest on the ship's deck. If you make a little book out of the pictures I am sending today, and you flip the pages really fast, it will be just like you're here with me on the ship watching!

Note for educators: Although Jennifer and Jane's reseearch cruise ended, the EPIC research continues. Please use this web site, Jennifer and Jane's lesson plans, daily logs, the videos, and the photos to educate your students about climate, El Niño, and scientific research in general.

Consider this web site, as well as the TAO web site, a resource for teaching your students.

Many organizations and countries are involved in funding the EPIC Experiment. Primary U. S. funding is provided by The National Science Foundation and The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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