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Vintage spacesuits in display cases and free-standing mannequins can be borrowed from the JSC Exhibits Program.
Name Photo Description
Apollo EMU Spacesuit in Octagonal Case Apollo EMU spacesuit

Self standing suited mannequin with backpack and caption in octagonal case with casters.

Display dimensions: 44" diameter x 88".

Apollo Spacesuit Mockup
(Maximum Two-Week Loan)
Mockup spacesuit with boots and gloves One mockup space suit with boots and gloves. This suit may be worn for display purposes. Please note that the helmet shown is a separate item, and must be requested in addition to the suit.
Space Shuttle In-Flight Garment Mockup One piece mockup space shuttle in-flight garment One piece mockup space shuttle in-flight garment. This suit may be worn for display purposes and should be dry-cleaned prior to return.
Space Shuttle EVA Photo Opportunity Display
(Maximum Two-Week Loan)
Self standing mockup shuttle EVA spacesuit on base

Self standing Mockup Shuttle EVA Spacesuit on base. The central portion of the backpack has been removed to facilitate entry of the helmet from behind for photographic purposes. There are built in steps provided at the rear of the suit to facilitate posing of individuals for photographic purposes. We request supervision be present during the use of this item to prevent undue handling. Photographic equipment is not provided.

Display dimensions: 44" diameter x 88".

Send questions, comments and requests about JSC Exhibits to Louis Parker. Please do not contact the Web site curator or Responsible NASA Official listed at the bottom of this page.