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National Weather Radar Testbed Usage Policy

Access to the NWRT is available to scientists and engineers nationwide for qualified and approved data collection experiments. Proposals will be reviewed by the NWRT Assessment Panel (NAP) with input from the NWRT Staff to judge appropriateness, technical feasibility, resource requirements, and operational requirements. The NAP will meet twice a year to review proposals for the Spring/Summer season and the Fall/Winter season. They will recommend whether each proposal will be accepted or rejected and will provide guidance in regards to priority between proposals competing with similar data collection requirements. Costs for using the NWRT facility and/or engaging NWRT technical staff to support your project will be assessed on a cost recovery basis. It is expected these costs will be minimal for current NWRT collaborators and partners. Others should expect to provide complete cost recovery funding for use of the NWRT and support.

The next access to the NWRT for data collection is scheduled for the Fall-Winter 2007-2008 time period. The deadline for proposal submissions has yet to be determined. This webpage will be updated once the deadline date is known.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal requesting access to the NWRT, please complete the “Request to Use” form.