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Precipitation Analyses

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Analyses of precipitation data is under joint development by NCDC and CICS/ESSIC at the University of Maryland. Analyses of in situ gauge data and satellite-based data are being developed. Work has focused on three areas, as follows. One is analyses of satellite-based precipitation biases and uncertainty in detection of the satellite biases. Methods of detecting and minimizing the satellite biases were developed. Second is evaluation of Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) data, including evaluation of inhomogeneities and long-term changes in the data. Third is reanalysis of satellite microwave-based precipitation estimates using consistent algorithms, adjustments, and merging techniques. The reanalysis will use the must up-to-date methods applied to all available satellite data, to better resolve the daily and seasonal cycle without contamination from mixing estimates produced by different algorithms or techniques.

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Data Description

An improved hourly satellite microwave-based precipitation analysis will be available as a result of the reanalysis now in development. Other monthly precipitation products may become available as planned historical reanalyses proceed.

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Smith, T.M., X. Yin, and A. Gruber, 2005: Changes in annual GPCP precipitation (1979-2004). (Manuscript in internal review).

Smith, T.M., P.A. Arkin, J.J. Bates, and G.J. Huffman, 2005: Estimating bias of satellite-based precipitation estimates. (Submitted to J. Hydrometeor.)

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Dr. Thomas Smith
4115 Computer and Space Sciences Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-2465