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Security Spotlight

The Layers of Robust SecurityConclusion

While security of the nation’s nuclear power plants has always been a top priority, the NRC has responded to today’s threat environment with heightened scrutiny and increasingly stringent requirements. NRC-regulated nuclear facilities are, in fact, considered among the most secure of the nation’s critical infrastructure.

The key is layers of defense. As a first layer, nuclear power plants are inherently robust structures, built to withstand hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. Additional security measures as previously explained are then layered on top. A final layer of protection is NRC’s close coordination with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), intelligence agencies, the Department of Defense and local law enforcement. This coordination is focused on building an integrated federal, state and local response to protect the public. The NRC Operations Center, at NRC headquarters in Rockville, Md., provides an around-the-clock conduit for information and coordinated response.

Together, these layers make a formidable defense – they provide a level of security second to none in the commercial power sector.

regulated nuclear
facilities are considered among the most secure private facilities.



NRC's Security Highlights

  • The NRC’s budget for nuclear security has increased more than ten-fold since 9/11;
  • The defenses of nuclear plants are being tested through the force-on-force program nearly three times as often as before and in a much more realistic fashion;
  • A NRC-DHS review of the nuclear sector has yielded additional improvements in plant security; and
  • The nation has substantially enhanced its system to secure risk-significant radioactive material.
    NRC Commissioners’ letter to DHS Secretary
    Michael Chertoff, August 28, 2006

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008