PMEL ImmersaDesk tours NOAA Research

Immersive virtual environments allow the user to view, navigate and interact with physical oceanographic and meteorological data in 3D stereographic projections. As NOAA's first ImmersaDesk deployment, PMEL is serving as a testbed within NOAA, taking the ImmersaDesk on a road tour of NOAA Research Laboratories.

Boulder Laboratories
Boulder, CO, June 17-28, 2002

Including a demonstration for Deputy Secretary of Commerce Samuel W. Bodman

Boulder Laboratories Image Gallery


Cable 2002 Known as The National Show, Cable 2002 is "the cable and telecommunications most prestigious convention", featuring the industry's leaders and educational sessions.
New Orleans, LA, May 5-8, 2002.

The NOAA booth featured the ImmersaDesk with a visualization of a Category 3 hurricane striking New Orleans. The visualization included local topography and modeled hurricane and storm surge data.

Click to animate
Category 3 hurricane striking New Orleans

National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)
Norman, OK, February 6 - 8 and February 11 - 15, 2002
NSSL Image Gallery

ImmersaDesk used to brief President Bush on El Niño

Silver Spring, MD, February 14, 2002

Atlantic Oceanograhic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML)

Miami, FL, January 22-31, 2002
AOML Image Gallery
  • PMEL's Virtual Reality Laboraotry, worked closely with AOML scientists and technical staff to develop visualizations of AOML datasets, installed visualization software, provided direction to additional visualizations resources, giving AOML researchers an opportunity to view their own data on the ImmersaDesk. . ImmersaDesk demonstrations generated considerable excitement amongst scientists from AOML, Fisheries, and the Uiversity of Miami vying for 3D glasses and arguing about the science.
  • January 28, 2002: AOML Open House and ImmersaDesk demonstration
    Virtual Reality in Oceanography (HTML and PowerPoint)

NOAATech 2002 Expo
Silver Spring, MD, October 23 - 25, 2001

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